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Posts posted by 10kfever

  1. Okay, just had a brain storm...or maybe a brain fart. Since I firmly believe Season 5 has thus far been superior to the overall "flavor" of the first four seasons, I have to attribute this change to the two morons in charge having gone off to play with their newest "toy", Black Summer. So, the show is doing much better without them. Good, I hope it continues with this pattern. However, with the ratings dropping yet again for 5.2, we on this forum need to spread the word that ZN is better than ever and for everyone to come back and give it another chance. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could get the ratings to make it such a hit that SyFy couldn't think of canceling it? Oh, I can but dream...<sigh>

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  2. Hmmm, I agree with much of what was said. This season is definitely better than last season. Thus far, it may be the best season yet! I, too, would prefer Sarge over Red, but at least she went out with all the courage we expect from her. Yep, two-faced woman and Zona escapee...bad guys! (Seriously, I'm hoping there will be a plot twist in here to prove it's actually someone else, otherwise it's just plain too obvious. Then again, we are talking Z Nation.) As for 10K's hand...Yep, his shooting hand, although he has appeared to be slightly ambidextrous, and I really think the serum he got from Sun Mei back in the Zona cave base DID cure him of the zombie virus. It was implied, because the process started with the "Murphy stay-human juice", was supported by Zs going after him, and later by the infection that nearly killed him. Big question is: did it prevent him from getting the virus again? Red was there through some of it, so I'm guessing she wasn't going to take the chance. I wonder how that will affect her relationship with 10K? Having the group dissolved again is a big mistake, I believe. Murphy off to do who knows what, Doc/Warren/Citizen Z off to Pacifica, 10K, Red, and Sun Mei back at Altura. I hope they all get back together soon and kick some major ass. Since 10K is my fave character, I also hope for a little angst from all. As for Black Summer, the writers have proven they can do the job when they're in the mood for it, but they've proven as fickle as a...sorry, words fail me. They dilly here, they dilly there, they never settle down long enough to really accomplish anything...children get bored so easily.

  3. Glad to see you back, 51Muses. You always give us lots to think about. I think some of my confusion comes from my perception of bad writing. All the things I questioned could have been explained with minimal dialogue without lengthening the episode, i.e. we never saw the tractor with a tiller at Cooper’s place. Also there was always that field in the background that looked ready for planting. But it’s a small point and I’m willing to let it go. I just wish the writers would do a better job. 

    I think both Zona guy and skinny gal are in cahoots. Also, I really like Dante, hope he doesn’t get killed protecting George, although I really like her, too.

    I could probably write a rant about flaws I perceive in every episode, but I’m just going to relax and enjoy the ride. There’s still room for surprises!

  4. I’ve been seeing hints of Roberta/Murphy for awhile in previous episodes. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they became an item. I sincerely hope not, because my opinion of Warren has already dropped a tad after she basically sentenced Cooper to death.

    • Love 2
  5. Oh, heck, yeah...Doc and 10K definitely my favorite duo. Too much Murphy and Doc together, too much Murphy period. Yes, I like him, the character is great, but too much setup for witty one liners at the expense of the rest. Now that we see him eating zombie brains and getting telepathic messages, the one sided “conversations” are probably going to get even worse. I don’t like one of the writers darlings getting all the good lines at the expense of the rest of the characters. 

    On the subject of last season’s mass disappearance...a bunch of Marines showed up and saved everyone? And the one guy was so terrified he hid in the cupboard? And the Marines left behind Sarge and the LT (just guessing at his rank), plus other civilians who were out on the woods? Talk about script expediency!

    Maybe the Marines were smart enough to get those supply trucks left behind by the others when they encountered the Zona group. I can’t imagine them fleeing in the Jeep when it would have been pretty much as easy to hotwire the trucks and get all those necessary supplies back to camp. Mass panic? I don’t see it with Sarge or 10K, or the LT. They would have had a ton of weapons and ammo to keep the unkillable z at bay.

    These glaring plot holes are why I write fanfic when I can find the time!!!

    At least 5.2 showed some quality in the writing despite its short comings. I’m hopeful there will be more episodes that don’t cater so much to the creators’ idiocy.

  6. Rewatched ep 5.1 again. I found it a little boring, but it set up nicely for episode 2. The production values are very high, kudos to all the crew, the cast and characters are amazing, but as an adult human being, I find the writing to be poor. Whatever, the first episode ranked a few points higher than last season in the key demographic, so I guess this show will have to be my guilty pleasure. Confused when they went after the tractor. “You start the engine, I’ll unhook the tiller.” What? Isn’t tilling the land to grow more food their plan? Without the tiller, the tractor is nothing more than a slow gas hog. Did enjoy the zs  going through the blades, tho.

    Ep 2 left me equally confused. When did Roberta get so damn righteous? Putting Cooper in the trunk was a death sentence short of a miracle, and I think her overreaction was completely out of character. The possible explanations from this forum were plausible, but we’ll probably never know for sure. Maybe it was just expedient for the writers to move the plot along. I was really hoping Mario Van P would become a regular.

    Lastly, I think 10K’s reaction to Red was great, one of the best moments in an episode full of great moments. Personally, if they keep religion out of the show, Red and Sarge will become friends and decide to share him...whee!!?

    • Love 3
  7. Wow, okay, I guess I'm drowning in the deep end. I agree there were "moments" in this episode, but I put it in my bottom 5. "The Ultimate Guide To Supernatural " put it at number 16, which I found amazing, but I guess somehow I've missed the boat. Sam and Dean work better as a team, but for me, having Dean with the Sheriff made it impossible for him to be Dean. Then he gets captured by that dreadful family. Does Sam rescue him? Nah. We just get the two of them philosophizing at the end. Yawn. Villains...when the writer becomes enamored of his own creations, things go south pretty fast. I watch the show for my heroes, not to see the baddies and a good gal get the attention. At least the above magazine put "Rememer the Titans" at 190. I wouldn't have given that one such a high rating either. I'm going back to watch "The Benders" again to see if I can figure out what I'm missing...

  8. On 8/13/2014 at 1:57 PM, supposebly said:

    But wasn't the whole argument that she had killed AND that she would kill again because it was in her nature? What made him think it wasn't in her son's nature? Especially after he had witnessed his mother being killed?


    I think it would be interesting if that one would be addressed again and the son would come after Dean. In a few years. Although, I do hope they finish the show soon.

    Hey, we've got season 14 coming up. The kid will be about 17 or 18. Time for a little payback?

  9. On 12/18/2017 at 7:52 AM, Ohwell said:

    Are there Z-Nation writers on this forum?  Seriously.

    Uh, I've been dipping my feet into the fanfic pool after a looong hiatus. Did a site for The Sentinel and later LotR. I started a Z Nation site before my computer crashed, which may have been a blessing, since I was at a fairly low point. There aren't very many stories there yet, but if you like 10K and Doc, you can find my stuff at 


    It's mostly angsty stuff, heavy on dialogue and light on zombies. But there are some long, more plot-driven stories in my paper notebooks, some comedy, and playtime with some of the other characters. Perhaps a Mary-Sue and some AU as well...just gotta get that new PC so I can keep inflicting my weirdness on others.?


    Be be sure to use the .online, cause there's some weird websites out there, and even one that's looking to sell my old one... Now I'd better check the link to make sure it's still there!

  10. Just to add more confusion to this convoluted plot line (and we know the show's writers love to mess with our heads) what if Teller was a triple agent? And do we really know that The Man w/ a plan is actually dead? (Small kudos to me...very small...I speculated in 4-1 that the MwaP was a good guy, but I still have no clue if he is, was, or may be!) Ooh, my brain hurts. I'm going to feed it some chocolate and get back to writing missing scenes that have nothing to do with canisters.

  11. Doc mentioned at the beginning of their return to Mercy Labs (I think) that he suspected Sarge and 10K had already hooked up when Murphy complained about missing the lack of casual sex when in Zona. I agree that Red has the strongest case and that Sarge may have some hurt feelings to deal with in the future. But we don't know either of the women as women, just as capable adults. Would Red resent 10K finding another sex partner so soon? That could really hurt after all their experiences together. And Sarge gave 10K those puppy dog eyes...maybe it's just a casual fling to her, in which case I think 10K might be a little hurt (in earlier seasons, he seems to have had crushes on the girls he's met...that whole puberty interruptus thing). But I'm putting too much psychology into this. After all, the writers dealt with 10K maturing by giving him a beard. That means every opinion has merit, so we just have to use our imaginations. And mine is very vivid! Fanfic!

    I also saw the potential in Warren and Vasquez. Addy and Mack clearly had something going, but survival is tough in the Apocalypse. Doc's been married three times, and I think he'd enjoy having a woman who could appreciate his quirks, and possibly have a few of her own. To me, Murphy would be a stretch. He's too self centered to have a meaningful relationship, although he appears to enjoy the casual encounters. Warren's going to have to wait until she finds a man strong enough to deal with her forceful personality; maybe casual sex and a strong friendship would do well for her, too.

    And more Zombie encounters, please. Both ZN and TWD have suffered because their main challenges lately have been other humans. It's time to get back to basics and for Z Nation to find those fine lines between action, humor, fright, and tears that keep us riding this crazy roller coaster. No pressure, guys.

  12. 23 hours ago, Ohwell said:
    • 10K having more speaking parts
    • No more Warren visions
    • 5K reappearing
    • No more weirdo, unfunny groups like the zuggalos or whatever the hell their name was
    • Yeah, bring the gang back together (although if Red comes back, what does 10K do about Lily?)  
    • Yes, the cheese wheel!
    • Update on Skeezy and Sketchy at the barbershop

    Wow, the mind  boggles at the love triangle of Red, Sarge, and 10K. After a dearth of girlfriends in his teen years, he suddenly has two. I think he seriously loves both of them. With Red, part of it is their shared tragedy with 5K. He thought her dead, but she followed him hundreds of miles to save his life in Spokane. They've lived together for two years and have developed a good relationship from what we've seen.

    Sarge started out as a friend, and I think he really admires her for being a Genuine Marine. I think his love for her has become one built on proximity, admiration, and shared interests. The sex isn't bad either. 

    I'd go with either as a permanent partner, as long as the writers don't stoop to two bitches fighting over "their" man. Male writers seem to exaggerate the jealousy potential between two women going after one man. Teens may lack the maturity to cope with such a situation, and hurt is bound to affect anyone involved in such a triangle, but few truly mature women would resort to a catfight, murder, or other underhanded vengeance. In my version, Red and Sarge would sit down and discuss all of 10K's failings, and then make *him* choose. Or else all three would get along just fine..,?

    • Love 1
  13. Oh, yes, please, definitely more 10K! Not so fond of Doc and Murphy turning into one-liner buddies. Of course, I love Doc and 10K as the odd couple, and I also like Murphy as the jerk with a soft heart. He was great hiding behind the president and pretending to give orders while our three fighters did all the heavy lifting. Don't see him as a possible love interest for Warren, but I do enjoy the budding friendship and understanding between them.

    Agree with those who want to see the end to stupid time fillers , but I don't object to the idea of them. Down the Mississippi was both a fun and serious balance, but didn't greatly move the overall story along. If we need fillers, let them be of this quality and not a bunch of stupid zuggelos, which took idiot writing and plot loopholes to a whole new low previously unseen in network television. It has my vote for worst episode of any tv series ever aired. I could probably come up with close seconds or thirds, but my brain might seize thinking of candidates.

    Can do without any more Sketchy and Skeezy, unless it's a serous episode. I believe there's more to these characters than just slapstick nonsense. 

    Doc's character lends him to comedy, but it's a shame to surround him with equally comedic situations. I enjoyed Doc Flew... very much, silly and funny with a serious note, but some of the other characters were pretty silly, too. Even 10K in peril had its funny moments. But I think this episode was far better than the terminally silly Doc's Angels.

    And, a big YES to those who think the group together makes for a better episode. 10K may be my favorite, and I'm really grateful for Little Red..., but all the characters need equal time to satisfy all the viewers. The all Addy episode didn't do much for me, even though I like her as a character and am sad to see her go. Same with Warren or Murphy or Doc...too much of a good thing can't satisfy everyone. The group interacting is best.

    Oh, and monster cheese wheel? Bring it on!!

    • Love 2
  14. 7 hours ago, Stargazer2893 said:

    I really hope season 5 will be better! :'(

    Only plus side is that it couldn't get much worse. I've been casually researching the season's episodes, writers, directors and so forth, but so far haven't found connections to good or bad episodes. Some of the key writers wrote some of the best...and some of the worst. New writers, same thing. Conclusion: the writers must have been high to concoct some of what we had to endure. So my advice for these key personnel is to STAY OFF THE SAUCE and keep your focus...you have millions -- okay hundreds of thousands -- of rabid fans counting on you, and we've proven we can express ourselves  (mostly) with thoughtful eloquence, you brain dead ass-hats.?✌️

    • Love 2
  15. Yep, Warren is back! Good to see her wise-cracking and splitting skulls. Loved Doc's funny quips, although I think they were overdone. Spread the wealth, Craig and Karl! So pleased to see the group behaving like a group; everyone had great parts. This is how Z Nation should be! Oh, I'm just sooooo happy! Don't know who screwed up the bulk of this season, but someone has righted the ship. Good job all around.

  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/DavidMLatt/status/941745520824926215/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftvseriesfinale.com%2Ftv-show%2Fz-nation-season-five-renewal-announced-syfy-tv-series%2F

    This is the link I found.

    No, I'm not giddy, not at all. Not me. Uh-uh. No way.

    Btw (hey, I'm getting a handle on all these abbreviations)...did I miss something? When did 10K get goggles again?

    On 12/7/2017 at 1:56 PM, 51Muses said:

    Sneak peek at Episode 11 definitely back at Mercy Labs. Look! Smoke from the chimneys ... cue ominous music.

    Back to the Lab

    Btw (hey, I'm getting a handle on all these abbreviations)...did I miss something? When did 10K get goggles again?

  17. Wahoo! Renewed...or else this is a terrible cruel joke. I mean, everything on the o trendy is true, right? Es, I just read about the renewal, but in my haste to celebrate, I forgot to copy the link. Just search under Z Nation Season 5. wahoo!!!

    Stupid computer...always changes what I type. Anyway, hope you got the gist...

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  18. Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I guess I just like buddy shows like Simon and Simon, Supernatural, The Professionals (so dated now but still fun), and others of the ilk with closely knit characters tackling weird or dangerous challenges. I love Murdoch Mysteries for the great characters and humor. Does anyone remember QED? It was a really whacky show, but Sam Waterston was amazing. Even the cozy mysteries like Midsomer Murders, which has been around for eons, manages to inject enough subtle humor into the characters to keep me happy. Just don't linger too long on the "guest" characters.

    I'm glad I never saw that episode of Criminal Minds with the puppet maker. Must have been during my long hiatus from the show. And I agree there's nothing really new in police procedurals. Sometimes, I'm amazed and impressed by some plot twist, but usually I know whodunit early on. I never got into the Superhero shows, mostly I guess because comics weren't part of my childhood. I tried to read the first issue of The Walking Dead recently, but confess I just can't engage with it. I enjoy most of the show, but dislike the main character, and I've learned I'm not the only one. The core group that got me into the show is either dead or dying, and most of the new characters don't captivate me very much.

    Sorry to be so off topic, but it seems to be okay okay here. Right now I'm going though the Supernatural Trivia Pursuits cards to test my acumen. I'm not doing as well as I thought I would. All the place names don't seem to stay in my memory. I'm doing pretty well with the who-did-what-to-whom questions.

    And I'm watching the repeats on TNT every morning. That has to count for something!?

    • Love 1
  19. On 12/3/2017 at 4:45 PM, jhlipton said:

    I also use semi-colons in a list where one or more items have commas --> the guests at the event included Mr Shitaake, President of Shroomland; Craveat Emptor; Ruler of the Neckwear Empire; and Blah Blah Blah, No-One Special.

    Note the "Oxford Semicolon"!  LOL

    You are so right! I need to start using this format. Thanks for indulging my love of grammar. 

    • Love 1
  20. Hmmm, having read many of your comments, I have to call myself "dumber than a brick" (from my other fave character-driven series, Simon and Simon). So many initials, so many shows I haven't watched, and so much psychological insight that my mind boggles. I'll watch bad shows for good characters (Z Nation, my current guilty pleasure), and ignore good shows with characters I don't like (i.e. Goren(?)). Shows that are plot driven tend to be time-fillers for me; I can easily choose to watch or not.

     I also feel trying to compare shows like Supernatural and Criminal Minds is sort of an apples-and-oranges thing. I can laugh, feel scared, or cry with the former, but when the latter, which I see as real life scenarios, gets too gruesome, I have to stop watching. Give me all the demons or zombie gore you can throw at me, but when someone is tortured, dismembered, and buried in a shallow grave, I get majorly squicked (am I showing my age there?).

    I like procedural shows with good character, like NCIS or Major Crimes, but procedurals that focus too heavily on plot will lose my attention quickly. Yes, I'm shallow; I just want to be entertained within the rather narrow window of my requirements.

    Thus, you won't see any deep insights in my posts, but that doesn't mean I won't admire and comment on yours, although I might prefer fewer initials...you're talking about some shows I might actually enjoy watching, if I knew what the heck they were.?

    • Love 4
  21. IMO, which is all any of us can claim, I think Supernatural is the best of its kind on television. Thirteen seasons and still going strong, and it just keeps getting better. The show's bar for "average" is incredibly high, and the number of above-average episodes is impressive as well. The low number of below-average episodes (and I know we all have our opinions of what ranks down there) over a span of nearly 300 episodes is equally impressive. Episodes balance the horror, humor, drama, and brotherly relationship better than anything I've seen.

    I  know I'm late to this discussion, but I've only recently discovered forums of this quality. I'm busily catching up on what everybody is saying, so I'll probably have more direct responses later. It's good to be here!

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  22. Another writer in our midst. Fantastic! I've never had the stick-to-it gene, so I play with other people's characters and universes. I just have to accept that I'm a fanfic writer and not a novelist. My only claim to fame, as it were, was a letter telling my co-writer and I to cease and desist our Star Trek fan magazines because they were "too good". Weird, but a left-handed compliment is still a compliment. Haven't gone to jail yet.

    Back on topic, I'm watching this episode again, mostly because my recorder failed to record. This has not been a good day for me, but this episode holds up well, and I'll probably watch it several times. I'll have to check credits, because I can't believe these writers were at all responsible for the earlier drek. I haven't had much interest in checking credits this season, so it should be interesting.

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