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Posts posted by Beautymommy22

  1. Lol after the finale tonight how delusional was Calvin? He's a boss and respected. No man you got played like a fiddle from beginning to end. 

    And Mauri getting in that fight was stupid too. She definitely didn't seem like an inmate at that point. She's awful at blending in.

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  2. This is my first time posting on this forum, but I'm a TV junkie, always reading forums on here and can never comment. So I finally caved and made an account. 

    A few of my thoughts, Idk when they eat lunch or dinner but it seems like the jail just feeds them every 8 hours.  That would make lunch at 10 and dinner and 6pm. But who wakes up out of a dead sleep ready to eat or wants to eat at 2nd ya know? But then if you don't get up and eat you'll be starving by lunchtime. Jails don't feed inmates enough as it is.

    I'm glad they moved Calvin. He's pretty stupid to think that the gang members are actually his friends. It's so obvious to everyone but him that they're just using him for everything he has. But then inmate Jon Thomas on the new block starts using him too. He's too soft for jail. He's basically a doormat for everyone. He needs to learn the word NO.

    I don't think there will be any repercussions to Michelle or Matt doing drugs on camera. If they got caught after the fact then they would go to the SHU. The only way they would catch real charges is if they get caught in possession of something. It's a totally different world in jail, so I think I would have done the same thing. Being bored, tired, probably hungry and cold, and miserable you start to think differently. At that point anything starts sounding like a good idea. I'm sure the inmate mentality is rubbing off on all of them, causing them to behave differently then they normally would. It's true what they say about we become our environment. It's hard to say if Michelle did drugs at one time or not but I agree her daughter seemed anxious about it. She even said something like, it's hard enough knowing it's around, but to actually see it going on is even harder. Or something along those lines. And Michelle does kinda look like someone who's done it before, but I don't like judging based on looks.

    Mauri....ugh. She's doing a great job at doing exactly what she shouldn't. Lay in bed, don't leave the cell for days, pace back and forth looking stressed out- she's done everything to look guilty except say HEY IT'S ME!! At least Michelle has tried to blend back in and alleviate suspicions. And look, she did that and the other women lost interest and quiy talking about her. Her methods are questionable but at least she's not panicking and running for the door like Mauri. I'll be surprised if she finishes her 60 days. I think it's safe to assume she's not the one who stays another 60. She was a CO really? I just can't see it. Even the inmates said it doesn't look like she committed a crime. Her demeanor and everything is way off. She sucks at blending in. She better snort a pill or something lol j/k

    I can't believe how absent the COs are. How do they not know all these fights are going on!? Other jails the COs would swarm in and lock everyone down the second a fight broke out and take the participants to the hole. These guards really are a pathetic excuse for correction officers. They're not protecting anybody which is their job and they're not paying attention to what's going on. But they want to walk around and talk tough. Power drunk a-holes. And the zip tie thing was uncalled for too. And the pill issue in the women's unit! Seriously? It's not hard to see they're not taking the pills and clearly the nurse doesn't care at all. She should be checking their mouths after she sees them swallow it. All the drugs in their is nothing but incompetence on the jails part. I hope at the very least this season brings these issues to light and these employees are reprimanded, trained better, and these issues are fixed. There's just no excuse for this.

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