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Posts posted by Boton

  1. 13 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    Am I the only one who thinks Maggie was being ridiculous: "you knew all day about Alex and you didn't tell me?"  It's not about you, Maggie! At all!  


    Mr. Boton and I both thought that Meredith should have looked at Maggie and said, "OK, so the next time you screw something up royally, do you want me to run immediately to the authorities, or do you want a few hours to try to sort things out and get your head back in the game?"

    Seriously, things seemed to have been handled in the right order, and there was no need for relationship drama among any but the primary participants (Alex, DeLuca, and Jo).  I know the cops had to focus on the crime first, but the people who were, oh, I don't know, DOCTORS, should in fact have been focusing on DeLuca until they knew he was treated and stabilized, and then figured out who needed to know what.

    • Love 3
  2. I agree, the later seasons were really uneven.  I think the House/Cuddy relationship kind of killed the magic for me, because, if you look at this as a Sherlock Holmes universe, this is the equivalent of Holmes dating Lestrade, which is just structurally wrong.


    That said, Wilson held my fascination until the very end.  For me, the House/Wilson interactions in "The C Word" were some of the finest in modern television.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you convey the idea of a platonic marriage.  I have never seen a more clear demonstration of what the words "til death do us part" really mean, and it nicely sets up the series finale.  I still get a little misty every time House tells Wilson, "You have everything you need, right here.  We both do."

    • Love 4
  3. Well, one thing to consider is that House could always establish a backlog of Vicodin, even though Wilson seemed to be his primary prescriber and I doubt Wilson would go over the suggested number.  Generally, you can get an Rx for about 6 Vicodin a day (one every 4 hours), although I think in extreme situations you can take 2 every 4 hours, so that would be 12 a day.  We almost always saw House take Vicodin in pairs; I don't think there were too many times he took just one.  Yet, his stashes always had those amber pill bottles, and they looked fairly new, so I think the bulk of his stash was acquired legally.  If most of that came from Wilson with the occasional pity-Rx from Cuddy or from the Team, then I assume the backlog was acquired because he took fewer than 12 a day.  Eight to ten a day would be plenty to sedate an elephant under normal conditions but probably what House has worked his way up to.


    (Note:  Yeah, I know most of this was probably just an artifact of acting choice and prop choice, regarding House always dry-swallowing two at a time and the stashes full of new amber pill bottles.  But I'm bored, and I'm a Sherlockian/Homesian, and I deduce things.  :-)  )

    • Love 2
  4. Jinger has been going on the road with her parents lately-----is she being shopped around for a possible courtship?


    In light of everything that's been happening with the family, I told Mr. Boton last night that, without question, I would write the check to pay for Jinger to go to a real college and study evolutionary biology.  TLC can replace all the family shows with a "Freed Jinger" show, in which we get to go shopping with her to decorate her new apartment and show shots of her in the lab, wearing a white coat and holding up a fossil, saying, "Yep, tests confirm it's 14 million years old." Then we can see her come home and luxuriate in making a Lean Cuisine for one and crashing for the night in her big double bed in her own bedroom.  


    C'mon, Jinger!  It'll be fun!

    • Love 10
  5. The word I hate that the Duggars use the most is defraud. WTF??? Shouldn't they use the word  tempt/tempted, as in if you wear clothes too tight you might tempt a man?



    I know I posted about this in the Josh and Anna thread, but yes, their use of defraud is not just annoying, but infuriating, because what it actually means is to steal what isn't yours by deceit. 


    Yes, agreed, that's what gets me about "defraud."  The word implies reneging on a contractual offer of something.  So, I want to sell my car, but I'm defrauding potential buyers if I don't disclose the fact that it was in a flood.


    It's particularly troublesome in this context because it implies that a woman's presence in society constitutes an implied offer to provide sexual interaction if she shows certain parts of her body, and that withdrawing that offer would be defrauding the men around her who might want to take advantage of the offer.  So, if I go out showing my knees, I'm implicitly telling the men around me that they may use my body for anything ranging from sexual fantasy to actual intercourse, and to later tell them that I won't allow that would be breaking an implied promise of access. The problem is not whether or not women wish to adhere to "modest" standards but that they are viewed as making themselves sexually available by their very existence.

    • Love 15
  6. The Today Show ran another feature on the scandal this morning.  They mentioned 19 sponsors have dropped out and commented that TLC's silence on cancellation is somewhat strange in this circumstance and may be an indication that they are negotiating with Jim Boob to bring back the show in a revamped version featuring the girls and won't announce anything until that happens or doesn't.


    In a completely unscientific online poll, Today show viewers feel the show should be cancelled outright by a large majority; 78% in favor.


    I think TLC needs to take this opportunity to reevaluate the purpose the Duggar shows have in its line-up.  I think they've had a lot of mission drift that needs to be addressed.


    I used to watch the shows religiously (very punny!).  I always thought any woman who willingly had more than five kids was bat-shit crazy, but I thought the purpose of the show was enjoyable: to show how an extra-large family handled their day-to-day living activities.  So, I didn't really think too much about whether the older girls were doing too much parenting of the younger kids, for example; I just enjoyed the idea that the actual parents only had four hands between them, so obviously you had to buddy your kids off and make sure any little one was holding the hand of someone who would be responsible for them not getting lost in public, etc.


    But then, the mission of the show seemed to shift to portraying how heartwarming this family is, and the implication seemed to shift to treating these 14+ births as something that just "happened" to the family, and look what good sports they are to take all this in stride and still be able to live their values of never using contraception or never letting an engaged couple be alone together.  I lost interest at that point, because the show stopped being sociologically interesting and started being annoying.


    If TLC wants this show to continue in some form past the crisis, I think they need to be very deliberate about what they think the show is accomplishing in their lineup, and whether other shows are doing the same thing better.  There are plenty of families whose weird beliefs make their lives difficult, and I don't need to watch the Duggars to see that happen.  So, I don't know what purpose the show would have for them now, but they had better be clear about it before they consider letting it continue.

    • Love 5
  7. I read Dad Seewald's article and i have noticed a common theme with most fundie's  posts. They mentioned that we all are sinners. I apologize for seeming ignorant, but why am I a sinner? I have gone over the past 40+ years of my life, and I seriously need an answer for this. What do they assume is a general sin that one commits? It really gets me down when they make a generalized statement that we are sinners. Why? Thanks in advance to anyone answering this


    Good answers in here.  I think I can add a bit as well.  The idea that we are all born sinners goes back to the idea that everyone is descended from Adam and Eve and has "inherited" the burden of their initial sins.  So, even when you are newborn and as blameless as you're ever going to be, you are still carrying enough inherited sin on your soul to send you directly to hell.


    This is a big thing when religions were developing their stances on infant baptism vs. adult baptism.  For those who practice adult baptism, they can argue that a person needs to have enough adult free will to accept the tenants of their faith before the baptism will really "take" and wash away the accumulated sin.  Of course, this was tremendously stressful in the days when infant and childhood mortality rates were so high.


    Those who believed in infant baptism developed the idea that a godparent could make the promise on the child's behalf, and the child could be washed free from this initial sin as soon as possible after birth, which was a boon for those who unfortunately would be losing children young.


    For some segments of Christianity, there is a belief that Jesus was born without original sin, or without the sin that is inherited from Adam and Eve.  There is then possibly the companion belief that Mary herself would have had to be sinless at the time of conception in order to produce a being that was sinless.  


    This all devolves onto fundamentalist Christianity and, specifically for our conversation, onto the Duggars because of the belief that, once you are washed clean of sin (either through baptism or through a later process of being "born again"), you are in a continual state of being exposed to potential sin and have no real hope of ever re-attaining a state of being sinless enough to go to heaven.  Only through a belief in Jesus as the Christ (with very specific requirements about your concept of him and your "personal relationship") can you go to heaven.  The idea is, Jesus died on the cross more or less voluntarily as a sacrifice to God in exchange for God forgiving believers of their sins enough to let them into heaven.  In this idea, Jesus becomes the literal (no snark intended) "scapegoat" for others.  

    • Love 1
  8. Speaking as someone who has worked in and consulted with higher education for 20 years, we are definitely in a transition spot when it comes to how colleges look at homeschooling.  Generally, most students who consider themselves "homeschooled" have completed some kind of official curriculum that has gained recognition in their state and so they have a "real diploma."  In that case, they are considered for admission just like any other high school graduate while having had the benefit of their parents' or family's guidance during their studies.


    For students who do not follow an approved curriculum, there is typically a process that may vary by university to assess their course of study.  Many of these students pursue a GED simply because it makes it easier on them to demonstrate their competency, especially when coupled with tests like the ACT and SAT.  Others may take an alternate approach by taking classes at a local open-access community college and then essentially "applying for transfer" to the competitive university of their choice.


    Having taught a number of these students over the years, I can say that I believe that there are far more intelligent and well-prepared homeschooled students than there are ones that are completely unprepared.  It appears, judging only from what we've seen on TV, that the Duggars are providing their kids with very little in the way of academic support and encouragement for intellectual development, opting instead to try to tick the boxes of mandatory education without allowing too much "pollution" from the outside culture.  In this, they are doing their kids a disservice, but they should not be thought of as an example of what homeschooling usually is.

    • Love 10
  9. Well, even though I think it would bore me to tears, I'd watch the heck out of an "Anna and the girls" oriented show, predicated on Anna leaving Josh and moving somewhere with her sisters-in-law or something similar.  One of the many, many things that bothers me about this situation is that Anna appears to think that it's some kind of triumph to stay with your husband, no matter what he does.  


    Staying with your husband in spite of the fact that he's picked up 40 pounds or developed a receding hairline and a bad case of ED is a triumph of valuing a long-standing marriage. Staying with your husband in spite of the fact that he's a child molester and you have four kids is a triumph of stupidity and lack of pattern recognition ability.

    • Love 19
  10. Here's what I'm struggling with:  Josh Duggar (and the whole family) is getting a bunch of much-deserved blow-back on this situation.  What he did was reprehensible, and we probably will never know all the details.  I'm not even sure I want to know.


    But, how can a person ever come back from this kind of thing?  Without excusing or minimizing the impact of his actions, he apparently did this at the age of 14.  Can he ever demonstrate enough public remorse to be allowed to get on with his life in some way? Should he have never married, never had kids, or never tried to have a job linked to his faith?  Even stipulating that there are some options for his life that he foreclosed upon with his actions, is there ever anything he can do to be allowed to be a productive adult?  


    I'm not trying to defend him or his actions, but I am trying to understand how to think about the idea that any actions taken or remorse shown aren't enough.  Can anything ever be enough?

    • Love 13

    The Duggars are repressed. They are not allowed to express normal, healthy desires in any way. That's repression. 14 year old boys are hormonal and are learning to understand what is going on with their bodies. Masturbation is a normal, healthy outlet for those feelings....


    Yes, there is this element to it.  I don't know exactly what happened; I wasn't there.  And I in no way condone a brother taking sexual advantage of his sisters.


    But there is the possibility that we are looking at a situation in which Josh is a victim as well as a perpetrator.  If he was raised to believe that every sexual question, every bit of curiosity, every uncontrolled or inadvertent erection, and every temptation to self-pleasure was a ticket to hell, then it casts a slightly different light on things.  What was presumably done is still reprehensible, but it might have been done at the hands of a scared, confused, immature boy who felt that he was already damned for a normal human response.  And that would add to the tragedy.

    • Love 7
  12. ASbsolutely wild theory:    JimBoob turned in his son in 2005 for something the rest of us consider normal, kissing, hugging, whatever.   Why?  Because it was another form of control of his child.   You behaved in a way that I the head of household consider wrong, now you must be punished.   Nothing happened because the rest of the world is sane compared to the Duggars.  


    I don't know what to think about this particular news, and I hasten to say that, even for people as batshit crazy as the Duggars, I'm not going to make judgments until and unless something concrete comes out.  No one deserves that, especially someone who was legally a child at the time of the "crime."


    But in general, what concerns me about this type of fundie is that calling the cops on your own child seems pretty in-character.  If you truly believe that any sexual experimentation is an immediate path to damnation, then it quickly follows that you have to do anything in your power to stop said experimentation.  I mean, these are people who believe that holding hands should be reserved for engaged couples, and that kissing belongs exclusively in a marriage.  And while I support anyone's decision to save some sexual acts for marriage, there's a difference between doing that and believing that any physical contact is literally the road to hell.  I can easily see someone like a family patriarch involving the law to stop his child from doing something sexual.


    Where I'm trying to be careful is by not assuming that (if indeed this even happened), that something that horrifies them would horrify me.  For me, it would take an actual act of pedophilia to get me to involve the law on my own child.  For a fundie, it may be a single episode of rounding second base.  If it's something like the latter, I won't be changing my opinion of someone negatively for having a normal human urge and emotion.


    ETA:  I feel constrained to point out that I wrote this post after it was released that Josh had underage interactions with a girl, but before I heard any news that it involved his sisters.  While I still don't actually know what happened, and while I'm still careful about any opinions I form about a "perpetrator" who was himself a child at the time, the new information changes my feelings.  Originally, I was assuming the event in question was more along the lines of experimentation between two young, non-related teens.

    • Love 6
  13. I hate Sherlock's relapse just like I hate Booth's relapse into gambling on Bones. But I suppose it's cannonical. From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes#Drug_use:


    You know, I don't care if it's canon or not.  I guess I'm either extremely internally consistent in my logic, or I'm a complete hypocrit, but I have different standards for all of the different incarnations of Sherlock Holmes.  And for this one, it will really piss me off if he's relapsed.  This is a tough, gritty Holmes, and this is the one that I most believe could descend not just into drug abuse but into street drug abuse and pull himself out of it by sheer force of will.  If they go with what I consider to be the tired trope of "drug abusers always relapse because the siren song of the triggers and bad situations is too much," I'll be very disappointed.


    I kind of want to see him sitting and being interviewed by Gregson about Oscar's death and saying "Well, in the past five years I've gotten two useless druggies off the street:  me and Oscar.  I'd consider that a good piece of work."

    • Love 4

    1.  There was a whole lot of displacement going on.  There was such an excessive amount of going back and forth.  I wanted more continuous, in between scenes where I could relax and simply enjoy the gang.


    When I first watched HLV, I felt it was very linear; I had no trouble figuring out what was happening when.  Then I got online and saw that a lot of people felt that there were unnecessary time jumps going on throughout the thing.  I don't know what my point is, exactly, other than to say that it scares me a little that I'm apparently screwed up in exactly the same was Moftiss are, in order for this to make sense to me. 



    2.  While I loved the idea that Sherlock loves John so much that he would sacrifice himself for John's happiness, and I think BC can do no wrong, I thought the way it played out was pretty maudlin.


    This is something I think ages well and improves on future viewings.  I felt a little bludgeoned by this point the first couple of times I watched, but after a while it made some sort of internal sense to me that, in the mind palace, Sherlock really didn't know what was going on with Mary, and he had every reason to think that his death could leave John married to a murderer and in imminent danger.  On the Appledore terrace, I think there were a lot of concerns there:  not eliminating Magnussen would likely result in Mary's death (Sherlock's friend, in addition to John's wife), because CAM would probably mess with her just to get back at Sherlock.  It would also destroy John, because he's very much in love with Mary even if he's still angry with her, and Sherlock knows this.  Then, there are the things that tipped the scale: When CAM says that Janine "makes the funniest noises" when he flicks her face, Sherlock's head snaps up, like it was another burst of anger for him -- he may not want to marry Janine, but he doesn't want her hurt.  And then Mycroft's copters arrive, and Sherlock knows that his being arrested for giving away state secrets in the form of Mycroft's laptop would destroy Mycroft's professional reputation.  So I think there's a lot more going on in that final scene than just wanting to protect John.

    • Love 4
  15. I loved this episode, partly because I like Sherlock Holmes stories of all incarnations more for the Holmes-Watson relationship than I do the cases.  Once they killed off Mary Morstan (I never bothered to even learn the boyfriend's name -- just Mary Morstan does it for me), it was time for Watson to come back home to Holmes and reform the unstoppable duo.  


    I feel like a lot of times Watson isn't written as Watson, if that makes sense.  Sometimes it feels like she's written as just another one of the many people that Sherlock could be solving crimes with.  But get her back in the brownstone without the distraction of another job or a significant other, and Moriarty back on the radar, and that's a Holmes/Watson story!  



    Suppose this show had gone with Sherlock in wheelchair.  Say setting it past some version "Reichanbach Falls" where he broke his spine beating Morarity.  Would you complain about being tired of him in the wheelchair and say that the show needs to have him walking with a limp having beaten his crippling with "mental discipline?"

    No, it's not the same thing, but the point remains.  Mental difficulties, including addictions, are real things.  You don't beat them with "willpower" or at least not with willpower alone.  It's not going to work to tell an agorophobic to "just gut through it and go outside" than it will to tell a double leg amputee to "just stand up and walk."


    Actually, I would find that set-up fairly interesting.  But for me, you have two different set-ups there.


    One is, hypothetical-Sherlock is a double amputee, in a wheelchair for life.  Non-negotiable, plus or minus prosthetics.  He has to deal with the real, physical effects of his injury.  He could conceivably say that he's achieved all of the benefit he can from a support group and/or physical therapy and devise his own way of remaining as mobile as possible.  I've read stories of people using their own yoga practice for this sort of thing.  He could break free from a structured recovery environment and take his own path.


    But what if the injury had both a physical and a psychological component.  I'm thinking of what they used to call a spinal "bruise" in WWI, and I don't know what that would correspond with today.  But once the physical injury has healed, he could still fear going down stairs unassisted, or being on his feet for a long time.  That's a psychological component.  It doesn't make it not real, but he could address the physical components with physical therapy and the psychological components with psychological therapy.  And that mental work doesn't have to be in a group-counseling, 12-step setting.  


    That's what I'd like to see here.  I'd like to postulate that this Sherlock has made it through the biochemical impact of heroine, and now he needs to keep away from it.  There's nothing that says that he has to go to an AA/NA meeting to do so, or that he has to abstain from every other chemical on the planet to be clean from heroin.

    • Love 3


    The AA conceit is wearing on me. It is not the only solution for addicts and is quite harmful to some (lack of anonymity, as we've seen, for one). The insistence on the belief of a higher power. Also the concept that all drugs are equally bad. Sherlock's problem was with heroin, not alcohol or marijuana. One has little to do with the other, in most cases.


    I am confused by this.  Years ago, I remember Lawrence Taylor saying, after he got sober from cocaine, that he decided to have a glass of wine and within a week was doing cocaine again.  Sure Sherlock's problem was with heroin, but life can be lived quite happily without alcohol or marijuana.


    I'm not the OP, but since I have the same problem, I'll try to add some clarity.  It isn't that life can't be lived happily without alcohol or marijuana -- or cocaine, or caffeine, or sugar, or whatever.  It is that modern notions of dealing with substance abuse, as exemplified in this case by AA/NA, are based on two notions:  1) that the only sobriety is 100% sobriety; that is, no one goes to AA to make sure they limit their alcohol intake to two glasses of wine a week -- they go and count the days/weeks/years since they had a drop; and, 2) that everyone who becomes addicted to a substance is by definition an "addictive personality," and that this is bad, and that the person is in danger from every other potentially addictive substance out there.


    Maybe, for Lawrence Taylor, wine was a sufficient inducement to head back to his addiction of choice; I think I remember an interview with a performer (Elton John, maybe?) who said something very similar.  It's probably true for these people; it's also boring as heck to watch, and Elementary is supposed to be entertainment.  This Sherlock Holmes has a problem with heroin.  He beat it.  It's boring for both him and frankly for me to watch the endless stream of meetings and constant vigilance in "staying sober."  I want to see Sherlock only go to the occasional meeting, have a glass or more or wine occasionally, and generally have beaten his specific addiction with mental discipline.  

    • Love 3
  18. The AA conceit is wearing on me. It is not the only solution for addicts and is quite harmful to some (lack of anonymity, as we've seen, for one). The insistence on the belief of a higher power. Also the concept that all drugs are equally bad. Sherlock's problem was with heroin, not alcohol or marijuana. One has little to do with the other, in most cases.


    Me too.  And its not that AA/NA can't be extremely beneficial for some people; it absolutely can.  I just don't want to see X number of seasons of this show of Sherlock struggling with his sobriety and being pushed into an "all or nothing" position regarding any kind of intoxicating substance.  I think that takes the character too far from the canon rationale that Holmes would do whatever it took to still his mind when he didn't have something to apply his energies too.  I get it that this Sherlock had the complication of Irene's "death" pushing him over the edge with heroin, but I'd still like to see a more nuanced approach where there are substances he'll dabble with, just not heroin because that constitutes a "failed experiment."  Otherwise, this whole thing gets really tedious for me.

    • Love 1
  19. A lot of people have said Anna bought a diaphragm for Mary.  I don't think that's possible.  Diaphragms come in different sizes and need to be measured and fitted properly (or they don't work!!) by a doctor.  You can't go and buy one in a drug store, even today.  Would it have been realistic to be able to pick up a diaphragm in a drug store in the 20's in rural England?


    I also think it must be condoms because Anna said she wanted to go back and buy a dozen more. 


    On the other hand, I don't know what Mary thought 1 condom would do for a whole sex week. 


    I'm very confused.


    I'm not sure about rural England, but I believe diaphrams were already available in pre- and post-childbirth sizes by that era.  Which does present a bit of difficulty, because the town would know that Anna didn't have a child, so they would given her a pre- size.  Then again, all of these things were called "family planning" for a reason -- they weren't absolute, they were mostly meant to cut down the risk so that things got spaced out a bit.  The idea of iron-clad prevention was decades away yet.


    I'm still betting on a pessary, or a form of cervical cap.  Those don't (I believe) have to be sized, and they had long been available for support for women with fallen uteruses, although people readily discovered that covering the opening of the uterus did have certain other advantages.

    • Love 1
  20. I actually rather liked the build-up to Anna buying the pessary/diaphram for Mary.  Realistically, no one was going to sell an unmarried woman birth control, so Mary needed someone who was known to be married (and with a living husband).  That's also a good excuse for Anna to make the purchase in town; if she's known, it's known that she's married, and there's less chance of her being turned away.


    Of course, given the amount of communication that simply doesn't happen in this show, we can predict (no spoilers, just guessing) that last week's comment from Bates about the pair not having a baby yet combined with someone no doubt spilling the beans about this purchase will lead to Anna/Bates drama for the entire season, because Anna will feel like she can't betray Lady Mary even to her own husband, and he will be furious that she's practicing birth control (he thinks).  As if the pair of them wouldn't actually be comparing notes in bed every night about what they learned about their various upstairs charges.

    • Love 2
  21. Yes! That is why I didn't mind Sherlock's quiet, and a bit unsettling, almost(?)-blackmail to get the guy to take the site down. Sherlock respected everyone's sobriety enough, that he could've outed the guy to the group so they could collectively  decide what to do, if anything. Yet he kept it between the two of them and is wrestling with his trust issues again.


    I hope that he can work himself back to that level again, but if he can't, I hope he confides in Joan. He respects her skills and insights as a sober companion. If he feels he can't talk to her, though, I hope we see Alfredo. Surely, he can help our favorite consulting detective.


    Absolutely.  This has been my favorite episode this season.  I was actually cheering Sherlock when he got up in the blogger's face.  He probably feels like he stands out all the darn time, and the meetings were the one place he could just express himself and get something from it, and that trust was violated.  That's a huge betrayal, even if the guy had more or less good intentions.


    I didn't really (and still don't) know how I feel about putting the famous Holmes "give me work" speech in the context of an NA meeting, but I have to say Miller knocked the delivery of that out of the park.  Even with my dis-ease with the context, that might stand as my favorite delivery of that speech across the Holmes incarnations I have seen.

    • Love 6

    I have to say that I think that's something of an overstatement. I've watched all nine episodes numerous times, and I really, really, really don't see that--Oh, that Sherlock is fan fiction, certainly; even Mofftiss have said so outright. But homoerotic? Not from where I sit. And not from where the creatives sit, either: Moffat, Gatiss, and the actors have all said, more than once, that that is not something they see as part of the show's universe. So whatever you see--and all fiction interacts with its audience in unexpected ways, so it's valid for anyone see things that were not consciously put there--it is not ridiculous for Martin to feel otherwise, and certainly not scoff-worthy.


    Yes, I don't see it either.  But I think the larger problem that Moffat, Gatiss, Cumberbatch, and now Freeman are addressing is the tendency for some segments of the fandom to think they can influence Sherlock "reality" -- either in-universe "reality" or in real life reality -- almost by referendum.  It's fine for fans to imagine and fantasize about any alternate reality they enjoy for the characters.  Where it starts to get problematic is when (a small segment of) fans get irrationally angry that Moftiss have written a story line where John marries Mary (for example) because they really want John and Sherlock to be the married couple.  It's even scarier if (an even smaller segment of) fans start taking this anger out on Amanda Abbington.  I think it is reasonable for the writers and the actors who play the characters to be publicly clear about how they are writing and playing the characters so that fans of all types can understand the creative intention.  

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