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Posts posted by Rade

  1. Real Clare was going to leave him and then D2 Clare showed up to the rescue fixing the marriage/Peters job by killing her double and even had a baby with Quayle not to mention she seen the security guy from across the street so he had it coming. If I was Quayle i'd be sleeping like a baby.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    I'm really not sure what the overall plan is here, but I'm going to engage in some freeform dissection of the plot up until this point:


    2c) Angel Eyes may or may not be dead, but it seemed very telling to me that Aldrich said they couldn't pursue him any further because he'd crossed the border. I'm guessing his goal was to make it to that halfway point all along; otherwise, Prime side could possibly have covered up the incident from the Other side.

    I assume he lives based on the fact that his side is medically advanced and he is wearing a backpack most likely containing a med kit to easily heal his gun wounds. Back when D2 Emily was poisoned she should of been dead but obviously not after ending up at the hospital. Both Emily's ended up in the hospital for the same reason but D2 recovered very quickly from a more severe assassination attempt. All of the combat trained prime characters seem to also be physically and mentally superior like the glasses agent easily winning the fight against Aldrich's man.

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