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Posts posted by bamajen

  1. 52 minutes ago, Veronica889 said:

    I don’t post very much, but I really enjoy coming here and reading everyone’s hilarious and spot on takes on the explosive diarrhea that is Jasam. I can barely watch it even to mock because I find it so insulting. At this point I just find the writing for Sam/Drew to just pretty much be mean spirited. I know they want us to pretend we never saw Sam want a safer life, never saw her happy that Jason (Drew) wanted to build something just for them, never saw her finally get a backbone when it came to Carly I could go on but you can’t unring those bells and in trying to just act like none of this matters they’ve turned Sam into a walking insult. On top of that you add in the fact that Sam looked a heck of a lot more happy and lively when she was apparently not being her true self with Drew than she has in a years worth of scenes with her soulmate. I realize a lot of that is how KM is playing it but it’s glaring and ridiculous at this point. 

    Drew is just basically a non entity on this show. He had everything stripped from him and they have given him zero to build anything else. Why the heck is he still walking around with Jason’s memories? It’s asinine. 

    Lastly the fact that they won’t even allow Drew/Sam to have a friendship is just so much BS. What’s worse is they write things where it would make sense for them to interact and than refuse to write it. Shiloh is from both of their pasts yet it generates nothing. 

    I don’t post too much either, but everything you said is true and my heart is breaking.  They threw Dream and their fans away  for the most contrived mess I have ever seen on a soap.  Dream were a once in a life couple to a lot of us.  I am sticking in with Billy, only watching clips.  When he is gone, I won’t ever watch this farce again.   Jasam will never bring in any better ratings, but Dream would.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Yeah, that's just bizarre.  It would be one thing if Drew asked (though even that seems kind of weird), but to just be like "hey, lemme tell you about the night we banged and I got pregnant" is super creepy.  Especially because there hasn't been some special ~connection between the two of them up til now.  

    Since Oscar’s birthday is Oct 22, Kim is lying to Drew

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  3. 6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

    It's not like SBu is at all into this, either, and that makes it even more hilarious. SBu wants to win in that he wants HIS Jason to be the one to win Sam in the end to show BM and the show who the top dog is supposed to be, but he doesn't play Jason as having any real romantic interest in Sam until people tell him he is supposed to. Or show up for his kids until people tell him he should spend time with his children.

    People were so excited to get an unspoiled Dream scene.  My phone and social media lit up when friends called to tell me to watch.  Drew and Sam bring viewers to a dying soap.  I totally agree about SB.  Question is, does the show bow down to him enough to let him win, if the pairing is costing it viewers?  Most KM fans aren’t watching Sam forced into the pairing.  Dream bring excitement and the show needs all it can get right now.   

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  4. 1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    These writers are unbelievable. "Hey, we finally got Steve Burton back! Time to put Jason and Sam back together! We know all the fans will love that.  But wait, the two of them are a giant snooze who act like it's work to be in the same hemisphere with each other.  No worries! We'll just have everyone around them talk about how perfect they are together. Carly, you're first!  Hmm not enough. Enter Kristina!  Interesting... still doesn't really make them see passionate.  Let's bring in Spinelli and have him say that no couple who has ever loved each other could have ever loved as deeply as Sir Blinks-a-lot and Whispering Wind."


    Newsflash.  They are dull. There is no chemistry there.  Telling me over and over how they are desperate to be in a relationship and that they have loved more deeply than anyone in the history of bad writing has ever loved still won't make me care about them. Move on. And having the most obnoxious characters (Carly, Kristina, and Spinelli) telling me what I'm supposed to think is not ever going to work.  Why not throw Nina into the mix?  And I just know Sonny is going to weigh in before too much longer.

    Sam is acting out of guilt, not love.  

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  5. 11 hours ago, Linny said:

    It sure is something to see Kiki and Griffin being a mixture of bashful and horny in the fucking gym of all places like they're stars in a meet cute rom-com (pause for that reference to sail over Griffin's head) instead of a couple of lying cheaters. Does Kiki know he banged Ava approximately twelve hours after their amazing night together? Does she care that part of Griffin's "commitment to reconciliation" with Ava included telling her "I love you" for the first time? No, everything's fine because he was thinking of Kiki the whole time, my mistake. God, they suck so much.

    If I looked at the JaSam scenes in a bubble, the clumsy Lego metaphor of putting the pieces together for Danny might work. It's not sexy, but it is appropriately domestic for two people of Jason and Sam's age. But context is everything, and the bigger picture of Jason floating in to Sam and Danny's lives in between taking marching orders from Sonny will not ever work for me. He's not ever going to be a true partner to her or sacrifice for her or do anything that doesn't come at the behest of Sonny and Carly. Sam better get used to picking up those Legos by herself, metaphorically and otherwise, because Jason has shown us repeatedly that his number one will never be her.

    I believe they had to do this so Sam can start her re-evaluation journey.  She is supposed to talk about Jason’s dangerous lifestyle.  He will run to Carson when she needed him soon and that will help Sam in her decision.  Writer’s say don’t count out Drew, Sam still loves him.  I really see Dream back together one day.  Billy said in his letter to Kelly that he keeps coming back for her, in Kelly’s Tweet she talked about their journey and her IG said very good news coming soon.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Hater said:

    Monaco and Burton, especially the former refuse to play any type of subtext.  My favorite "touching scene" was at Jonah's funeral when the camera passes them, she places her hand on his arm and then takes it right off once they are out of frame. 

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    Maybe she'll be different after she comes back from the surgery because eventually that garbage pairing will happen and she clearly didn't get her way.

    I really don’t think they will put them back together.  Frank called them history in an interview.  Then said Dream still love each other and have a family.  

  7. 6 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    I agree.  Drew engages with people in a way that Jason just isn't capable, or maybe doesn't care enough to do. When Drew had just met Monica recently, she started to touch on the history of the Q Family. Drew said he would like to hear more. He cares enough to have real conversations with people, to be polite/kind to Alexis even when he and her daughter have broken up, and to still want to spend time with Jake if and when Jake calls him.  Contrast that with Jason being so nonchalant about seeing his mother Monica for the first time after five years, being rude/dismissive to his first love's parent(s),  making the minimum effort to bond with his sons, and giving off a "I can't be bothered with you" vibe to all but a handful of people. 

    This is exactly why I just can’t see Sam going back to Jason.  He does not fit into her life anymore.  He really doesn’t fit anywhere on the canvas, but they keep inserting him into everyone’s stories.  His episode count is insane.  I loved your thoughts on Drew’s personality and how it came out even before he got Jason’s memories.  I guess we will know soon if Billy is leaving.   

    • Love 2
  8. 11 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

    I think Sonny's paranoia and frantic efforts to remove or protect the burial will undo him in the end. Others' attention will be drawn to it and get him into trouble.

    Just keep Jason busy with him and miles away from Sam!

    • Love 6
  9. I have never felt so betrayed by a soap in many years of viewing.  My fave, Sam went under the bus again for Borgyman.  3 1/2 years of loving Drew and Sam gone in one episode.  SBu must really have some power at that studio.

    • Love 15
  10. 17 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Except this sort of makes me want to aww and think of him as such a sweet little boy. Jason's just annoying. 


    I'm pretty sure that's Oscar's default setting.




    You just have to laugh at this point. Self-awareness, thy name is not Jason. And worse is the Jason/Sam shippers who I see parroting this bullshit narrative and rewrite online. Yes, Sam who after getting a bullet in her stomach went literally begging Jason to take her back after he oh so "nobly" broke up with her for her safety. Because again, much like giving up his rights to his kid, it's not like he can actually gasp, you know, choose them over his loyalty to Sonny. 

    Sam was so pathetic over Jason that it's what led to the brutally harsh conversation with Alexis where Alexis called her pathetic and sad. But yes it is Drew who has taken away Sam's agency and controls her. Blegh, whatever. I'd rather the writers just stick to the, "Sam thought her husband was dead, then she thought he was a guy who is really someone else, but now her real husband is back and so she's going back to him. Sucks for Drew but not Sam's fault or anyone's fault really, just how the situation happened".

    But trying to suddenly make it seem like Drew and Sam's relationship was somehow unhealthy for Sam is some straight up fucking bullshit. Before Steve Burton slithered back onto the show since he flopped on Y&R, Sam and "Jason" were probably the healthiest that relationship had ever been. 

    The reason they are parroting it is because the writers used Twitter posts for their dialogue.   Jason said verbatim what many tweeters wrote.

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  11. New poster

    I feel really bad for Kelly in this storyline.  I know she loves working with Billy.  If you listen to Billy talk, you can see her adores her and credits her with his Emmy nod.  They want to work together, that is why he decided to stay with the show.  Their chemestry is unreal.  With Killy, this is a huge part of their lives.  Working as a team. For Steve, it is a job.  Which is fine, he has three kids and a nice lifestyle out of it.   I think Dream are endgame, but boy is it painful to get there.  

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