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Posts posted by mikal768

  1. Some of my thoughts..

    1) this show did something I never thought possible. It made Boba Fett a fun character for me. I always vacillated between thinking of him as a joke (beaten by a blind man with a stick) or an overhyped Gary Stu (cough cough karen traviss). They showed why he has the reputation he did in universe while still seeming to be well... a person. Kudos 

    2) anyone else now have a fan wank that the dark troopers were this timelines Cylons and Bo-Katan was gonna fly into a whirlpool then come back as an angel in season 3? Just me? Okay then...

    3) I’ve wanted to see Dark Troopers in official canon since 1995. And despite not doing much they did not disappoint. Unless you’re very good one of them will WRECK YOU. Thankfully they had a Jedi there to help but...

    4) a big part of me wished Kyle Katarn would have been the Jedi. But alas no. Maybe one day. but..

    5) making it Luke makes sense, and I think even with everyone calling “uncanny valley” I think they did a good job with the de-aging

    6) glad they kept Gideon alive. The chance for Giancarlo to return makes me a happy camper especially if he..

    7) join up with thrawn for season 3, as a tie in to the Ashoka show maybe? It seems based on the back door pilot he’ll be her main antagonist. Having Gideon and Thrawn together would be... very nice. Especially if they..

    8 ) manipulate what seems to be a political power play coming in season 3. The orthodox Din faction using his victory over the wielder of the dark saber to try and make him a leader vs Bo-Katan will be an interesting season while we wait for Din and his true kid reunite, to ride off together in the sunset leaving politics and the Jedi both behind. Even with the wild cards that will be out there, I.e. thrawn (and hopefully Gideon) plus apparently the new crime lord on the block Boba Fett.


    all in all, a good season. Using the previous seasons world building in conjunction with the rich backstory of the Star Wars saga in place. 

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Trillian said:

    It was far more plausible in the original that there was still an old wind-up record player around somewhere. This was just appeared out of nowhere. And I kept thinking:  wrong song.  Sigh.  

    Wasn’t it in the “antiques” store that also had the typewriter Harold took with him?

    • Love 1
  3. Well I guess we’re going with the MCU “time travel doesn’t matter for your original timeline cause whatever you do careens it into a new reality!” .

    makes it consistent. Whatever they don’t doesn’t impact the main MCU. Soon as they meddled with time travel they started messing stuff up in this new (apparently accelerated thanks to the chronicom) time travel.


    makes me wonder if they’ll actually get back to “their” time line in the end or they just stay in their new reality forever 

  4. 1 minute ago, Ottis said:

    So Hugh is unimportant when it comes to getting diplomatic clearance, but is also able to send Picard coordinates to beam down, have him beam into a specific area and give him a tour of the reclamation center? The Romulans who required official diplomatic clearance didn’t notice this while they were awaiting his arrival? Taken together, it either doesn’t make sense or is unnecessarily convoluted. 

    Apparently you weren’t paying attention. The romulans provided the beam in coordinates, not Hugh. The romulans knew he was on board. The crew asked the romulans to notify the director that Picard wanted to meet with him. The entire point of the mission was to be open about their arrivals and initial meeting person. 

    • Love 5
  5. On 2/28/2020 at 3:32 AM, SourK said:


    Also, Picard has been on Borg ships lots of times since he was assimilated and he dealt with it. If anything, he should be freaking out because it reminds him of Data getting killed, but that's not the plot line they want to explore right now. I also still wish I got to hear what Seven of Nine thinks of this cube.

    No he hasn’t. He’s been on an enterprise that was becoming borgified in First Contact and he was going full captain Ahab during the process and that’s it. 

    • Love 6
  6. On 7/31/2019 at 3:01 AM, BigDfromLA said:

    How did Lexi end up so normal, well-adjusted, reliable and productive? She had the same shitty parents that Cassie had. Give her credit!

    Remember Rue was put on drugs (for ADD among other things) at a VERY young age...maybe six? That seems awful young to start that kind of medication. That may have been the biggest factor leading into what she would become.

    Can’t speak to the other things but I have ADD and was diagnosed at that age with medication. No issues like her. 

    honestly I see her as a classic bipolar with ADD , since I’m also bipolar (though that wasn’t diagnosed until later in life)

    unfortunately for her she doesn’t seem to a support structure in place to help her. 

    Many people with bipolar sometimes try and self medicate to a degree, which, along with her dad dying, turned her into what she is. 

    But the doctors providing ADD meds causing her problems? Nah... not really. 

    • Love 6
  7. 8 minutes ago, Bannon said:

    Honest to goodness, the writer explanation for the entire last half hour, as told in Inside, is that Dany "forgot" about the Iron fleet. 

    These people aren't even trying at this point, and if the writers don't care, why should the audience?

    Well maybe they forgot about the fleet due to the iron islands being supposedly neutralized by their allies return to them? 

    • Love 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, seawind said:

    How did he know? EVERYONE knew because the show decided it would be a marvelous idea to have Dany just show up in broad daylight and fly her dragons right by the Red Keep. She might as well have flown a huge fucking banner that said "I'M RIGHT HERE CERSEI" in huge letters. AUGHHHHH I'm so upset.

    They were flying for dragonstone. Not kings landing 

    • Love 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, seawind said:

    I am so profoundly disappointed in the show, I can't even process what I'm feeling right now. Everything that happened the second after Dany flew the dragons DIRECTLY OVER KING'S LANDING IN BROAD DAYLIGHT WHEN THEY KNOW THAT CERSEI HAS WEAPONS THAT FUCKING KILL DRAGONS and everything that happened AFTER THEY SAILED RIGHT UP TO KING'S LANDING IN BROAD DAYLIGHT was a complete waste. There is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL, NOT IN ANY UNIVERSE, that that would have been something that Dany or Tyrion or any of them would have done. This was just the show forcing things in order to kill another dragon and then Missandei, two more things Dany loves, so that we could get the "mad queen Dany." I can't even be said about Rhaegal and Missandei, because THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED BECAUSE THE WAY THEY CAME UPON THE CAPITAL WAS ASININE.

    Show, you did something far, far worse than anything you may have done in The Long Night. You broke my heart. 😞

    Small FYI the ambush happened off dragonstone not at Kings landing 

    • Useful 2
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  10. 1 minute ago, 3 is enough said:

    Yes.  Her first thought was that she was not the rightful heir anymore.  Never mind that she slept with her nephew and could conceivably be pregnant with his child (no pun intended).

    Well why would be worried? She was raised to think she was going to marry her brother and that it was natural to do so. Nephew sex isn’t that big of a deal to her. 

    • Love 4
  11. 55 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

    If things were that clear-cut books on Medieval history would be much shorter. 

    Yes. Because those people rebelled against what was to them lawful authority. Which is my point. These people are acting out of what would be considered expected behavior in a feudal society. 

    Dany is also expecting that the person who willingly abdicated would have people who would follow him since he was their king. Especially as she’s coming to save their asses from the zombies. If she shows weakness she’s lost.  

    • Love 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Friendly kitty said:

    Agree. She played in the queen. He thinks if John bent his knee in front of her, then the rest should do the same. Not! She needs to learn to negotiate with people, learn diplomacy ...

    No actually they totally should. That’s the point of a feudal society- you have allegiance to your lord, who has allegiance to their lord, all the way to the top king/queen/emperor.

    By their laws and their society and their histories, they SHOULD all be bending the knee and honestly Daenerys’s reactions to the side eyes are, in relation to this society, justifiable and very restrained. 

    Plus the fact she’s coming in with tens of thousands of trained powerful soldiers and two dang dragons to save their ungrateful butts should provide a little respect. 

    • Love 11
  13. 9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Dany's not presenting herself as a guest though. She's presenting herself as the Queen of the North, no and's if's or but's.

    Well... yeah. Cause the king abidicated and swore his and his people’s allegiance to her.

    For all legal intents and purposes she IS the Queen of the North, no ifs ands or buts.

    • Love 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Raja said:

    Well considering how easy it was to just pull the hearing inhibitor from Simmons she probably shouldn't have any problem helping Daisy out.  But I guess they could drag out the cure over a few episodes

    Seeing as how Simmons already said the inhibitor was tied into Daisy's brain stem (or spinal column, one or the other can't remember specifically), and it negates an Inhumans powers vs. the hearing inhibitor which apparently just stuck around in the ear area blocking sound, one is a little more complex than the other.

    • Love 1
  15. 10 hours ago, Oscirus said:

    If your actions causes the death of thousands of people that you're supposed to protect,  you lose the moral high ground. 

    Even if you believe those actions will not only save millions of people, but also keep the human race from being extinct in the Long Night?

    • Love 6
  16. 11 hours ago, Skeeter22 said:

    Was Rhaegar trying to turn all of the ruling houses against his family? What a dick. 

    He thought he was fulfilling the prophecy of the Prince Who Was Promised to save the world... which he might have done.

    Making the marriage of ice and fire legitimate also provides said Prince with the backing of the Seven Kingdoms once Rhaegar took care of Robert, and called the Council to depose his father as he planned... 

    But like most plans, it (and he) didn't survive contact with the enemy, and thus the cluster they have today.

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