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Posts posted by AWu1977

  1. 7 hours ago, fib said:

    Um... well maybe youre right if Scott spoiled the ending on Afterbuzz.  But Brooke and Scott are also by far the most likey to play to the camera.  So given this stress free chance to film their best selves, they may have just turned it on.  A gal can hope!

    Less than 24 hours to go until the finale! So excited!? Even if Scott and Brooke wins, I hope they won the race convincingly, not just because of a mistake/wrong decision by another team (ie using the subway or a taxi driver takes them to the wrong location like what happened with Team Boys). Since all three teams are going back to the US on the same flight, I guess this levels the playing field? Like all three teams will start the final race at the same time. Hopefully, the fastest/best team will win!

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  2. 10 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    What recap did you watch that had Scott, Brooke and Logan as guests? I know only of Becca & Floyd's and London and her sister with Logan as a guest.

    Hello! It is the Amazing Race Episode 11 recap of AfterBuzz TV on youtube. Sara (Shamir's partner) was also there. ☺

  3. I quite admire the fact that they were gracious when they lost. They didn't badmouth their cab driver even when he took them in the wrong direction (unlike Joey who was talking bad stuff about the gamer for not letting Tara win). I think Matt said it was his decision to use the subway, but Redmond never blamed him for that. Instead, he said that he chose to follow Matt's decision (thereby saying it was his fault too). I actually like the dynamics of their team, the way they worked together as a team. I don't remember them complaining about anything. Like Redmond could have made an issue how his leg is hurting throughout the race (all that running and climbing stairs will sure take a toll), but he never did. In a way they are like Team LoLo as they never had any drama between them. You would think that a team with two guys would have lots of clashes but they were not like that at all. If they were not strong at challenges, if they didn't have that fight with Ashton, they probably won't have any screen time at all like Team LoLo.?

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  4. Yeah. I also just watched on youtube a video recap of episode 11 and they had Scott, Brooke and Logan as guests. Scott also said that the intros were done like 12 hours after the race ended.

    You can tell Team Boys didn't win coz they looked quite serious (esp Matt) in theirs. Team Mom and Dad didn't look too happy either. London of Team LoLo had a big smile on, but I think that's just her default face as she is always happy/positive so she would still smile even if they had lost. So I think Team Scott/Brooke won as they looked so happy in theirs. Brooke said they just wanted to copy the intro of a team from past season, but I think if you just lost a race (and a million dollars), you really won't be in the mood to jump in your partner's arms. If they had lost, Brooke would have still been bickering with Scott-- probably blaming him for their loss-- even hours after the race...hehe. Also, Scott mentioned in that same recap that he was all about using strategy to win ("make alliances and drop them") even before the start of the race and so he was glad that everything worked out as he planned. Did he just unintentionally hinted that they won? Coz the studio sure got quiet for a few moments (dead air) after he said that. 

    Hopefully I am wrong (Team LoLo is my fave)... :)

  5. 39 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    That said, I think they are going to win. They've gotten the Flo and Zach edit which makes me think they are winning.

    In as much as I don't like it, I now admit that maybe Scott and Brooke were the ones who won this race. The fact that the show is now giving us this edit that Brooke is this positive, smiley, happy girl all of a sudden, it seems like they want to show that she is someone we could like. In this episode, I don't recall her whining and screeching (no "I can't do it!!!!!" ), she tackled her roadblock like a champ and she was all cheerful and supportive of Scott during his. Everybody here knows she can't just change that much in a single episode. She must have been doing the same bad things like before, but the producers have edited them out of the latest show we just watched. The formely consistently strong team---Team Mom and Dad---is now being edited as hypocritical, entitled jerks, whereas Team LoLo was never given a story arc to begin with (also, they have never shown to be strong in tasks except this last leg) so a lot of people still have a hard time even remembering their names. I hope if Team Scott does win, they would win convincingly, not just because the other teams experienced bad luck (ie had a bad taxi driver who got them lost) or they made stupid mistakes (do not read the clue).

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  6. Now I am afraid that Scott and Brooke has really won the race. I used to be able to view Brooke's instragram account, just like the rest of the racers'.  From her pics, you can see her (sometimes together with Scott) going to fancy dinners and watching Broadway shows. They were even able to watch Hamilton! I thought that show was already sold-out, or if there are still tickets available, they would cost thousands of dollars. In my mind, I was thinking "...hmmm, seems like somebody has lots of money to spend lately". But now, her account has gone private. Perhaps somebody from the show has advised her not to show off her newfound wealth until after the race has ended?

  7. I am sorry for this stupid question, but can competitors help each other during a roadblock? For instance, at the very beginning of the shrimp trap roadblock, Becca noticed right away that Floyd dropped one of the shrimp traps. Becca said she can not say anything, but can Redmond had alerted Floyd? Or when Matt already dropped off his load of shrimps traps and--while cycling back to Redmond---he saw Floyd's shrimp traps scattered all over the road, is he allowed to pick them up and bring them back to Floyd? Obviously, those two scenarios will never happen (because rraaaaaceee!), but is it still within the race's rules though? Just curious!☺

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  8. Team LoLo is my fave team. London is so cute, like a young high school girl. She was obviously crushing on Logan so bad during the race. Even if you watch her youtube recaps, you can really tell that had Logan made any attempts to be romantically involved with her, London would gladly have said yes! I think in one of her interviews before the race started, she said she is not actively looking for a love partner during the show, but if it happens, why not? from the very beginning of the show, London was clearly attracted to Logan. She was always giddy whenever they are beside each other and she alway try to hug him/touch him every chance she gets (ie episode one when she picked him as her partner; when Logan chose to do the roadblock in Brazil; at the pit stops esp episode 8). She even laughingly admits this on her youtube recaps (that she was awkward with Logan). She called up Logan's fone during her episode 8 recap, but it went straight to voicemail...hehe. Maybe Logan is just a very chill guy, but I did not see any signs at all during the race that the attraction was mutual. To be honest, he just seemed amused with London's antics. He was clearly just not into her from the beginning. Which is sad for me-- in a silly fan POV-- because they look good together. ☺  From their US Weekly article, I gather that Logan was already attracted to Sara (and vice versa) even during the race. So maybe thats why London never stood a chance with him.

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