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Posts posted by Richard

  1. 11 hours ago, Marisagf said:

    Richard, I would love know about the casting process.  Can you talk about that?

    I audition first by sending in a video. They got back to me within 24 hours and then I met a producer for an audition over Zoom. The audition was basically playing a few rounds of the regular game and of Winner's Circle.  These weekly Zoom auditions lasted for a few weeks, with various producers, until I was finally invited onto the show 🙂


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    8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    That seems slightly sketchy to me. It makes me think the game isn't entirely on the up and up. I assume there are times when things have to be re-shot or maybe rounds have to be re-run, and the show doesn't want the audience to know that stuff. 

    Nothing at all like this! Game shows have to adhere to very strict laws dealing with fairness, etc. Lots of lawyers on set to ensure everything is on the up and up.

    Honestly, I don't remember the details of what I signed, but it was mostly having to do with not spoiling the magic of what the viewer sees on screen. Nothing too outrageous. But because I don't remember the details, I want to be careful with what I do share 🙂

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  3. Clogs will haunt me to my grave lol

    I appreciate the feedback. It was so much fun playing and I definitely can't complain walking away with some cash and a vacation.

    I did sign a contract with ABC about not revealing too much of the backstage stuff, so I have to be careful there. What I will say is that everyone on set was incredibly kind, including not only the celebrities but also the producers and makeup people and everyone. I was there all day (without my phone) so I'm thankful for everyone's positive energy on set.

    I'd love to play again sometime, especially now having SEEN myself play.


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  4. 14 hours ago, peeayebee said:

    In the WC, Places You Find Clogs was tough. Richard started off wrong by saying, "A shoe store." The first thing should have been something like, "A gunked-up sink drain." Then I wondered if "A Dutchman's shoe closet" would have worked.

    Clogs was a SUPER difficult category. (Richard here, and I've spent the MONTHS since filming coming up with better clues).

    My big problem was that I knew they were a kind of shoe, but I was getting them confused with Crocs, and by the time my brain got to plumbing clogs, the momentum was gone.

    Jason Ritter and Jordin Sparks were AMAZINGLY kind people and I was so glad to be paired with cool celebrities who were having as much fun as I was 🙂

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  5. 14 hours ago, swanpride said:

    BLM felt really shoehorned in...I mean, more than usual. Everyone knows that people are told "now is the time to talk about X", but this time it came completely out of the blue. Not that I don't appreciate the message, but it came kind of from nowhere.

    This was filmed not too long after George Floyd's murder. For many folks, especially Black people, the emotions brought up during that time last year were raw and uncontrollable.

    I didn't think them talking about it was shoehorned. For them, they were talking about current events and the emotions that were and are still strong in them.

    I cried right along with La La because as a Black man I know that pain of discrimination, as well as the pain of not wanting to cry while talking about it.

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  6. 1 hour ago, whydoiwatchtv said:

    These women can NOT understand the 2-3 second delay and it’s hell for the viewer. 

    I actually think Sara handles the delay pretty well. She seems to know when Whoopi is going to ask her a question so starts talking likely as Whoopi is finishing to avoid any kind of delay.


    The crosstalk is a complete clusterf though.

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  7. 17 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    I’ve never understood the extreme stanning for Michael B. Jordan’s hotness—I always thought Chadwick Boseman was more attractive, personally—but he looked very svelte today in that white suit.

    I am not making any sort of personal attacks or meaning to start anything like that, but I would suggest rethinking this statement. 

    As a man of color, I've often had my looks compared specifically to other men of color. It usually doesn't sit well with me because it puts black men into a subcategory rather than us just being the default. 

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  8. 34 minutes ago, WonderWuman73 said:

    Hey everyone,  I got tickets to my 3rd show on June 10th. Fingers crossed 🤞 There’s another MM behind the scenes meltdown or on camera temper tantrum like last time. 😆

    We should flood her Twitter feed on June 2 so she's in one of her special moods on June 3rd haha. 

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  9. 10 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    Why is it such a common misconception that white privilege suggests that white people don't suffer hardships? At the root of it, white privilege isn't intended to diminish the hardships that any white person may face, but to acknowledge that their hardships are not in any way related to the colour of their skin, unlike other races who deal with explicit and systematic racism. You don't need to be ashamed or apologetic for being white in order to acknowledge that.

    I want to share this on my Facebook page! 

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    Oh for God's sake. Meghan very smugly said that the days of politicians coming on the show and getting a free pass are "long gone," and Joy said to her "they never got a free pass." 

    I've never seen any politician intimidated by Meghan and her gotcha questions on the show, ever. 

    You'd think Meghan would remember how the View co-hosts went in on her father during his run against Obama. 


    After all, (pounds table) SHE IS JOHN MCCAIN'S DAUGHTER! 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Aymery said:

    Why is it that only daytime's sole openly gay headwriter who is subjected to comments like this? The straight headwriters of the other soaps are also not averse to trotting out shirtless men as eye candy

    Ryan Murphy (of Glee, American Horror Story, etc) has the same tendency to get his young male cast as shirtless as possible. 

    As a gay man, I appreciate a nice male body, but at times, it can definitely feel a bit exploitive. 

    That said, I do enjoy that RC is playing up the homoerotic tones of Xander and Leo. That's an angle that rarely, if ever, gets explored on American television, and it would be a cool twist if Xander was at least curious, haha

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  12. 3 hours ago, Aymery said:

    Why is it that only daytime's sole openly gay headwriter who is subjected to comments like this? The straight headwriters of the other soaps are also not averse to trotting out shirtless men as eye candy

    Ryan Murphy (of Glee, American Horror Story, etc) has the same tendency to get his young male cast as shirtless as possible. 

    As a gay man, I appreciate a nice male body, but at times, it can definitely feel a bit exploitive. 

    That said, I do enjoy that RC is playing up the homoerotic tones of Xander and Leo. That's an angle that rarely, if ever, gets explored on American television, and it would be a cool twist if Xander was at least curious, haha

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  13. Paula Faris flatly saying that the character of Aunt Lydia is unattractive is an insult to Ann Dowd, who portrays the character, and is, in my opinion, worse than the joke Michelle Wolf made. 

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

    Well done, Richard, it took an "intervention" to get The Whoopster off discounting what those poor women had to endure.  I wonder how she's feeling about "Guilty x 3" the old bastard got last week???

    Thank you. 

    The only negative thing about making the video was the disgusting racists it brought out in the comments section. 


    As for today's episode, I'm extremely disappointed that Meghan wasn't there to "have words for" Kathy Griffin. I had the popcorn all ready! 

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