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Carolyn Keene

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Posts posted by Carolyn Keene

  1. I dunno. There's a lot that points to premeditation:  the secret boat (paid for in cash), the fishing license purchased a few days before, the concrete for the anchors, even the way he told Amber Frey that he'd "lost his wife" and this would be his first Christmas without her.

    I've always wondered why Scott didn't come clean about Amber Frey right and use it as part of his story. He could have told the cops Laci discovered the affair and stormed off in anger...that he didn't immediately call her parents looking for her because he was ashamed and worried about what they'd say...that he went fishing because he needed to cool off and think. Stuff like that. If he hadn't tried to cover up the Amber thing and hadn't lied so much, the prosecution really wouldn't have had as strong a case.

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  2. I agree with everyone else. It feels like A&E wanted to show that somehow, there were ambiguities and evidence of Scott's innocence that the cops overlooked, but all I'm taking away so far is that the case against Scott is 100% damning.

    I actually lived in Modesto when all this was happening and followed the case closely. I thought I pretty much knew everything there is to know, but I was surprised learn something new from the first episode--that Scott and Laci had originally told people they weren't planning to have children. This was said as an aside by someone from Scott's family, like it was cute that Scott and Laci "changed their minds" about having kids . But to me, that only provides yet another piece of his motive. I don't believe for a moment that Laci was ever the type who would have chosen to remain childless. If she and Scott were telling people this early in their marriage, I bet it was something HE was pushing, and she was just going along with it to keep him happy.

    His family's sharing that factoid only serves to make Scott look more guilty because it gives him an additional motive to be cold-hearted enough to kill his pregnant wife and their unborn child. He meant what they told people early in their marriage--he really never did want children, despite whatever act he may have put on during her pregnancy.

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