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Posts posted by fifty8th

  1. If Rhylee had not said Man overboard Ashton would have died because Lee would not have taken the boat out of gear, and Lee said in his blog and interviews at some point, yes she did not confirm it and that was wrong but I believe that was because she was onto whatever her next step was. I know people say she froze but I saw her asking for a life ring and preparing to jump in (starting to remove her radio and talking about getting in the water.)

    • Love 3
  2. 4 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    EXACTLLLLYYYYY! Krystal was a special kind of bitch I can only imagine what she did, someone needs to bring it. I bet Rhylee knows. We, you know, the royal "we" need to tweet her and ask. 

    I read she stole a cutout of Andy and the ruined it trying to get away with it.

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  3. 45 minutes ago, bref said:

    I would dearly love to know the story behind this: https://starcasm.net/below-deck-ross-inia-charges-dropped-drunken-arrest/

    He allegedly punched a cop and threatened his family and the charges were dropped? Somewhere Luann is steaming...

    MAYBE the new girlfriend paid his way out of it (would explain why he is with her) though it is more likely Bravo got him out of it somehow, in the end it is money or power/who you know.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, snarts said:

    Yes!  Didn't Hannah nearly get fired on BD Med for putting sparklers on a cake? 

    Yes but it may have been where it was lit ot whatever was the problem because the fire alarms went off.

    • Love 10
  5. Interesting Vanity Fair article that interviews Kate and wraps up the season, I found this interesting


    But Chastain has no idea which cast members will return for future seasons—she doesn’t know until she arrives on deck. If she had to hand-pick three cast members from the current season to return for the next Below Deck charter, though, they would be Ashton, Rhylee, and Laura—the last of whom showed up more than halfway through the season. “Josiah is amazing and super helpful,” she explained of her B.F.F. onboard, “but I feel like Laura and I only got to enjoy working together for such a short amount of time, ’cause she came late season. I think Rhylee started on a bad foot with Chandler, so I think she deserves another chance to have a season.”

    • Love 12
  6. Ross talking about realizing he loves wanting to get back with his Son's Mother is depressing knowing he ends up dating Miss Shame Cocoon. Unless of course it was all for show.

    • Love 19
  7. 3 hours ago, Jextella said:

    Good news.  I like Ross and think he's a nice guy.  Stupid mistake for sure, but a mistake none-the-less.

    I don't know the list of charges were pretty bad and I'd hate to think he got off because of who he is or who he knew. I used to think he was a nice guy, now I think he's while not an evil guy just not as nice as he puts on for TV.

    • Love 3
  8. 27 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

    If I got arrested for being drunk and threatening a cop I probably would wrap myself in a shame cocoon.  But that's just me ...  ;-)

    I think I read yesterday they dropped all the charges.

    • Love 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

    I have really liked Ross this entire season but his comment to Rhylee above is just gross. 

    Between this comment but more his arrest I wonder how much of his nice guy personality on the show is real.

    • Love 8
  10. 1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

    If you are making an allegation that Kate does cocaine, you better have pictures, video, or it came from someone unassailable like Amy, not two mouthy idiots who were never even decent at their jobs. 

    Thank you this is what I have been trying to say.

    While I can believe she could do cocaine only because anything is possible and I don't know her, I can't take Caroline's, Bruno's, or Roxy's word for it they all a had issues with Kate and character flaws that makes them unreliable. There have been many more reliable people on the boat some not even on Kate's side if they (Amy, Kelly, Ben, Eddie, Connie, Emily, Brianna, Baker, Matt, EJ, Lauren, Sierra) start talking I'll be more apt to listen.

    • Love 4
  11. So repeating what someone else who had a beef with Kate said because you have a beef with her is ok? If she did not see Kate do it or have proof she does it and goes ahead and says that she does it, it is a lie meant to get back at her. People can speculate all they want but until someone presents proof it is just someone trying to hurt her reputation either because they have a real beef with her (Rock, Caroline and so on) or someone who for whatever reason does not like her.

    Caroline's out of the blue apology could stem from her getting legal push back on her comments.

    • Love 12
  12. I think it is Caroline’s instability that is keeping her from the reunion. That and the fact she can’t seem to tell the truth. As bad as Rocky was she did not seem to have a mental illness. Rocky was sane and seeing her act out was entertaining, same when if it comes to Laura but, It is not entertaining to watch someone with a real problem lose their mind on TV.

    • Love 9
  13. 11 hours ago, snarts said:

    Caroline wasn't bullied. She couldn't do her job, then she quit and refused to leave. 

    I really don't see the bullying either, I mean yes they talked behind her back I don't consider that bullying and half the time she took whatever they said the wrong way anyway. The radio could be considered bullying I suppose if not for the fact she had locked the door and refused to leave and could have opened it and turned it the radio off at any time. Other than that Kate was more patient than normal and more I feel I would have been able to be, up until she quit. 

    Caroline has said they said mean things to her in the end but without anything to prove it I find it hard to believe anythings she says considering all the stuff she had lied about on camera that we could see with our own eyes.

    • Love 18
  14. 12 hours ago, Honey said:

    Do you happen to know what his full name is?  I guess it must be Harold Lee Rosbach.  He mentioned on a "crew tells all" episode that he got teased for his name in school.

    Yeah, I noticed the real writer's name after I posted.  I didn't feel like editing my post.  Thank you though.

    It wasn't that hard to find, google is your friend or really Captain Lee's website to be exact. It is on the about Captain Lee page, so it is not like it is a secret. His real first name is Harold (not a horrible first name to begin with) and there are a lot of people that go by their middle name for many reasons (Ashton Kutcher, Bruce Willis, Jude Law) it is not that uncommon.

    • Love 4
  15. 3 hours ago, langford peel said:

    Chef Ben is a case in point. He was arguably one of the top three stars of the franchise. He was even used to jump start the second series of Below Deck Med. Still his usefulness was at an end as his storyline was getting tired and boring. Isn't Kate's just as boring? Shouldn't they bring in some new blood to change the mix. Or is every season going to be about Kate bullying and getting the third stew to quit or get fired or melt down? How many times do we need to see that?  They have changed bosuns, chefs and even Captains. It is time to change up the chief stews to bring a fresh perspective to the franchise.

    So it looks like Ben's  usefulness is not at an end since he is back as chef on Med next season. From what I have read Ben took some time off from the show, he recognized how he came off his last season and needed to step away, that and contract issues.

    I think that is what it comes down to, people acting bad and seeing themselves acting bad and stepping away, Eddie was a mainstay then acted like an ass so he stepped away, Kelley came back was great and has declined coming back since, Nico was told he was going to be the new face of the deck crew and imploded in his second season, whether he chose not to come back or Captain Lee (who was not at all happy at the reunion) said no I don't know.

    • Love 5
  16. I liked Adrian in the beginning but he is starting to lose his luster, the way he shut out Caroline was the first crack, I mean I see why he would be aggravated but to just ignore her when they are supposed to be working together is childish. They Rhylee reaction was over the top and now burger and fries thing was just wrong, give them what they ask for if I asked for a burger and got lamb I'd be pissed, lamb is an acquired taste. Plus his flirting/sex talk is just weird. 

    Most ropes on boats are called lines, Ashton gets caught up in a line. 

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