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Posts posted by DzignerGurl

  1. 21 hours ago, BlueSilver said:

    I'm not the only one here that's a little teary, right? What a lovely wedding! Looks like Selena and Simone(?) were the only former DCC there. And no Thunderstruck...is that allowed? I mean will the marriage be officially recognized in Dallas?

    Nice video! Gorgeous and elegant gown. I always liked Yuko. Not the best dancer, but she was sweet and always looked like she was having fun.

    Also, I think having the wedding in Hawaii was a great idea, it's a great location for family/friends traveling from both countries.

    • Love 4
  2. 4 hours ago, KelliQ said:

    Truly shouldn’t have read these I suppose, but curiousity got to me when I heard I was discussed. I understand we pursue our dreams of being a part of the most elite cheerleaders in the world & with that open our lives up to everyone. I am very glad I did make it when I did bc I do think having a strong sense of self and maturity helps to deal with the amount of scrutiny and ridicule that comes with the territory. I know I’m not always going to be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s just preference, so I don’t really mind the inaccurate assessments of my character. Unfortunately with this situation, there are certain dealbreakers that are things he can’t come back from. I am not the one who plays a part and deceives people. Wish I had knowledge of this before but unfortunately I’m also not the first girl to find out the hard way. I will say I trust too easily and that can lead to heartbreak. I hope none of you ever find yourself in the situation I was in and if so, know your worth too.

    Please now, there are much happier and more amazing things to discuss in the realm of DCC. Yes, all of the girls are really that genuine and beautiful and talented. We are that supportive of each other and we do highly respect the organization and each other. 

    Team Kelli all the way. Know that you are admired and supported. 


    • Love 24
  3. 6 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

    Why would you want to eat in the same dining room where about 10 tons of testosterone sit every week? No thank you

    Uh... I might like that. 😉That actually sounds pretty good to me. Raises hand quietly.🖐️

    • LOL 4
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  4. 16 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:


    Take a drink (I just 'happened' to have a very nice chianti when I read it) every time the writer used the word Kalyssa when a pronoun could've been used instead. 

    • LOL 2
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  5. 12 hours ago, Erinbridget said:

    I've spoken to her and she's said she's coming back next year!

    I cannot love this post enough. I think I have a total girl crush on sweet, smart Madeline and really hope she comes back stronger than ever. I will absolutely be cheering for her 1,000%!

    • Love 22
  6. As much as I think Dorian is a very nice lady, I'm crying FOUL over the plates Dorian used. How many people have beautiful, clear, easily clippable/silhouttted pictures of our mother's hands that also happen to be strategically positioned to appear as if they're holding something in them?? 

    I did a very quick search on the internet and found a whole series of plates that look amazingly similar to the ones that Dorian claimed as being her dear, departed Momma's.


    Source: https://www.bernardaud.com/en/us/je-te-mangerais-dans-la-main-set-of-6-dinner-plates

    Methinks something is fishy from production (yeah... looking at your "raw" fish Nick). 

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  7. 4 hours ago, Agent Gully said:

    Rookies Shaina and Madeline S. are really beautiful and I hope both return next season. I thought Kelli was very rude to Madeline in questioning her if she really wanted to be a DCC. Madeline in no way deserved such harsh questions. Reminds me of the questioning Kelli did with Brennan before she made the team.

    I really, really like both of these ladies as well and hope they come back next year. They're both beautiful and appear to be very smart, caring, and talented dancers. I think they'd be amazing DCC.

    I was also shocked at how RUDE Kelli was yet again to a legacy that isn't the "Chosen One" and while insulting legacy Madeline, she also managed to get a dig in at another legacy as well.

    • Love 24
  8. 1 hour ago, Weeklydcc said:

    It's great that so many fans of other teams are DCC and MTT fans.  I don't think I could do that, though.  I'm an old timer.  This is year 41 of my Cowboys fandom and I've loved the DCC equally as much as the team the whole time.  Watching another squad would be blasphemy.  Kudos to those who can put their love for another team aside and just enjoy the show.

    I live in Pittsburgh and they don't have cheerleaders. However, I'm NOT a Steelers fan (they lost any kindness from me when they hired the puppy torturer Michael Vick), I am actually a die hard Green Bay Packers fan and they don't have professional cheerleaders either, so there's no conflict of me enjoying my "guilty pleasure" of watching MTT! 

    • Love 6
  9. Not sure if I'm allowed to link this here or not, but ProDanceCheer has some great stills from the field at Finals:


    I hate to say it, but VK looks really lovely (IMO).

    ETA: Sorry if these are old news! They came out while I was on vacay and I never must've came across them until now. 

    • Love 3
  10. My updated impressions on some of the girls based on last night's show:

    Kat - Still gorgeous, but way too OTT. Really bad kicks. Crazy about the disparity in her kicks, too. Shows bad conditioning/technique. Not sure she's one of my favorites anymore.

    Gina-Marie - Still cute. Thick/short legs. Memory issues. Still too young/immature.

    Meredith - Absolutely lovely technique. Don't like her vocal fry. Needs to exude more power in her dancing.

    Victoria - She looks better than last year. Appears to be saying the right things attempting to show she's a "team player," but still not impressed. Gonna take more to convince me that child deserves a spot on the squad.

    Chandi - Could have done without the so-so sob story. She appears to be a really lovely girl outside and inside. She catches my eye every single time and that's what I like. My current favorite.

    Kristen - Still gorgeous, too. Still a little soft with her dancing. Needs to project more power. Rooting for her all the way, though. One of my top choices. There's something about her that I really, really like and think that with more confidence, she could be a great DCC.

    Julia - Didn't warm up to her from her weather girl intro the previous episode, but liked her quick recovery on the kick line flub. Still comes off as cold and somewhat fake. Not sure how I feel about her. Need to see more.

    ULCA2.0 (Sorry, can't recall her name) - Cute as a button, but doesn't seem quite ready for this whole thing. Really adorable, though. Needs more polish, too.

    Karate girl (Sorry, can't recall her name) - It's not going to happen. Seems like a great girl, but was lost through the test dance and her lack of training/technique showed. Loved her sleek bob from last year better, too.

    Alexandra - Really lovely girl. Like her perseverance. Although, it seemed like Kelli has already nixed her in her mind, so if Alex is going to continue, she needs to figure out how to change that perspective. That's her biggest hurdle, honestly.

    Bret - Cute girl - other than her weird eyebrows. Her dancing was good. Seems like she's sweet.

    Lily - Didn't see much of her this episode, but she does look much older than her actual years. Needs to bring more joy to her dancing. 

    Malena - I really, really wish they hadn't brought her to finals. And, to call her LAST?! Talk about a MF on an already under-confident girl. Ugh. K&J can be cruel sometimes. She needs to just dance for fun. Her memory issues will hinder her chances on any professional dance team. I hate being so negative, but she is amazingly lovely and man, I'd KILL for her body, but them's the facts.

    Madeline S. - Quiet girl. Like a blonde shadow. Pretty in an unconventional way, but not quite DCC level yet. Needs more power. Needs to command attention. Needs a new hair color and style, too. Keep mixing her up with VK and that is NOT a good thing.

    Amanda - Teeny-tiny waist! I am still not a fan, so luckily for me, she was kept to small segments this episode.

    Overall... I was appalled by the lack of kicks and all the memory flubs with the routine test. Not really impressed with the talent (or lack, thereof) overall. Wondered how so many mistakes were made and they still made it into finals!

    • Love 2
  11. Here are my impressions of the TCCs that we saw last night:

    Amanda - So, so THIRSTY. Meh. Good dancer, but not liking her personality much yet. Fake it 'til ya make, right?!

    Kat - Gorgeous! Love her spunk. Want to see more.

    Chandi - Unique look. Love her warm eyes and smile. Want to see more. 

    Gina - Young. Come back next year stronger and I'll be on your side.

    Julia - Meh. Easy there, traffic girl. It's just traffic. Show me you can dance. 

    Victoria - Sigh. I really wanted to see some sort of redemption. Got none. Oh wait, she hugged a few girls and high fived them. What a team player! Put those boots on her now! UGH

    Lisa - Cute from the scenes of her dancing. Want to see more to judge.

    Lily - Girl after my heart with the low snark. Don't think she has the DCC look, though. Expect her to be cut.

    Malena - Gawd no. Just NO.

    Kristen - Looked very pretty. Want her to lose those false eyelashes though. Hope she makes it this year.

    Meredith - Seemed to be making a point to be "perky" as low energy was a comment on her last year. Need to see more of her dancing before I decide if I like her or not.

    Others... Haven't seen enough to judge from my couch yet. 😉


    • Love 18
  12. Really late to the party, but thought I'd share so I can come back and laugh at my choices down the road... 

    Love: Bridget, Caroline, Hannah, Ashlee, Brianna, Cianna, Jalyn, Alanna, and Erin

    Like: Heather, Molly, Amber, Brennan, Taylor, Gina, and Amy

    Never Really Catch My Eye: Alexis, Madeline, Rachel A, Tess, Lexie, Maddie, and Miranda

    Wouldn't Cry If They Got Cut: Rachel W, Daphne, Savannah, and Christina

    I'm reserving my opinions about the current TCC's until I see them in action (yes, there are a few that are well known to us already, but will give each the benefit of doubt once the new season starts).

    To whomever started this, thank you! This was fun! 🙂 

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