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Posts posted by CatLynn

  1. Can't anyone think for themselves in this family?!? Parents are supposed to encourage their grown children to go out and live their lives, think for themselves, and be self-sufficient.  This patriarch has set up this arrangement for his own selfish needs, certainly not for his kids' best interest. He is disabling them to think they can't take care of themselves. They all seem to be brainwashed! One day the adult children will rebel and regret that they were in this crazy "cult-like" situation. What an oppressive life-style!

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Red Bridey said:

    Full disclosure: this show is one of the only "bad TV" that I really look forward to watching!  And yeah, nobody I know or respect watches it either, so I have nobody to discuss it with.  Except you, my virtual friends!

    Same here!  I don't know what it is about this show, but I just can't look away.  It's like a terrible car accident....you don't want to look at it but can't resist looking anyway!  I'm so embarrassed to admit to anyone I know that I watch this. I'm glad to have this forum to read what others are thinking who watch.

    I do agree with many of you that say Loren is annoying, however, she is saying the things I've been yelling at the TV. She is quite the little spitfire...looks a little like a younger Kim Kardashian. Her voice grates a bit on my nerves. Pao gets on my nerves more.  She's so bossy and such a drama queen. I feel sorry for Danielle.  She doesn't know what she doesn't know.  She is very child-like and clueless. Mo is more shrewd and played with her emotions, knowing she was easy to manipulate. He got what he wanted the cold, calculating SOB!  I feel sorry for Jorge because he tried really hard to please Anfisa, and just couldn't keep up with her high maintenance. She was using him for money and green card only, but he should just recognize that and walk away with a little dignity, rather than try to get revenge. Russ has got no personality...don't see the connection between he and Pao.  Chantel and Pedro are a really good-looking couple, but they don't seem to have any depth.  The only truly legit couple seems to be Loren and Alexei.  I will miss all of these guys once the show ends.

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  3. Loren and Alexei seem to be the only legitimate relationship. Alexei did not seem to necessarily want to come the US until he met Loren. It doesn't seem like he was using her to get a green card like the other foreigners who sought to come over. He was very conflicted leaving his family in Israel, and if he had not met Loren, it seems he would have been very happy staying there.

    As for Danielle and Mohammed, he was definitely scamming her from the beginning just to come over and get a green card.  He knew she was an easy target and could be easily fooled. When he arrived in the US, he did seem genuinely happy to be here, but not because of Danielle, but for the opportunity to be here. He is an opportunist and a user.  It's true, Danielle made some bad decisions and fell for his bull, but she seems a bit naive and appears to have had several disadvantages in her life that made her vulnerable. Mohammed should go back to his country.  It's obvious that he did not have good intentions to be in a legitimate relationship with Danielle, and does not seem to have much to contribute to this country.

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