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Posts posted by bethbox

  1. Yay summer movies! I'll probably watch the Pitch Perfect movie at some point, which either a lot of people in this thread are excited for, or someone flooded the ballot box. I am most excited for the Avengers!!! I am also looking forward to Tomorrowland, but mostly because it will be a special experience - I will be on an epic Disney cruise when it premieres, which means I will get to watch it at sea! So that's pretty cool.


    (Also, hi everyone!!)

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  2. Oooh always happy to see JGL!


    Carol of the Bells is BY FAR my favorite Christmas song. The Darlene Love and Charlie Brown ones are great too though.


    I think I am done shopping! I still need to finish a photo compilation for my mom but I have zero desire to work on it. I take way too many pictures.


    I've been home sick all afternoon from what I am calling the Baby Plague. I kept my friend's 10 month old on Friday/Saturday and he was sick with something, which I seem to have picked up. I think I understand why he was so cranky!!! Boo sickness.

  3. I rarely post here anymore, but I do lurk on occasion. *waves* I had to chime in on voting, because I voted early last week, and ended up on the news.


    I live in Louisiana, currently famous for Duck Dynasty. One of the "stars" was also voting early, as well as the candidate their family is supporting. I kept wondering why there was a camera in a polling place, but didn't recognize the "celebrity" voting next to me until my mom pointed him out. I joked afterward that if I had known I was going to be on the news, I would have at least put on makeup. Or brushed my hair. My brother has a beard (not as extravagant as the ones the Duck Dynasty people are known for, but fairly bushy), and he was featured on several shots. I joked that they mistook him for a member of the family. Not so coincidentally, he trimmed said beard the next day.

  4. I have sort of the opposite problem, frenchtoast. I got new glasses and they fit okay until my face gets oily/sweaty and then they start sliding down my nose. But I think if i get them adjusted again, they'll start hurting my ears. New glasses can be such a pain.

    I know we talked about books a couple weeks ago, but I wanted to recommend a series to my fellow YA readers - the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (no relation to Stephanie, as far as I know). It's got all my most favorite things - somewhat dystopian future, science fiction, and each book is loosely based on a fairy tale! I swear, it was written just for me. If you like any/all of those things, you should check it out! Although fair warning - the next book doesn't come out until next February, which is toooooo long!

  5. Hey guys! I made the shift over, even though I have rarely been seen at Luke's. Glad to see some new faces along with the familiar ones :)

    Awesome book talk! Like several of you, I haven't been reading as much lately as I used to. My attention span is too short now, or something. What were we talking about again? I did start reading a new series - the Lucas Davenport/Prey novels, but I'm not very far in. I loved the first book, but the second one wasn't as good. And I'm a few chapters in the third one and I'm not quite sure I will like this one either. The main character is starting to get on my nerves, which is never a good sign.

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