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Posts posted by Denman

  1. Watched the first episode this evening.

    Good points

    • I like the new idea of Judy commenting on the case in the Judge's Chambers after her ruling. Sort of Harvey Levin style - a comment encapsulating her ruling, or a smart quip. However, this post-ruling chat would be much better if she was having it with Officer Byrd, rather than her wooden granddaughter.
    • The new court stenographer will have her uses, although she didn't say a word during the first episode of the season. It's a potentially interesting addition to the show. However, I don't think the regular camera cuts showing the stenographer typing as Judy was speaking, added anything to proceedings.


    • The featured case in episode one of Judy Justice felt padded-out, which was rarely an issue with the fast-paced Judge Judy. I suspect that if that case had featured on Judge Judy, it would have been cut to be part of a two-case episode.
    • Judy's granddaughter, though pretty and I'm sure a nice person, adds nothing to the show.  She just sat there silently and almost completely emotionlessly (though that didn't stop the producers constantly showing her non-reactions to what was going on), and only spoke after the ruling. She might as well have been sat in the audience.
    • Petri Hawkins-Byrd is missed. I've nothing against the new bailiff, but he barely said a word and there was no evident rapport between him and Judy. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Bring back Officer Byrd.
    • The new intro, theme music and graphics feel like a downgrade on the ones in Judge Judy.


    I'll watch some more episodes to form more of an opinion, and I'm glad Judy is still on the air, but at the moment this show is looking like a slightly degraded version of Judge Judy, and not much more than that.

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  2. On 14/11/2018 at 11:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Vandalism and Theft Caught on Video-Man moves into woman's house, rents room for $500 a month, didn't pay one month rent.     Landlady alleges all kinds of physical house damage, and has police reports where he admits much of the damage.    She changed the locks to get rid of him, without evicting him legally.   Video from security cameras show his girlfriend stealing landlady's necklace, and brought in all kinds of other people in the house, when the lease said no visitors.    There is a video of tenant breaking her security cameras.   There are numerous scenes of defendant stealing a ton of the woman's stuff, and damaging her property.   Officer Byrd has his glare of death focused on the defendant, and I'm hoping for a beat down.   Defendant claims it wasn't him on camera, and that's why using drugs ruin your brain.    

    Landlady plaintiff gets $5,000, and man says he left the state because of her harassment.   I wonder how many warrants are out for him?


    Don't Call My Antiques Junk-(Storage Fail)-Plaintiff suing for fence demo and trespassing, by guardian for aged relative.     Defendant is swilling the water that must not be drunk, so he's already on my bad side.  Defendant is a neighbor, and looks like a nut case.    Defendant stored his 'valuable antiques' on the aunt's property, and the plaintiff/guardian for aunt who owns property wants it all gone, so she can rehab the property, and I'm assuming sell it eventually to help support her aunt.    Plaintiff suing for demolition of fence, trespassing, and wants neighbor's/defendants junk gone.        The defendant also put up temporary fences on the plaintiff's property.  He is a total nutso, and a 'performance artist', and I want to punch him in the face very badly.     Officer Byrd has that look again too, the one where he hopes the judge will let him pound on someone.     The defendant keeps asking to show the judge his diagram, and I really want to hit him even more.       JJ gives loony toons neighbor three days to get his stuff off of the plaintiff's property, and after that Judge Judy will authorize a dumpster, and workers to get rid of his garbage, and the court will pay the bill, and Judge Judy is crafting an order for the Sheriff's office to supervise the removal.     The defendant actually stored all of his junk inside one part of the aunt's property for three years, before moving in to the alley/side yard.       By the way, 'it's not junk' is the justification for every hoarder I've ever watched on TV, so we all know what he's really like.   I hope the local fire marshal is watching this show, and drops in on his house, because I bet it's a full hoard.   The defendant took on the wrong person, since she's a realtor, and knows the law.    

    Just seen this episode. The most shocking thing about the first case was certainly that the defendant actually had proof of having paid all but one month's rent. Also, it appears that JJ bought his excuse about his "buddy helping him out" with the month he didn't pay (hence why it didn't show on his bank statements) because she never said he owed that month's rent.

    The defendant's pathetic 'it wasn't me in the video' claim was quickly proven to be wrong, but what was he thinking? Not that JJ had any respect for him after seeing the footage for the first time anyway.

    In the second case, the defendant certainly was an oddball. He tried to pull the old "it's valuable... to me" line, but JJ was having none of it. Interesting to see Byrd visibly sighing as he trudged to and from the defendant repeatedly to hand JJ various photos. And JJ's dismissal of his supposed 'diagram' was bang on the money.



    On 15/11/2018 at 1:34 AM, AngelaHunter said:

    Well, I actually enjoyed this. I sat open-mouthed in astonishment that a woman Lisa's age, who got divorced, thought the best next step in her life was to invite Michael Murphy, evil goblin, to come and LIVE WITH HER. Can anyone believe this? Is he a murderer, an ex-con, a rapist, a drug addict, a thief? I guess Lisa never thought about that. I wouldn't really enjoy having my friends come live with me, but sure - some guy who looks like he got out of prison yesterday? Why not? And he can bring all his hoes and ex-cell mates over to go through my stuff. Lisa should just count herself lucky she didn't end up dead and buried in her backyard. If I decided to move alone into a place I couldn't afford (which I wouldn't) and needed a room mate, I think I might pick another woman similar to me, and then grill her and get an investigation on her first. But not Lisa. She thought Michael was just a charming lad.

    More weirdos, but no violent physical attacks and no abused/neglected kids, so I liked this one too. Plaintiff had a hard time giving straight answers, but her being a real estate agent makes that understandable. Def, who calls himself a "visual artist"(is that another name for "hoarder"?) which he believes gives him leave to pile up his 5K of junk on someone else's property, starts backing up in shock and horror from the podium when realizes he's losing and I was afraid he was going to to go ass over heels and end up in an audience member's lap.

    He did seem to be playing a game of 'grandma's footsteps' with JJ towards the end of the case. Every time she glanced at him, he had shuffled backwards a little bit more! A sure sign that a case has been won and lost.

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