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Posts posted by Finny

  1. On 1/23/2019 at 3:24 PM, ClareWalks said:

    AMEN! I hate the implication that people who eat healthy don't enjoy food. They tend to enjoy food MORE, honestly, because when they eat something they actually taste it. Like when Whitney went cake-tasting with her brother and INHALED the damn cupcakes (Hunter was even like "holy shit, slow down," and he's probably seen it all with this chick). When I have a cupcake, I savor every bite. 

    What I noticed with people the size like Whitney and the people on My 600 lb life is, they inhale and shovel down their food like it's their last meal. There is no way they even taste what they eat. They eat to fast, don't chew their food and therefore can't judge how much they eat. Of course the stomach capacity is huge, but I noticed for myself when I'm in a hurry that I eat more than when I sit down and take my time. I stopped eating in front of the TV now, take my time and thoroughly chew every bite. I also started using smaller plates to make the portion look larger than it is and trick myself that way. Several years back I started making my own salad dressings, started canning again and it's amazing how your taste buds change when you make your own food compare to the store bought stuff. It really doesn't take that much effort to make some changes but they can have a major impact.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Colleenna said:

    My girlies are getting old (as am I ). They're 16. Most of my kitties have made it to 18/19. Because of my age, when I lose these girls I will adopt a senior cat. It wouldn't be fair to adopt a kitten that, in all likelihood, would outlive me and have to be rehomed. 

    Kudos and cyber hugs for that. Senior animals make wonderful pets and lots of time luck out on getting adopted. I would do the same like you. Mine are pretty young. 7,6,2 and my 3 foster fails at 1 1/2, 1 1/2 and 8 months. Since we always going to have pets, we're going to make provisions for our pets in our will to make sure they will be taken care off. 

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  3. 19 hours ago, Dot said:

    Yes, @Finny, I'm on Medicare -- been there for a while since I'm 80 yrs old. Even if there was a deal at the local gym thru Medicare, I just wouldn't want to face (what to me now has become) the long drive to & from. Esp. now, when my left leg is chronically in severe pain. I have an appt Apr 1 with a pain mgt doc & I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will give me a cortizone shot to allieviate the pain.

    80 years??? I wouldn't have guessed. You sound a lot younger in your posts. Sharp minds are hard to guess age wise 🙂 I really hope you can get relief for your chronic pain. I can't imagine living with that day in and day out. I pulled a muscle in my back several years back and that gave me a smidgen of an idea what people with chronic pain go through. Mine was only temporary, I can't imagine living with that for the rest of your life. Exercise would be the last thing on my mind too if I would have to live with that.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Nicmar said:

    Fostering is great and commend you for doing. I wish the people in our city would do that. We have such a high rate of homeless animals and they get put down. I lost my beloved Friday (Husky) 3 weeks ago, still overcoming his loss. 

    😞 so sorry about losing your beloved pet. It's hard to come home and not being greeted by your best friend. I can't imagine not having pets. My furries are my babies... spoiled babies. They bring a lot of joy into our life. They love you no matter what. 

    I'm in NC and our county and others have volunteer and foster programs with Animal Control and also non-profit rescues. They work together. Sadly our county does not have a TNR program. That would help a great deal getting a handle on feral cats. The new director is working on changing that but politicians like the easy way out and just euthanize instead doing a TNR. A lot of times strays can be re-homed. During the winter months when there are no kittens, adults have a great chance for adoption. Matter of fact all adult cats that were put in Petsmart for adoption were adopted and a good number at Animal Control. When kitten season starts that number drops considerable. The shelter often has no choice but to euthanize animals since there is only a certain number of spaces avail. 😞 It's not just strays... plenty owners just drop off their animals when they become an inconvenience (moving, vacation etc.) it is really sad.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Dot said:

    Thank you for the cyber hug, @Finny. I'm very impressed with your love o critters smaller & more helpless than us human beings.

    And also impressed with your posts. I hope you'll keep it up!

    Thanks also for the aqua bike details. . I have never heard of a gym offering that, but I would be so into it, even at 6 p.m. My greatest sorrow, in terms of exercise, is not being able to do my aqua exercises any more. (I can't climb up stairs, so I could get IN a pool but I wouldn't be able to get out again. There is a pool with a ramp about 20 miles away, but gym membership is very expensive.)

    TY for the compliment. I try to keep posting here and also in the different episode threads. 

    I'm sorry to hear about your mobility issues. It stinks when you want to exercise but the gyms are not accommodating potential members either with equipment to make exercise possible or with an offer to reduce fees. My gym is not cheap either but I signed up when they had a special deal and I got my membership for 50% off. My monthly fee is $42 and that is acceptable for me considering what they offer. Have you checked with your insurance if they offer to help pay? I don't know if you are on Medicare yet, if yes I would check with them. Often Medicare Advance helps with gym membership fees from what I heard. We have a very obese young lady that has medical and mobility issues. She comes to the morning bike classes and aqua fit classes every so often. She uses a walker and it takes great effort on her part to get out of the pool but she has no problem being on the bike moving her legs that way. Sadly most gyms don't offer Aqua Bike. My gym is the only one in our city that does. 

    I get a lot of joy out of fostering. Last year I had 60 fosters - Orphans, moms w. kittens, preg. cats, bottle babies and everything in between. It's a a lot of work, unless you have a good cat mom who does all the work. Orphans and especially bottle babies take the most time. You have to feed them, burp, clean, poop and pee them. Basically it's like you have infants in your house. Then of course you can always lose kittens. No matter what you do they just don't make them and that is heart breaking and I always cry my eyes out. Whenever that happens I console myself with the thought that at least they had love, warmth and caring in their short life and they didn't die alone somewhere out in the wild. Kitten season is just starting so I'm bracing myself for phone calls 😄

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  6. Dot, sorry to hear of the passing of your the baby. Sending you a cyber hug. I lost my 14 year old Casey to cancer 2 years ago and I still miss her. It is the same with all the other the babies I lost in the past. They are like family and provide much comfort and joy in our lives. Take comfort in the knowledge that she was loved and had a great live with you.

     I believe that animals are great teachers. we are a registered foster home with our county animal control. Besides our 6 furry teachers, I always learn something new with each foster. Right now I foster a mom cat with 3 kittens. She gave birth in our house 3 weeks ago. More cats/kittens for me to love 😁

    • Love 4
  7. 8 hours ago, Dot said:

    @Finny, I love your comment about being your cats' "staff"! 😁 Ain't that the truth.

    I also have 6, all rescues, all between the ages of 11-13, all indoor. Until a couple of weeks ago. I had 7. My big, beautiful Flora passed over the Rainbow Bridge & I am still grieving the loss.

    You mentioned participating in "aqua bike." I have never heard of that. Could you give some details?

    Aqua bike is like spin on land. My wellness center has special bikes that you put in the pool. There are different versions of bikes. With our bikes you strap your whole foot in. Another difference compare to land spin is you can work your arms and whole body. The resistance comes from the special pedals. The faster you paddle the more resistance the water provides. We do sprints, jumps, armwork, quad isolation etc, toward end of class we use the bike for pushups, and working abs etc. I love it. I go 3x per week. Two classes are @ 6 am. I'm no morning person but I faithfully get up at 5 am to hit the classes. Aqua bike is great for people with knee, back and tendon problems because of the water support. We also have people that are severely overweight and can't go on a reg. Bike. I can't go to spin class (I love biking) because it aggravates my foot tendons. I have no problem in aqua bike class. I can work up quite a sweat even in the water. I personally love it. Aqua bike was one of the reasons why I signed up with my wellness center. 

    • Love 4
  8. Long time lurker, first time poster on this forum. I have to admit that I have not seen every episode of MFFL but I like to hang out here to read the comments. I'm learning a lot from posters about nutrition, exercise, their struggles and how they deal with weight issues etc. I don't condone body shaming no matter what that person looks like. Fat shaming is definitely an issue in our society, as is shaming anybody that does not meet the standard in looks that today's society puts on human beings especially on us women. When I have a problems with a person it is not their looks, it is their personality and the way they treat other people.

    I myself struggle with losing weight now that I'm older (60). My take on very obese people is not the aesthetic one but the health aspect. I always wonder how they can carry that much weight around without serious health problems. I personally was never skinny, more like average size until I was in my early 40s. That's when my weight started creeping up until I was around 200lb in my 50s. I was never an athletic and sports enthusiast but I started a walking routine that helped keep my weight somewhat steady. Two years ago I injured my foot and started having problems with my ligaments. I had to stop my walking and didn't watch much how I ate and gained 40 pounds in 1 year and started having problems with my knees and lower back. When I had my check up again, my doctor read me the riot act because my lab report sucked. My weight was 240 lb (i'm 5'8), my cholesterol was 200+, my sugar was up, my A1C was almost at 6. She told me if I don't do anything I will be diabetic and that scared the crappola out of me and finally off the couch. She also told me that my foot is not an excuse and I need to go into the pool. So I hauled myself to our wellness center and signed up for pool classes and bought a scale. I have to admit that initially I felt uncomfortable because I hadn't worn a bathing suit in 10 years and was very self-conscious, but I was pleasantly surprised by the women/men that attended the classes. The gym has a very diverse clientele of any age, size, background etc. I started going to aqua bike, aqua fit classes almost every day. Recently I added weights and barre to my routine to switch things up. I lost 35 lb by just being active and if I would be more strict with watching what I eat it would be even more. My weight right now is 205lb. For my lab report I got a star from my Dr. 😄 because my cholesterol is 170, my HDL 75, my triglycerides are 75 and my A1C is 5.5. My back/knee pain is gone. 🙂 I would like to lose more weight to get below 200lb, that means I have gird my not so wee loins and really start looking at my food intake. For me to exercise on a regular basis was to find something that is fun and I look forward too, otherwise I find excuses not to go. What also helps me with my exercise is the awesome instructor I have. Her saying is: "gyms are not just for healthy people, they are mainly for people that want to get and stay healthy".

    It is hard to lose weight. As many here can attest. It takes a lot of discipline (that I lack when it comes to food) but if many of you lovely posters can do it, I can do it too. 😄  I will never reach my ideal weight of 128lb for my height according to the charts. I never was that weight. My lowest was 145lb in my 20s. My Dr. told me not to pay attention to it. Ideal weight doesn't mean healthy. My 2 years younger sister is a good example. She never had to struggle with weight. She is still at 58 the same size she was when she was 20 and always was the skinny one in the family, but is now the one with the most health problems.

    Anyway. I didn't meant for my post to get this long. I really enjoy reading the posts here and I look forward to more. I wish everybody much health and to work toward being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much and is still standing. 

    And.... yikes to the cat posts. We have 6 cats - 3 indoor and 3 outdoor furries. None of them go on the counter or the table. At least not when we are home. No clue what they do when their staff is out. 🙂

    • Love 8
  9. Hi everybody. Big Fan of DCC and this fan forum here. I don't post  but really enjoy reading the informative and fun comments on here and of course learning a ton about the subject of DCC. I have a question and hopefully somebody can help. I'm watching the season 11 re-runs right now. There is a song that is played and I can't for the live of me remember the title nor the artist (drives me bonkers). They only play short bits of it and refrain they play goes like "I wanna do my thing....." I tried google and various other sites but to no avail. It's a very upbeat song and would fit nicely in my playlist for spin. I really would appreciate if anybody here could help me out. Thanks in advance. Stay safe. :D

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