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Posts posted by Notstupidlikeu

  1. On 8/19/2014 at 9:11 AM, KillerTofu said:

    I swear I saw Kirlyam in a commercial. It's an ad for Lancaster soft caramel candies, and if it ain't Kirlyam, then it's her doppelgänger.

    It's more than likely her she did have a successful modeling career that took off quite quickly after she arrived here in the US.

    On 9/1/2016 at 2:34 PM, silverspoons said:

    BYU is on the outs these days, at least for Utah grads. The MRS. school is either SUU, Dixie, UVU, or USU. About 5 years ago the state of Utah gives free tuition to students who get a certain GPA to any state school. Grads are flocking to these schools now. I only saw maybe 10 kids list BYU out of over 500 grads.

    I live in an almost 100% Mormon area and about 3-4 years ago the prophet at one of the conferences set out with a plan to push early marriage. Mission age was dropped to 18 so I just watched 210 boys from my son's high school graduate and go straight to the mission field. Then the church restructured singles wards and marriage is strongly pushed by 25. Most marry right after the mission. It is so crazy to watch , a 18 year old graduates from high school, 2-3 weeks later is sent on a mission and comes homes 2 years later and is married with 3-6 months. I haven't seen anyone who wanted to get married not find a spouse. Short, tall, nerdy, they all find someone and it is a fast track to marriage. There was a kid in our neighborhood, total nerd, never went on a date in his life and was married to a hot girl 7 weeks after he returned from his mission. He went to a singles mixer the week he got back and he had girls all over him since he was headed off to engineering school.

    There has also been a big increase in LDS missionaries bringing back 90 day finaces . In my cu-de-sac of 8 homes, there are 3 missionaries that brought back spouses. The last one shocked me since I knew the young women so well, watching her grow up. She would have had no issues finding a spouse locally. She was tall, pretty, athletic, great family, great education and she came home from central America with young man who was a recent convert and they married within 60 days. I have wonder why the LDS church is allowing so much romance on missions since it is a HUGE no-no to even talk alone with someone of the opposite sex that is single?

    Alan's case has always bothered me. He lived in CA. If he had a job and was a faithful member, there should have been no reason that by 29 he could not find someone. I really think he enjoys the control.

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