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  1. Question - As an expat who watches this show religiously (DVR) - I agree with many about yanks protesting over room and fridge size and costs in London/Paris/Norway etc - That's just Europe! Though I do demand a dryer lol - I can't do the air dry thing in 90% humidity! - Also I just delete any 'island' episodes, as they've ridden that pony into the ground - All that aside, I love the show - Love watching the 'stupid factor' in effect (hey, different strokes for different folks) - so can't fault them really and some places (like the dives in Italy for 1 Euro - that got me involved with that there) - But wish they'd do more Eastern European areas that are up and coming now (L'viv, Ukraine etc) - But my reason for writing is this - I've lived in 22 US States, lost track after 40 cities, and 7 countries now... (NZ/AUS/UK/IRE/FRA/CAN/CZK) - Half the reason I watch the show is to see whose kinda made their way to being able to afford a 2nd home, or make for a life abroad, for as we all know, you can buy so much more house in the USA than in London or Paris ... But here's my Q .. All these people that buy (that's another thing, 'renting' isn't really "House Hunting" - Anyone can throw a dart at a map and find a flat for £2000 ... "Buying" is what the show is all about IMO) - But back on point: How are these younger couples (am watching some 30 yr olds shopping now in Sheffield, UK - where he's "CEO" of some ice skating mfg - I lived in London, Bristol and Chorley 3 times now - so I def know what the costs are and still have my HSBC UK account to keep my GB finances 'active' whilst away - but how are these "kids" fresh off the boat into England getting a £200K mortgage right off the top without residency?? Same applies for people buying in Oz, NZ, Spain, Paris, Nice, Norway etc etc etc - I know UK/EU banking laws are a bit more relaxed (I can qualify solo in the USA for $688K here on 1 income, but in London, that GB income gets me £2.1M!) granted the pay there is also 3x more too (that was before Brexit and GBP tanked) - but I know UK banking laws, and it took me 3 years before I could get a (decent) credit card from AMEX, let alone a home mortgage - and '30 year' notes? Forget it - 20 years is the default... And as someone who's close to rolling over the speed limit age in life - I'm lucky to get a 15 yr note there now - the ageist prats! LOL - But anyway - If there are any finance wizkids out there that know how 'regular people' are able to buy right off the boat (these 2 aren't even married?) So he's gotta buy the house solo as they don't qualify as 'partners' in the UK yet - plus she's not even working either (lawyer) - so I just don't see how they're doing this unless they've banked $220K or whatever their budget was... Wouldn't buy a parking stall in London proper - But it is a lovely part of the country they're in and am glad they shot an episode up there... Anyway - This is only my first post here - and it seems this site is just one big 'chat session' as I don't see any sub-topics or headers? Mods feel free to move this if I've screwed up! TIA - Cheers - BB
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