Wow!! So cool! Are you going to do it?? You totally should!
A branch of my ancestry goes back to Scotland. This dude was born in 1710 to like, a duke or something. But he was illegitimate. So he wasn't allowed to continue the nobility thing (his father's family had an estate in Scotland that still stands in ruins), so he kind of became a badass out on his own. Well, at that time in Scotland, the christians were beheading people for heresy, and my man was *NOT* a believer, so he gave the single finger salute and rather than conform to a religion he didn't believe in (I LOVE HIM), this dude fled to America, where he met a Native American woman (Chickasaw tribe) in New York, who he hooked up with and had a bunch of kids and lived happily ever after. Anyway, I have to find out more details on the battles my ancestors fought in. Many of them died in battle I guess. South Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut. Another branch is entirely from Ireland. Are we related LMAO?!