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Posts posted by Ragingviolet

  1. 19 hours ago, Lsk02 said:

    I don’t want to spoil it if you didn’t see, but the preview for the next episode is what has so many speculating. I didn’t think anything of the ending until I saw that. 

    I watch it on hulu so I don't get previews.  what did it show?

  2. 10 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I have huge doubts about Shaun's relationship with Carly, but I hope they don't stick him in a relationship with Lea now.  Because Lea has always made it very clear she has no romantic interest in Shaun, and only sees him as a friend.  It would seem disingenuous to switch that up now.

    I am confused why there are so many comments speculating about Lea and Shaun becoming an item because she was comforting him?  I have a male friend who we both have no romantic interests in each other, in fact I think he might be on the spectrum.  A few months ago I got some really devastating news and he came over and held me while I cried until we both fell asleep.  We got up the next morning.  Went for waffles and continued on with our friendship.  When you are single you need people around who will hold you when you need it and it wont' turn into having to worry about sex.

    • Love 19
  3. On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 11:54 AM, libgirl2 said:

    He amazes me. When I started watching BBT I never thought of him as David. Now that he is back as David, I don't think of him as Leonard. He not only acts different but he looks different. His eyes don't seem as bright or something. He looks down and defeated, while Leonard looks happy. 

    On a side note, I love tuna casserole. And yes, I would eat it cold. 

    I'm always struck by his posture as david. He consistently does this hand in pockets hunched over thing and to me it always reads as david. I thought it was just Johnnie's real affect but he doesn't do it as Leonard so obviously it's a character affectation.

    • Love 10
  4. On Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 8:20 PM, BeachDays said:


    I haven’t seen the episode yet (haha I always start my new ep posts like that), but Sara and Johnny have always been a team, bffs, partners in crime, whatever.   Sara is incredibly invested in the relationship between Darlene and David-  she has said in interviews she thinks about them and literally cries.   So this relationship between the characters will never go away-  at least not as long as Sara has a say.   With Big Bang Theory ending this season, it’s an opportunity to bring back David on the show as a regular.   I might be completely wrong but I think the idea of them being permanently separated is not one that was ever truly the goal.   More like buying their time until they could be back together again.   

    This rings true for me anyway. There are some loves you just can't escape sometimes even when the person that inspired it completely changes.

    • Love 5
  5. 8 hours ago, OhSarah69 said:

    Yes, I get your point, but adults don't always make the best choices.  I think there is something to be said for keeping work and after-work life separate (I know there are exceptions and am not by any means saying don't have fun....but to me, a boss is a boss and not your special I-saw-your-undies-pal.  I would never want anyone to have that kind of power over me in the workplace where I go to earn my daily beans, you know?.  Your mileage may vary).   I'm not concerned about Darlene's relationship ending (besides, they're not in a relationship yet, in my opinion).  I'm concerned that a single parent with very few job prospects quits her previous job and lucks into another...and then sleeps with the boss.  If it all goes pear-shaped, as the Brits say, what if she loses her job?  Or finds it so horrible to be in the same room that she quits?  I agree with BeachDays' suggestion that Darlene doesn't necessarily like or want Ben, but wants to be in a relationship of some kind.  I get it.  Life gets lonely sometimes and we all don't live by the same rules.  But can Darlene not show us some growth?  I get that she's a sitcom character and that I shouldn't really be yelling at the TV.

    Dude...if you've never been a single lonely mom you just might not get it. Those kinds of connections are rare and delving into them makes you be more mature when they end.

    • Love 1
  6. On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 4:07 PM, CrystalBlue said:

    Yeah, Darlene sleeping with her boss does not bode well for her future.  Things will probably go south at some point, and she'll be out of a job, not able to go back to the casino because of how she left there.  With two children to support, and at her age, the wisdom of the insta-attraction let's-get-it-on relationship seems to be just as stupid as Becky being in her situation and now pregnant.  I'm hoping for the best for Becky's baby though, and hope she doesn't give it up for adoption to predatory lesbian couples or anyone else.

    People can sleep with their boss and things be fine as long as both are adults. The boss being willing to talk through uncomfortable moments with her bodes well for them being able to move on when it's over.


    Things like this happen all the time without both parties imploding. Relationships end and it can be fine after that.

    • Love 2
  7. On Wednesday, December 05, 2018 at 1:42 PM, Bastet said:

    But she came very close to living with Jimmy.  You don't move in with a romantic partner you haven't even reached the sex stage of the relationship with.

    And David ran out on her a long time ago; she hasn't had sex with anyone in that entire time?  I can buy her not being ready for a boyfriend until recently, but not a decade or whatever without sex.

    Lots of people do this. Especially women who cling to being "independent" after divorce. I have a friend who has only ever slept with her ex husband and they got divorced the same time I did, 6 years ago. She's never even come close to flirting with someone much less a date.


    So I think it happens way more than you'd think.

    • Love 5
  8. On Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 10:57 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Prince: Short, pale, and pretty.

    Yeah, no, a lot of Prince's music is far from suitable for kids Jack and Diane's age. Not sure this was the way to stage a tribute to him on Black-ish.

    Diane doing Purple Rain in her glasses was everything though.

    I know Dre's White coworkers are known to be culturally vapid but it's not remotely believable that they had no clue who Prince was. Maybe the show should've written that scene as them putting one over on Dre.

    This seemed to me to be more about letting the cast do their Prince impersonations than anything else. At least they were lip synching (instead of actually singing) for the most part.

    They're too young for prince? I was listening to him at younger than them.

    • Love 3
  9. 1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

    Roseanne and Dan's youngest kid. He was mentioned briefly last season as being a fisherman that couldn't come home to visit ever. 

    Omg! I had completely forgotten that! I had also forgotten Jackie had a kid until I saw it mentioned on here. I'm trying to still figure out what happened to everyone because I didn't watch the show with Roseanne on it due to her politics. So I'm still a little confused by some things plus I haven't seen an episode of the original Roseanne in over 6 years since I went to only streaming services and no cable.

    • Love 4
  10. On Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Pete Martell said:


    I agree with what others already said about the scene with Darlene and her boss (Ben, apparently). The "whoo" mostly made me laugh (it's like we're watching Saved by the Bell), but I don't think that type of moment fits Darlene or the types of relationships she'd want. The idea of this incredible chemistry or whatever - she would just roll her eyes at that. The scene in the casino felt much more like her. 


    Before my own divorce I'm sure I would have agreed. When I finally started dating after it was over I at first only went out with men who were similar to my ex husband. Then I had a moment like Darlene did where I was like...what am I doing since that obviously didn't work out. Now I date all kinds of men and find myself more drawn to men who are nothing like my ex. You go through this whole process of learning what you're even attracted to after you get divorced from someone you were married to for a long time. This to me is way more realistic for Darlene, who has always been self aware, than it would be to keep having her date weak men. 

    • Love 5
  11. On Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 10:30 PM, WineCheeseChocolat said:

    You see, something like that I think would’ve been interesting. Not it being the COTW but the COTW being “what constitutes consent in this day and age” and the squad reflecting back on their own experiences and situations they are looking at with a new perspective. Little glimpses into their pasts and how they feel about it, but not making the whole episode about it. Like how Old School SVU was back when the writers knew the meaning of subtlety.

    Even tho this episode was awful it did kind of make me indignant that two people could be black out drunk but only one is a rapist. What IS the law here I wonder? If neither can consent then how do the police decide if anything happened?

    • Love 2
  12. On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 12:17 PM, Xantar said:

    Still nothing nearly as inappropriate as what she was wearing on House which included at one point a skirt with slits on both sides going up to mid-thigh. And at least in this case she isn't playing a character in a position of authority.

    I don't get what difference it makes. 

  13. On Monday, October 15, 2018 at 11:23 PM, Annber03 said:


    Yeah, everything with Lea is really tough for me to sort out, too, for a lot of the reasons you note. He may not ask her what happened to make her come back, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't get that she's upset, or that he wouldn't show his concern and interest in other ways. Hell, even if he did wonder as to what brought her back, he could've chosen not to ask precisely because he knew she was upset about whatever happened there, and as such, didn't want to add to her sadness. So I hope Lea can keep that in mind, too. 

    I dunno. It's a very weird situation in general. The bit with Shaun trying to make things better with their karaoke song was super adorable, though :). 

    I just watched this episode tonight. And I'm a mom of two asd kids but still had to let a friend go this week because of having to deal with asd issues. I've been beating myself up over it because I felt I should be more empathetic but the truth is its damn hard. Even for someone really familiar with the disorder. I'll miss my friend but I just couldn't do it any more. 

  14. Just watched this episode tonight and while Kenton is stupid I'll be the lone voice saying don't freaking date if you don't have time caitlyn! So obnoxious when people act like because you have a small kid the partner should settle for bread crumbs. You working at being a good mom? Good do that. Stop acting like no communication is acceptable because of that. It's not. So don't date. Especially long distance.

    • Love 1
  15. On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 9:21 PM, BitterApple said:

    Agreed. Niles looked like Chris Hemsworth compared to shleppy Donnie. 

    I fell in love with a "schleppy" guy once because of his confidence. Donnie always reminded me of that.

    • Love 2
  16. 1 hour ago, watchTV said:


    When the glorification of biological mothers was first brought up, someone interpreted  that as dismissing the handmaids in  favor of the commander's wives. Not so. My understanding is this show is in a way overrepresenting the role of a biological mother.

    June, Luke, and Hannah  happy together. Remember that, Hannah?  June reminded her daughter of her former life. For what?  This child could not return to that. In short, she caused her daughter more pain. That situation was already very risky and the other guardian kept telling them they needed to go. June then ran outside to say more words that ultimately resulted in what exactly? Great seeing you but nothing's changing. You're going right back to your new life. You know? Away from me. This extended scene resulted in Nick's abduction and June left on her own while ready to pop.

    An actual doctor, who was an expert in her field, basically said it's over. Yet, through some unexplained miracle her baby healed. There are a lot of unexplainable things on the show so I guess we'll just have to buy it. The whole episode felt like one long extended scene of June giving birth. It's like the long close up scenes of her face emoting for filler. Did we really need that? Handmaids can have babies. We know. But in case you didn't know, here's what it looks like. Naked. In the dark. On the floor. Without much vernix. Why? Unexplained.

    I feel this is stretching to take offense.  You want a mother ripped from her child to not want to see her again?  Like what should have happened?  She is upset.  Hannah didn't miraculously forget her either.  She's old enough to remember June so.....still not getting the "glorification of biological motherhood" thing.

    24 minutes ago, watchTV said:

    Two things. First, Hannah was there when the men tore her from her mother. Her accusation that she was abandoned was a coping mechanism to make sense of her painful situation. Second, now that Hannah knows her mom didn't abandon her and she couldn't go back, why did June need to risk everything by delaying her departure? She was repeatedly warned by both  Nick and Hannah's guardian. If the other guardians caught them, they could all be executed.

    As for the birthing scene, we get the idea in 5 minutes. Since they insisted on showing it they could at least make the baby look natural. It was cleaner than normal.



    So bizarre. That's like a criminal saying, "Look, you're alive because I locked you in a basement instead of shooting you when I had the chance. Thank me for the cops setting you free."

    I thought the episode of June giving birth was boring myself however I can see the artistic element in it.  So odd some people take such offense at what was legit one of the most realistic birthing scenes I think I have ever seen on screen.  I am not a huge fan of desperately wanting babies stories but dear lord it's not putting down anyone to show June giving birth.  Jeez.

    • Love 6
  17. 31 minutes ago, watchTV said:

    I don't think that's what they meant when they brought that issue up. Here is the clarification in the quote below.


    I do not understand how June's reaction to seeing her child is glorifying being a biological mother.  How else was she supposed to act?  I also thought it was pretty clear that the reason Janine's baby did better was because Janine actually took care of it unlike the commander's wife.  So I really still don't understand this whole glorifying motherhood sentiment.

    • Love 8
  18. There are a lot of posts declaring the benefits of formula feeding and that's fine but in this particular world where the birth mother is a vessel, as stated by Aunt Lydia, none of those things woudl matter.  I don't really think anyone in this particular society cares if it's easier for a mother to get more sleep or that it hurts for some or any of those things.  What they care about is what their old school ideas are about what's "best for baby."  Breast milk is the best, most natural thing for a baby to eat.  It's easy to digest, it carries health benefits.  There are many reasons that they would force the handmaids to breastfeed the babies despite them not liking it or not wanting to etc.  In the handmaids' circumstances they can even force them into a diet that would increase milk production and make them do whatever it took in order for them to produce.  The whole point is that once they have the baby that is really their only job....producing milk for the baby.  That's it.  All this going to the store and whatever else June does around the house doesn't matter.  Her sole purpose now becomes being a cow basically.  That is what is so terrifying about the situation. 

    • Love 2
  19. 2 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

    I understand, if everything in the world of Gilead was normal except for the fertility problem, then yes, what you say will probably apply.


    But we don't know if the issue of low production and quality of the milk is affected in this world.  Something happened that caused fertility rates to drop, so, that same something or another thing that is related to that something could be causing a problem with the biological mothers' milk production.


    We just don't know if the show intends for this issue to be another biological problem of the Gilead universe, like the fertility issue, or if the show is playing fast and lose with biology to pull our heartstrings.  I suspect the latter, but will give them the benefit of the doubt for now.  That's why one of my earlier posts about this started with "If the writers are smart" they explain June's milk issues as another biological process unique to their universe (as the fertility one is).

    I don't think the show is playing fast and loose with biology if this is only a June thing. I assumed her production was low because she's exclusively pumping. This is why it's so hard for working moms who have demanding jobs to breastfeed because milk production is effected if the mom only pumps. I imagine it would be even worse if the mom wasn't even near the baby ever. They actually got that right in the series. The mother's state of mind can also effect production as well. 

    • Love 7
  20. 1 minute ago, WearyTraveler said:

    It's not exclusive to modern times, though.  The use of a nursemaid was pretty normal in times when women had very little else to do but birth babies and be in charge of the household.  Some did it out of convenience, I'm sure, but many simply had problems and had to resort to a nursemaid to supplement their child.

    It was only rich women who could do this so more than likely out of convenience. I'm not saying low production isn't a thing I'm saying it's not so common that if you barely are having any babies born and you basically using the biological mother as a cow it probably isn't too much of an issue.

    • Love 3
  21. How are they glorifying biological mothers? I haven't noticed any of that.


    As re: the discussion about what do they do if a mother has low milk production or can't produce. Women are built to produce milk. Low milk production or not producing is actually not the norm. In today's world it's just harder to deal with because new mothers do not have the support mothers would have had when there was no formula. If woman's whole purpose in life was to just birth a baby and feed it I doubt there would be an issue with milk production. She's be forced to eat and drink whatever it took to encourage milk. She'd get as much rest as she needed, she'd get help from other women, and she'd nurse as many times a day as was necessary to bring up her production.


    I'm not saying forcing these things on women is right but the reality is biologically if these things were done then low milk production would be easily addessed.

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