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Posts posted by Harvester

  1. I would totally eat that salad, Hostile.

    My life has been super crazy and filled with work. I am hoping to get more of a personal life soon. I've been doing two jobs for the last four weeks, and I am pretty over it.

    i always read here though and cheer and hiss as needed.


    Does anyone have fun weekend plans?

    • Love 1
  2. I am glad you got to enjoy a great performance, and very sorry it required a survival discussion. I just spent the day with principals who were drafting various emergency management plans. You need to plan for guns, bombs, knives, gang attacks, fire, and possible demon possession. Fun times indeed.

  3. I am sure there is good food to be had somewhere, but with limited time, we were in the more touristy areas where the food was decidedly not good. Everything is very, very plain and fried with thick breading. It was reminiscent of Long John Silvers or something similar.

  4. Hi everyone. I've been pretty quiet lately because it seems like the world is full of bad news all day every day. I am still reading and still vibing for you all.

    I feel lucky that I just returned from Rome and Barcelona without any serious incident. I am so sorry for that boy and his family.

    I did get to enjoy an amazing vacation. One of the highlights was getting a personal tour of Rome from trudi-tru, and she was kind enough to spend an entire evening showing us around. All of the food in Rome was absolutely incredible, and I keep thinking about it. Barcelona is beautiful, but the food is terrible, so it can't quite compare to Rome. We had a marvelous time, and I want to plan another international adventure next year.

    I hope everyone here is doing well and enjoying some summer. 

    • Love 5
  5. Having read a former student's perspective as she transitions from a woman to a man, I understand many things I did not before, and I get pretty defensive about trans discrimination. I could give a shit what bathroom anyone uses.

    Vibes for buffiejunki and KPC.

    • Love 1
  6. Way to go Erratic!

    More love to KPC just because.

    I am writing to you from NYC where I enjoyed a weekend full of Broadway shows, and today I am at a conference hosted by a hotel that believes powerfully in air conditioning. It's 75 outside and 50 in here. Brr!

  7. My week has been taken over with looking for a lost dog. My sister and the family went on vacation, and I watched their dog for a few days. On the third day, this nanny of a friend of theirs was supposed to pick the dog up and care for it for the rest of the week because I was going on a brief trip. Nanny never showed, so after five hours, I asked what the hell? Turns out nanny forgot she had to work.

    My sis got a little shirty with me and told me I didn't need to worry about it and this girl is very responsible. She would pick up the dog later that night.

    The nanny had the dog for 30 minutes and lost her. She left her fucking front door open and the dog bolted. It's been three days. I have searched all over this city with no luck. She has a collar and tags, and she is very sweet. She is also in a very urban, high-traffic area. It's very worrisome. We've filed reports, called vets, checked Craigslist, etc without success so far. Anyone have zany good dog rescuing tips?

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