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Posts posted by poppysand

  1. 22 hours ago, vivianspoetry said:

    I thought Kelli should’ve announced the co-points right away.  It was kinda unfair to Amy to announce her as point, then drop the twist. When they announce the NFL MVP, they don’t call out one player, then announce that there is a co-MVP after everyone has congratulated the first guy. Probably just done for TV. 

    Absolutely. I, personally, didn't read Amy's reaction to Maddie being named Co-Point as bad or angry. I didn't think the "cute" (which she was just agreeing with Kash, really) was passive aggressive. I think it's very possible that she's just a nice girl who actually does think it's cute that there's a little formation twist and is sharing it with a friend.

    I obviously don't know any of that for sure, of course. She might've been pissed -- might've actually agreed with the cute, as a bite. Who can say, really. But, if she was, I think she sort of deserves to be upset? She was given this big moment where she gets announced for the spot -- they're pointing a spotlight at her and saying, "We trust you to lead this team out on that field." And then partway through, out of nowhere, they're just subtly like, "Btw, sike, you thought! You're sharing it. Hope that's cool, don't care if it's not." Which is a real pin to a balloon and all, more than likely, just because they thought it'd be good for TV.

    They should've just been upfront that they were gonna try this formation switch this year (which I'm not here for, but that's another story) and that two girls (not really the two I would've chosen, but that's another story, as well) would be there during the routine. Instead, suddenly taking half the the performance away from Amy, when she thinks she's just been singled out for this important spot and confidence to do the full thing, as always, kind of insults the both of them.

    • Love 9
  2. First off, I absolutely loved Evan's choreography. I feel like so many routines have been learned this season that didn't fit the girls, at all, that they just sort of clunked through. And this wasn't one of them. His positivity was so much better than anything else, as well. When absolutely all of the girls are commenting on it, you know things are rough in there. They're like, "Oh my god, someone is being nice to us!" lol 

    Also, I stan him choosing Gina as point. We love a man with sense.

    Also also, how can DCC be anything but a stepping stone? No one's payed their worth or anything close to it, so it's not like it can be the ultimate final goal in life. Even if Madeline's dream of being a DCC is tied in specifically with her mother being one -- that's still dreaming of being a DCC. Knowing she wants to finish college and have a dance career outside of this doesn't mean that her wanting to be a DCC being bred from her desire to follow in her mother's shoes isn't good enough.

    Also also also, I'm sure it's not true, but during the spa segment it looked like the three of those girls had never spoken to each other before in their lives and that was the first time lolol

    • Love 15
  3. 18 hours ago, VintageJ said:

    Why even bother showing us the makeovers when everyone gets THE SAME DAMN HAIRSTYLE!   Every single one they showed all had the long layered cut, just different lengths and colors.  Why does Marshall and Co. need to come to a rehearsal to evaluate?

    Like, I knew they were joking about the pigtails, because obviously they would never. But, even so, I honestly kind of sat there and went, "You know what, go for it. At least it's not the exact same thing as every other exact same thing." 

    • LOL 2
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  4. I sort of find the idea that Jayln excusing herself for a moment (after she was technically fired from showgroup) suddenly makes her a toxic person. Like, unprofessional to leave? Yeah, sure, I can see that; if she's not supposed to leave then she's not supposed to leave. But 'toxic?' I find it sort of kind that, if maybe she was crying or something, she didn't make the success of the girls who did make it and the 'failure' of the girls who've never experienced making the group about her trying not to weep in the corner. It might not be professional for her to skedaddle out of the room, but it's kind of her to not ruin anyone else's (for better or worse) moment by trying not to have a meltdown on the side. That doesn't read as toxic to me, at all.

    Also, I'm mourning Shaina's strawberry blonde-ish. I thought her face shone out of it and the darker red kind of swallows it away.

    • Love 15
  5. I'm trying really hard to give Victoria a new chance, this year. But, she just leaves such a sour taste in my mouth, that it's really hard. Watching her do something generic and then have everyone respond like, "Oh wow that was the greatest thing my eyes have ever witnessed!" is just a rough thing to get through.

    • Love 14
  6. Watching Malena get eliminated was excruciatingly uncomfortable. I felt bad for her, in general, because clearly she just had a full blown meltdown. But, I can't get over how ridiculous it was that she was still there. When she made it clear that she was willing to quit her job for this, they should've let her go no matter how beautiful and sweet she is. It was so obvious from the beginning that, at least this year [though I suspect in general], her memory issues weren't a "I'll get it over time" situation. She just has a bad memory. And they knew already that she was benched on her last team for not being able to ever get the dances down. If I found out that a potential girl was a cheerleader in looks only and not in practice in her previous squad, because she couldn't remember choreography, when she can't remember it in my training camp either, I'd of looked at that more seriously than Kelli and Judy did.


    Also, am I crazy or is Taylor too tall for this uniform? It looks sort of awkward on her. 

    • Love 7
  7. I don't think my eyes have ever been drier at an elimination. If it really was "bullshit" to think she was getting special treatment One Sticker Victoria would've been eliminated weeks ago. I do think Tara had generally lost her spark, but the very idea that she'd be eliminated before Victoria is just so wild and it shows just how not bullshit that assessment of VK's personal standing is. She hadn't done a single thing in the entire training camp to be deemed remarkable. Her dancing has been uncontrollable from the start, she's been on watch for weight long before they plucked up the courage to admit to themselves and to her that she was, she's disrespected the staff, the group leaders have thought she's been an ambassador risk essentially the whole time, and even guests who've come in who said they liked her didn't give her a sticker.

    And don't even get me started on Malena. It's a week to the first game and she still doesn't even have the signature dance down .............................. like.

    • Love 12
  8. 23 hours ago, chabelisaywow said:

    I felt like she didn't have the heart to cut anyone that night because Sparky Polastri (sorry that's who he reminded me of - SPIRIT FINGERS) put a lot of them on blast. I feel like that it wasn't just Bridget who did badly.  That choreo was just way too intricate to learn in a few hours.  Unless - he really was just looking for the "gist" of the piece. It felt disjointed to me.

    I'm crying. I was trying to put my finger on who this "okay, we're gonna walk and point" choreographer reminded me of and tbh that's right on point lol

    • Love 9
  9. 'Wow, like, I don't even have the words to describe' ... how irritating it is that all VK got for just totally bailing on Jinelle is a little slap on the wrist. I know that Kelli told her they were prepared to cut her, but people like Madeline get essentially ripped apart for moving a locker or being defensive. VK just ... ghosting on the help that they wanted to provide her, no matter what her reasoning nor how qualified Jinelle might or might not be [and she was just trying to set her up with a nutritionist and have her see a doctor, it sounds like. like, oh how terrible] is so disrespectful? And the tone of that meeting didn't really feel like it matched just how disrespectful that is -- especially in comparison to how meetings go with other girls who've done something not even half as wrong.

    • Love 14
  10. I've never posted on here, I more just read through every week. But, Dayton's cut literally brought tears to my dry and heartless eyes, dear lord. Like, watching her devastation when there's about eight million other people that could be cut was legit sad.

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