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Posts posted by Imamarshmallow

  1. Thank you guys for this podcast.  I am very sorry that we will not be moving on to college together next week, as I was expecting to. Veronica Mars still remains one of my favourite things on TV, although it seems like I enjoyed Season 2 more than you did.  I thought the overarching mystery was pretty well constructed with indications and clues spread throughout the season, even arguably making Cassidy a more prominent character towards the end of Season 1. 

    Here are some reactions in no particular order to things you had a problem with.  I think there is no doubt that Cassidy put the rat on the bus for the only and most obvious reason: to give "the rich kids" an excuse to not catch the bus home because of the stench. In his police interview, he said it was Dick's idea to hire a car but I think we can assume that Cassidy was an accomplished manipulator and planted the idea.  I think this is also proof that the plan was to do the bus on the way back.

    Cassidy was in anonymous communication with Woody and had commenced his blackmail plan.  I have always believed that Woody knew something was going to happen with the bus, (hence telling Gia not to travel back on it) even if he didn't know the details.  I got from the audio file that Veronica found that Peter and Marco, although they were planning "the outing of all outings", were still collecting evidence so it wouldn't just be the two of them making the accusations.  I think they went on that field trip to make Woody uncomfortable but weren't ready to confront him.  It's not a stretch to believe that Cassidy was stringing them along.

    Cassidy's blackmail plan was brilliant.  I think it's certain that he blackmailed Woody into ensuring that incorporation would fail, so Woody faked that whole scandal with the drugged-campaign-worker-scene knowing Keith would not lie down and take the blame.  The timing of it, on the eve of the vote, was crucial to incorporation failing causing Cassidy's carefully purchased properties (bought for bargain basement prices outside the incorporation area) immediately to jump back up in value.

    One of your criticisms was how could Veronica have been so sure it was Cassidy?  Firstly, she has a history of making leaps to assigning guilt and not always being right.  In this case, I don't have a single doubt that it was the chlamydia thing, based on the dolly zoom when she is looking at the photo followed by the smash cut to the bathroom where she has clearly just vomited.  Don't forget that there was still a mystery for her as to how she got chlamydia; she knew she hadn't got it from Duncan so that must have been a niggling question.  She was clearly uncomfortable when she read that Woody had been treated for it.  The realisation that she had been raped by Cassidy explains how incredibly upset she was before she had even confronted him.  I'm sorry that you think that undercuts A Trip to the Dentist.  I think it adds to it.  She had spent most of Season 1 believing she had been raped that night and she was right.

    As for Logan and Veronica getting together, I didn't need to see anything more than I saw.  That was an intense night for both of them anyway but then add to it that Veronica thought her father had died in the explosion.  The Pieta scene with Logan holding her, the mirror of the scene at the beginning of Season 2 where she was holding him, covers a lot of emotional territory.

    Regarding Mollymook, let me give you the benefit of local knowledge.  It's a beach-side town about 3 hours south of Sydney, and about 30 minutes south of a place where I spend of lot of weekend and holiday time.  I'm please to see that little Lilly was rugged up because early June on the south coast can be cold.  There may be days where it's warm enough in the middle of the day to take a sweater off but I have never swum later than April.  Duncan looks a little underdressed to me.  Another thing that I have always wondered.  If Duncan could so easily have organised CW to make that hit, can we assume that he is in contact with his father?  Thoughts?

    Was one of your criticisms that Cassidy was too evil and too much of a mastermind?  I think he was a Class A sociopath.  The victim of bullying at home and sexual assault as a child, he was presenting himself as one thing while hiding a cold and vindictive nature.  The first indicator was the ease with which he burned his father and manipulated Veronica to do it for him.  Until he oh so casually pointed it out, Veronica had not noticed that Kendall and the county assessor were swapping gym bags. 

    I suppose you could say that I have had to make a lot of assumptions with all of this, but that is one of the things I have always loved about this show.  It has always assumed that its audience can work stuff out for itself.  Maybe too much with this series? I don't think so, but it's just my opinion. 

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  2. I could be completely wrong about this, but I always assumed that Kendall went into Duncan's bathroom specifically to retrieve some Duncan hair,


    later to be planted on "the Oscar" used in Aaron's defence

    and that she was doing it under instruction from Aaron.  The sales pitch to Logan was a ruse to get into the apartment, I believe.  She gave up pretty quickly.

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  3. As a long-time lurker, I waited for someone else to post this, but I'm diving on in.  The scene between Veronica and Keith, which ends with Keith saying "I don't know how I'll ever trust you again" (one of my favourite scenes between them in the entire series, two fine actors absolutely killing it) happened just before the FBI arrived at Casa Mars with a search warrant.  There's a nice moment when the FBI open THE cupboard (where the hole had been) and KB's face registers, "oh shit, I forgot about that hole", then a flicker as she realises her dad has repaired it.  I heard or read an interview with Rob Thomas about that scene which says a lot about the strictures of making a weekly TV show and its non-linear nature.  Now it's a while since I heard/read this (I can't even remember which, it could even have been audio commentary on the DVD.  Don't judge me) but what he said was something like: he had been directing this episode, and when he directed that "you played ME, Veronica" scene, he immediately knew he was in trouble.  The actors had given that scene much more punch than he had expected, really lifted it off the page.  The next episode was already written and a lot of it was already shot, and he realised he had not revisited the emotions played in this scene because the actors had taken it to a level he had not anticipated. Thank you Sarah and John, I'm loving the podcasts.  They even inspired a binge rewatch during a recent bout of pneumonia. 

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