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Posts posted by gundysgirl

  1. 16 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    I think that the real gist is that Jason Hoppy is "justified" in throwing any and all accusations towards Bethenny Frankel because Hoppy is just a long-suffering martyr to Bethenny's narcissism.

    I think Bethenny is an extremely flawed individual - she can be controlling and exhausting, she's clearly dealing with anxiety issues, etc. But the level at which some ignore Hoppy's own narcissistic and toxic behavior when it comes to his daughter is sometimes hard for me to understand. 

    Co-sign every single word of it. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    I believe the gist is "Bethenny dated a rapist and allows her daughter around a rapist" and the since this fellow actually was never charged with rape, the term "credibly accused rapist" is used to continue to insist that Bethenny was wrong to date this man briefly and endangered her daughter. To use your example, how would you feel if your son, based on what is known about this case, was being called a credibly accused rapist because he briefly dated a celebrity that a lot of people don't like?

    Yes, thank you....this is definitely the gist.  I have never understood it, but I realize I could be missing something.  Now, if Bethenny believed him to be a rapist and still put her child in situations where she would be in his company, then shame on Bethenny. 

    For example, Jason has been credibly accused and found guilty of stalking and harassing Bethenny, the mother of his child. Were any woman to go near him, let alone get into a relationship with him and procreate at this point, I would think her incredibly irresponsible and a nutter. He didn't do what he was accused of at the age of 19 (not that there is any justification no matter the age). He did it in his 40's and there is little reason to think he will suddenly change. 

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  3. 12 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    This is the same process that ultimately led to her not pressing charges, right? After not submitting to a rape kit or having pictures taken. My criticism is that I am being asked to treat a man like a convicted rapist based on the claims of a woman who didn't file a police report and refused to provide physical evidence. 

    Yes, this. What we have now is what we were left with. We don't actually know what happened.  We know that the young woman involved told her roommate when she got home that night that she had just had sex with two men. We also know that she told a different friend the next morning over Bruch that she had had sex with two men the night before. No mention of a rape, and no evidence that she was upset or traumatized. When friends of the two that she later accused of the rape started calling her later the next day asking her if she wanted to party, she became upset that it was being discussed in the fraternity house and said she "thought" she must have been raped. I am not saying that she was or was not, because I have zero idea. In general, I tend to believe the woman. This seems to be very complicated. I hope that she received support and counseling for whatever happened. 

    I am a mother to both a son and a daughter. If my daughter made such claims I would be beside myself and want justice. At the same time, if the exact same situation happened and it were my son that was accused, I would be outraged on his behalf (just knowing the facts that we know). If I loved someone who was accused in this situation I would defend them. At the end of the day, I am not sure how Bethenny is to be judged for anything having to do with any of this. 

    • Love 8
  4. 35 minutes ago, film noire said:

    By that standard, Bethenny's sworn testimony is one of those unreliable sources. She discounted her own version of the relationship (We were engaged! He was family to Bryn! We didn't start a sexual relationship until 2016!) turned into Meh, sorta  engaged? and Bryn not being around Dennis much, and Frankel and Shields starting a "romantic and sexual relationship" in 2015 ("three to four years ago") when Dennis was still living with his wife and kid, not a year later in 2016, which was the timeline Frankel has been using since jump (presumably because a love affair begun a year afer a man leaves his wife, versus one begun a year before he leaves, is much more messy). I don't think lying under oath is outside the realm of possibility for Frankel (insisting she had no clue Dennis was on pills, for example, is hard for me to believe) but I figure if she's lying in court, she'd lie to make herself look better, not worse.

    I think the timing thing is simply semantics. We met Dennis in Season 8, which started filming in October 2015. In an early episode (the one where she was mad at Sonja about the branding deal), she mentioned the evening the night before with Dennis. Said they had been friends forever and he was just getting out of his marriage. She didn't mention if he was no longer living in the home with his family or not, but it doesn't sound like she was trying to hide anything from the world. So it sounds like they started hooking up in late 2015/early 2016. 

    • Love 3
  5. 25 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    I think the problem with Beth for me is not that she was dating a technically married man.  Once two people decide their marriage is over, I couldn't give two fucks about when they start dating other people.

    But with Beth, it is the actual question itself:  Was she engaged or not?  She had a ring apparently.  She talks about the engagement.  Then she talks about seeing other people before his death?  I mean she talks about dating that guy Russ "seriously" last summer.

    The whole engagement talk to me reads like Beth wants everyone to think this man was desperately in love with her, gave her a big rock, and she either accepted it or didn't fully accept it.  Now that he's dead, she's waxing on about this engagement and speculating that not being able to have her could be the reason he is now dead.  

    My other problem is if he never even started the divorce process, how committed would have actually have been with an engagement?  If the wheels are in motion and there was an actual legal separation (was there?) it makes a little more sense that he put a ring on it.  But if I were dating a man whose marriage was over and he hadn't even started taking the steps to get a divorce, for whatever reason, I would not be accepting an engagement ring and I'd be extremely embarrassed to announce to the world that I am engaged if he can't even be bothered to start the divorce proceedings!  

    I think it is all very complex with Dennis and Bethenny. It sounds like he wanted to marry her early on in the relationship (I think she mentioned that a couple of seasons ago). It also sounds like it was very complex with Dennis and his wife. Bethenny said that they kept the engagement secret and didn't tell anyone. It also sounds like they were on and off a lot as a couple, but stayed close as friends. From what I could gather, she told him not long before his death that it just wasn't working. But it also sounds like they had had the same conversation many times. Maybe she thought at some point it would work out.  

    One thing I don't think is that she is making stuff up to make it appear he loved her more than he did. There are too many people who could out her on this. His kids, his family, his friends.  No one has disputed anything that Bethenny has said about his feelings towards her. And I cannot get past the fact that one of his kids called her immediately after his death, before even the press got news of it. That kid thought Bethenny important enough in his life that they gave her an early call about what had happened. You don't do that for someone you don't care about or believe the deceased didn't care about. 

    • Love 4
  6. The constant analysis and judgement about Bethenny and her relationship with Dennis is fascinating to me. To me, there are so many questions because we actually know so little. As much as Bethenny has taken the opportunity to give details on all matter of topics, she hasn't really gone deep with regard to Dennis and his marriage. We have zero idea what was happening with Dennis and Jill. Don't know who wanted the separation. Don't know why they didn't divorce. We don't know because the actual parties involved kept it all quiet. We don't know how the the kids feel about Bethenny, but from what little we do have gotten a glimpse of, they seem OK with her. And since he seemed to love her, certainly she should have felt welcomed at his funeral. 

    And if they are not, how on earth would this be Bethenny's fault? She was the one on a reality show when he began dating her, while he was still married to their mother. She is a loud, publicity loving person. This is hardly shocking to anyone. Yet he apparently loved her, wanted to be in her life and even appeared on her show. On the same show where she will share her emotions and feelings, per usual, but has seemed to work hard to not divulge anything confidential about Dennis, Jill, or the dynamics involved in their marriage. Even if doing so might help her escape some criticism. You know she knows lots of stuff. 

    • Love 7
  7. Sorry if this has already been mentioned (just getting caught up on the season), but the thing that surprises me the most, since I wasn't aware the she was going to be on the show, is that Bravo wanted Barbara to have anything to do with the show. I remember a couple of seasons ago where she made such a fuss and filed that emergency order to stop them from showing the scene where she told Carole that she didn't think Lu should marry Tom. She claimed she wasn't aware that conversation was being picked up and thought it private. 

    • Love 4
  8. On 5/24/2018 at 8:06 AM, walnutqueen said:

    Perhaps, but it is traumatic to be re-homed after 9 years (since kittenhood).  The new owner even stated that the cat won't sleep on the bed or let him pick him up the way he did with Sonja, and is not too affectionate.  Also, Sonja claimed she couldn't give away the poor dyed dog because it was her daughter's, but had no problem giving away her daughter's cat?  I call BS.

    Sonja is, quite simply, a horrible person.

    She had the cat for 9 years? I don't think I even knew that she had a cat. She doesn't seem unselfish enough to love a cat. You have to be willing to accept the relationship on their terms, to not be needy or demanding with cats, but accepting in a way you don't with dogs. I just cannot see Sonja being that kind of person. 

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    When was it established they use a third party for communications? I know it was suggested here as being a good idea, but I don't recall it ever being confirmed as actually happening.


    Were Bethenny's filings read aloud in court? Are they available to read somewhere? 

    Because without knowing what they contain, we actually don't know anything about what Bethenny has alleged or not alleged. Just because certain aspects of the case were not reported in a Page Six article about a hearing doesn't mean they don't exist. 

    The Page Six article really gives very little indication what the change of custody request is based on. But there has to be something, some reason given  .... you don't just walk into court and demand a change of custody without offering some kind of justification for it. It may pertain to how something is effecting Bryn, it may be about Jason being difficult, it may have something to do with the circumstances of Bethenny's life.

    We simply do not know at this point and to assert otherwise is to guess and assume.

    Exactly. And if there were no justification given, then one would assume the judge would have ruled rather quickly and easily. Didn't the Judge say she wasn't changing custody for now? Why even ponder it if Bethenny presented nothing? 

    • Love 4
  10. On 3/9/2018 at 3:48 PM, WireWrap said:

    And Bethenny didn't just file for "primary" custody of Bryn, she filed for "sole" custody and if she gets it, she will cut Jason out of Bryn's life. Again, this is all about Bethenny's wants/needs and nothing about what is best for Bryn.

    Maybe she thinks this is the best thing for Bryn. I know I would in her situation. 

    • Love 5
  11. 7 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    I missed all of this so I am not following where a loose day plan of unstructured activity is shutting down production.  Was there more to the text ? I might still have it in my DVR I will look or read the thread. 

    No, you didn't miss anything. And no, it's not shutting down production. 

    • Love 7
  12. On 3/9/2018 at 6:51 PM, ChitChat said:

    Kyle was with her when she bought them.  Maybe I'm remembering wrong and she made the comment in her TH about wanting to see the look on Erika's face rather than saying it to Dorit, however, she did nothing to discourage her.   I always thought that she could've nipped it in the bud by simply telling Dorit that it would be best to drop the subject and not to humiliate Erika in that way.  Nobody likes to be reminded of embarrassing moments.  I can laugh and play along over something embarrassing about myself, but I surely don't want it to be thrown in my face at every turn.  One laugh and we're done, please!  Erika didn't deserve the constant ribbing over it, IMO.

    Kyle said last year that she told Dorit it wasn't a good idea but we didn't see it. Dorit agreed and said that maybe she should have listened to Kyle. 

    • Love 5
  13. 3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    First time when she decided to leave Dorit when Dorit was late.  Production did not get to film the scheduled scene of the two of them having a drink.  Second time when she threw everyone out of her beach house and canceled the day's activities because her feelings were hurt.  When scenes are scheduled and you leave or cancel that would be shutting down production.  They could not film anymore.  It was on the show.

    I don't see anyway we can know this is true. Maybe the film crew hopped in the car with Teddi and filmed her going home, upset about the days events? They could have filmed more of the gals packing to leave Teddi's house. They could have shown more footage of them in the cars on the long way home. They could have shown Teddi at her house fuming after everyone left. My guess is that if we decide to blame Teddi for "shutting down production" based on this, we could go down the long line of HW's and find all kinds of other times that a HW has "shut down production". 

    54 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

    Brandi slapped LVP and she was (thankfully) fired. I really don't see Doito  getting away with climbing all over LVP and, literally, sitting on her so she couldn't get up. I would have freaked the hell out if I was restrained like that. It really was unsettling to watch. I think Dum Dum Dorit just signed her death warrant for this show. Isn't there something in their contract about NO touching?

    Dorit will be fine. LVP isn't mad at her. She was trying to make her case in her blog this week that we should be nicer to Dorit because she is a really good person. 

    • Love 8
  14. 3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    LVP has a longstanding relationship with PK. So by your proposal, she should have been a better person and change the Kemsley invitation to just one (PK)? Or should she just have dis-invited both of them and possibly create a rift with PK as well? At the end of the day, analyzing how LVP could have been the better the person when dealing with feeling hurt by someone speaking behind their back is akin to focusing on the middle car in a 7 car pile-up.

    I think that this was what was so surprising about the way she treated Dorit. Look, I am all for Dorit being humiliated at every turn. But considering how close LVP is to PK, it is quite shocking that she would be so obvious in her attempts to make his wife look bad, and most certainly make her feel uncomfortable. Because at the end of the day, it would also have to make PK feel uncomfortable. I just think it was a tacky thing to do, and I certainly would pick LVP over Dorit all day every day. 

    • Love 2
  15. 2 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

    1.  why is it bad if lisa holds a grudge?  I know if anyone said the things that have been said to and of lisa about me i would  forgive but  would not forget.  i would be cordial but that is it.

    JMO, but I don't necessarily think it's bad to hold a grudge. I think most people do to a certain extent. I think it is the fact that LVP has always denied the fact that she holds a grudge. She has pushed back forcefully against such a claim. 

    • Love 8
  16. 1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

    No, those were two separate magazines. The one Dorit modeled the jewelry for was for a BH magazine that Lisa is/was running. The one featured in NY was something Dorit was on the cover of, all by herself. It had nothing to do with LVP. 

    Thanks for the information. I don't know how I got so confused! 

    • Love 5
  17. 5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Yea, it is possible that editing is fucking with us. I wouldn't be surprised if immediately after Dorit left the set that day, with her sourpuss attitude, Lisa decided to redo it. But maybe the timing of the actual reshoot DID coincide with these other events, so that's how they edited it? I don't know, but I think it's possible. 

    This whole thing is confusing to me, so maybe someone can help. Wasn't the party in NY to celebrate the magazine and Dorit's photo spread? Or was the party for something else? If that is what is was about, then yes, it is completely punitive for LVP to come back home after learning that Dorit had talked smack about her to do a reshoot. Dorit was beyond unprofessional at that shoot, but LVP catered to her and tried to soothe her back before Dorit was talking shit. I cannot stand Dorit, but that was classic LVP. She holds a grudge and is going to make you pay. And pay. And pay. 

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