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Posts posted by Jets4274

  1. So, either Jen’s husband is one of those that gets off on having a crazy-ass wife, he’s crazy himself or he chooses to ignore her behavior because he’s scared of her.  In any case, he needs to wake up.  Unless she plans on getting on a good prescription med regimen to help get herself together, there’s no hope for her.  They’ve helped me and a lot of other people.

    And her behavior is not a good look for her marketing career, or whatever she does for a living.  The Shah squad might have to look for new employment after this season.

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  2. Something random that stuck out to me was how the word “calendar” was misspelled on that huge chart from the puppy trainer - it was written as “calender” in big, bold letters at the top. Probably not a big deal to anyone but myself but I would think that a professional service that caters to the well-to-do would as least spellcheck.

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  3. Stassi is a pain in my ass.  Yes, she's matured a lot (thank God) since Season 1 but her constant badgering of Beau to put a ring on it is annoying - whether it's just for the storyline or not.  Yes, he's sweet but comes across weak AF.

    3 hours ago, Emmeline said:

    Dear lord, grow the f-up and stop this junior high behavior.  

    It's what I like to call "Save By The Bell shit."  Kristin is far from perfect but Katie in particular needs to grow a heart.  She's, as Rick James once said, cold-blooded.  Not condoning Schwartz going off on her the way he did but think that it was the result of a lot of pent-up resentment.  If the viewers can't stand her, can only imagine how she is off-camera.

    Could give two damns about any of the new people who were obviously brought in to add some storylines to what's becoming "Bridezillas - LA Edition" but Dayna seems to be the most real of any of them.

    I feel bad for Scheana but she does need to grow up a bit and stop acting so desperate on national TV.  Would think that there are plenty of guys she can chase outside of SUR.

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  4. Only those of us who've suffered from severe depression can understand how Ariana feels.  I hope that she continues to get all of the love and support she needs.  Sandoval can be a pain to watch at times but he seems like a genuinely nice and caring person.

    Jax is an asshole.  He could have at least made Schwartz his best man but instead chose Randall who's a "great friend" because he's flown him on a private jet to exotic vacation destinations?  Pul-lease. Lala must feel like shit talking about Ariana to later understand where those mixed emotions stemmed from. 

    Can't help but think that Jax is on some chemical substance at times such as at that dinner.  His eyes seem to bug out and he goes off for no reason.  And Brittany is just plain annoying. Getting too big for her britches, I think. 

    • Love 16
  5. I’m late to the game here but my god, WTF Leanne?  What she did to that dress designer was completely screwed.  She makes some $$ from being on the show so don’t tell me thst she can’t afford a $10k dress.  Over her self-pitying shit and her complaints about literally everything on the trip.  Can’t stand her this season thus far.

    Love Stephanie.  Goes to show that you can have it all but if you are clinically depressed, it is what it is.  I admire her for opening up about her story.

    D’Andra was dumb to skip the Travis meeting for a hair emergency.  Like how her husband called her out on her shit.

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  6. Brooklyn is essentially a mini-Brandi and only Brandi would find her behavior the least bit entertaining because she see’s so much of herself in her daughter.  Not a good look for either of them.

    It continues to amaze me how women like Katy can land men like Eduardo.  She wouldn’t allow him to even order food but he tolerates her behavior - and perhaps even likes it.  

    • Love 19
  7. 2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    I don't believe Gina and her tears.

    I think she knew about the affair a long time ago and chose to try to keep her husband by having more kids.

    I think she is painting him this way on camera to try to get as much out of the divorce as possible.

     So Gina just had to air all of her dirty laundry about the affair on a TV show and not in private.  She was initially out to protect her husband but as soon as she knew that the marriage was completely over, she was out to make him look like complete shit.  He sounds like an asshole but much of what we’re seeing and hearing on-air is definitely calculated on her part.

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  8. Although Katie might not appear to be the most mentally sound of the bunch, she read the riot act to Ashley in the clearest and most articulate way of any of the other Housewives.  She’s far from stupid - 

    Definitely think she on something - perhaps anti-depressants mixed with something.  Don’t know if appearing crazy on the show will help her in her custody battle but perhaps it’ll make her a regular with a bigger paycheck next season.

    • Love 19
  9. Looks like Kathryn considered "evening attire" to be slutty lingerie vs. a dress.  It's not Southern Bellish - more Southern Whorish.

    Shep is an asshole and Craig is a dumbass.  Maybe they both need to take the time they're putting into messing with other people and work on their own lives.  It's such Save By The Bell shit.

    Cameron needs to chill on the Matul crush.  Had to own up to it with her husband knowing that he was going to see what she said throughout the season.

    • Love 10
  10. I can’t get over Katie and her horrible wigs.  She appears to have lost it a bit.  I think she’s acting up to be brought back into the show as a regular, even if it means appearing a bit loopy.

    Of course Ashley had a beard baby. No sexual chemistry w/Michael whatsoever.

     Karen wants to be the next Tina Knowles. 

    Giselle is so messy.

    Monique is the only likable Housewife.  

    • Love 16
  11. Kelsey is putting way too much pressure on Justin.  It’s not like they’ve been dating ten years or even five.  Says a lot that he’s open to them living together in his family home.  Kelsey probably went off on Tameka at the party because of her insecurities about living with him when his name is probably the only one on the deed.  

    I feel sorry for Jeff.  Clearly none of us know the real story behind their break-up but she seemed to have replaced a mature, manly husband with a goof.  As if she didn’t want the responsibility of dealing with grown people problems like the ones Jeff had.  He seems like a wonderful guy.  Hell, I’d get with him.

    • Love 13
  12. On 7/14/2019 at 9:26 PM, Bronzedog said:

    I don't understand why they brought Katie back.  She's barely conscious in all her vortexitude.  

    Her behavior is exactly why they brought her back.  It's clear that she's out of it, the cheap wigs being the telltale sign.  BRAVO can never have a full cast in any of the Real Housewives shows be normal AND nice.  Would be too boring for the viewers.  They have to include a least one bitch (e.g., NeNe, Brandi Glanville) and/or someone who seems off (e.g., Katie, Kelly Bensimmon) every season to keep people talking.  Not trying to be funny by saying this but Katie in a weird way reminds me of Kelly except Kelly was bitchy and crazy acting - Katie is a shell of what she was the first season.  Sort of prefer the earlier version who was haughty but at least came across as sane.  It's sad and uncomfortable to watch her like this. 

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  13. I think it would have helped Tinsley immensely if she wasn't somewhat wasted at the party.  All of the men appeared pretty sober, including the one Bethenny tried to introduce her to.  Lesson to self on what not to do...again:).  Thinking of how her relationship began with Scott, being shitfaced and making out with him makes me think that she doesn't see anything wrong with that type of behavior.

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  14. I think being in that mansion brought Luann back to what used to be her natural element: yoga instructor, chefs and house staff tending to her every need.  I think that combined with her grandiose delusions of being a cabaret queen (without a great singing voice), booking shows across the country is what's making her act like she's holier than thou especially on this trip.

    I do agree with her that Sonja has a drinking problem with Dorinda a close second.  To act up like that when you know that cameras are running and your daughter will more than likely see the show would be two big reasons not to be beyond a sloppy, falling drunk making out with literally everybody. 

    Haven't been the biggest Bethenny fan as of late but kudos to her for looking out for her friend.

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