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Posts posted by joh

  1. The brother was very insensitive to the dad. After a long 4 day drive, the dad is tired, over-weight and frustrated. He could have just said - rest as long as you need dad. The whole family comes off as rude.

    • Love 8
  2. 20 hours ago, NeitherSparky said:

    Haven’t read the live chat thread yet and I’m sure this was addresses a hundred times, but I just needed to get this out of my system:

    Keep your goddamn tongue in your mouth when you eat!! Holy damn!! Are you a xenomorph? Are you trying to push your little mouth out so you can snatch your food off your fork so you can gobble it down faster? I’ve seen other show patients stick their tongues out when they eat but I swear this lady does it the most! Its sickening! :(

    I’m sorry if that was mean, but it was soooo gross to watch.


    21 hours ago, NeitherSparky said:

    Haven’t read the live chat thread yet and I’m sure this was addresses a hundred times, but I just needed to get this out of my system:

    Keep your goddamn tongue in your mouth when you eat!! Holy damn!! Are you a xenomorph? Are you trying to push your little mouth out so you can snatch your food off your fork so you can gobble it down faster? I’ve seen other show patients stick their tongues out when they eat but I swear this lady does it the most! Its sickening! :(

    I’m sorry if that was mean, but it was soooo gross to watch.

    20 hours ago, NeitherSparky said:

    Haven’t read the live chat thread yet and I’m sure this was addresses a hundred times, but I just needed to get this out of my system:

    Keep your goddamn tongue in your mouth when you eat!! Holy damn!! Are you a xenomorph? Are you trying to push your little mouth out so you can snatch your food off your fork so you can gobble it down faster? I’ve seen other show patients stick their tongues out when they eat but I swear this lady does it the most! Its sickening! :(

    I’m sorry if that was mean, but it was soooo gross to watch.

  3. 8 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

    I did it and kept a clean house while also doing all the yard work and planting and tending vegetable and flower gardens.  I'm not blaming her.  I just think she could do a better job of housekeeping especially when it's being seen by millions of people.  Maybe it's just the pride in me.  :)

    I heard him tell her that if she doesn't get her weight under control, she will soon be back to 400 pounds.  She kept insisting that would never happen. 

    She was trying to convince herself, not the Doctor.

    On ‎4‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 7:25 PM, Giant Misfit said:

    You could be missing an extra 30 seconds of her luggage circling around the carousel at the airport. 


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  4. On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 11:11 PM, dahling said:

    I sympathize and empathize with her struggle. It’s real and the finish line is never.


    I cannot take seriously a motivational speaker who cries this much.


    On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 11:11 PM, dahling said:

    I sympathize and empathize with her struggle. It’s real and the finish line is never.


    I cannot take seriously a motivational speaker who cries this much.

    Me too!

    21 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

    Those of us with weight issues know it's always a huge struggle,  the bad food is just so darned tasty!  Seriously, Melissa gained over 100 lbs and maybe I misunderstood but did Dr  Now basically  tell her that as long as she's under 400 it's ok?   Couldn't that be considered permission to go hog wild?   Hmmmm.  I think she and the philanderer hubby will be together forever, they need each other, and frankly they can't afford two homes.   And he won't stop doing his thing.   Please don't have any more kids you two, but I bet there's one more mouth to feed in a year or so.  Lordy she does cry a lot.  And gee she really had her dad with one foot in the grave,  wasn't even sure he'd make it til she got there to see him! Yikes!   But Dad looked somewhat ok, I know a few guys with CHF and COPD and dad there looked in far better shape, so hang in there dad.   And my friends have had it for many years.   Hope he has longer than his daughter thinks he does.   Final catty remark....... please wear longer tops  Melissa.   Would work wonders.    

    Longer tops or a maxi dress.

  5. On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:11 PM, calpurnia99 said:

    In my opinion she was not, but a lot of people think that here.  I think that she is trying to read the page full of platitudes and is totally illiterate and can't. Since she did not write it, nor did she even think it, it does not have any meaning to what she is saying. It sounds someone who reads at a first grade level. 

    You nailed it!  Also have the actions of a first grader.

    14 hours ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

    Honestly, the maggots were the nicest thing about her 


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  6. 7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    If I was signing up for PTV today, my handle would be Maggot Infested She Devil.

    I agree with this. Her father idolized her and spoiled her and never said no. Her mother, not so much. Over the years, in Lisa's fevered, self pitying brain, her mother became the source of All Bad Things. Her bad, evil mother who never loved her enough, boo hoo. That whole story with the cake was bizarre. Her mother made her eat the whole cake, that's why she's tipping the scales at 700 pounds now? Its cake, not heroin.

    Two words: Low Standards.

    NO standards!!

    • Love 3
  7. 12 hours ago, Trees said:

    Here's what makes me nuts.  The topic of this program is very fascinating: extreme obesity and the psychological reasons why it happens, how it continues, and the medical implications of living that way and possibly making a change.  It could be a MUCH better show - infinitely!  But the producers or whomever seem to have written an outline that every episode will follow and they never deviate.  

    In fact, what would be much more interesting would be to see more of what really goes on behind the scenes.  We know, for instance, that Dr Now holds support groups.  It would be great to see the subjects attending those and reacting.

    Clearly, there must be more education about the diet than that piece of paper he hands them.  Every single episode, though, he gives it to them, they pretend to be surprised by this (THEY'VE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW?!) and it looks like he sends them off to miraculously lose 50 pounds in 2 months.

    If, in fact, Dr Now and his team truly wanted to help these folks, they'd be screening and educating the entire family and team of caregivers.  Those folks did not become morbidly obese all alone.  Their enablers are as sick as the subjects are... addicted to being needed.  The whole team - the patient and all the folks stuffing them with food - are ill and need extreme behavioral and psychological testing.

    I've even started forwarding as soon as I hear those long commentaries begin, especially when I hear the word "because...".  It's going to followed by "if I don't, I will die!" or ".. this is my last chance!" or whatever.

    With such an interesting topic, why must they stick to this narrow script and outline?  It's such a waste.  

    Great insight!! I just wonder even if given extreme testing and education, would they be able to comprehend.  To hear them argue with an EXPERT like Dr. Now, WHO would stand a chance in turning this sick way of thinking around? I too am amazed on that - now go lose 50 pounds in 2 months and some how these HARDCORE food addicts come back ready for surgery!

    • Love 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Calicocats said:

    Sadly, if she has no education, she's probably not qualified to do a whole lot of jobs that don't involve standing for long periods of time.  I guess she could do customer service, but from what I hear, it's a plethora of snacking, so that probably wouldn't be very helpful.

    I worked in a nursing home with a morbidly obese woman.  You legally can't stop them from ordering food most of the time.  This one would share lol.  I don't know her history- if she had savings or what, but she ordered in quite frequently.  They have rights, to a certain extent.  They're not all Assantis (kicked out for ordering pizza).  

    I kind of liked this episode.  When she talked about how hard it is to face all the BS she had to deal with that she avoided with food for so many years, it was one of the most honest and accurate descriptions of addiction and the fear of recovery I've ever heard on this show.

    I think the saddest part of the episode was it appeared the room she was living in before she went to Houston didn't even have a window.

    To me, the saddest part was the Mother!  Very few people in this world have a perfect or so called NORMAL childhood. Stop, get help before you get to over 700 pounds! She is just a burden on her mother.  Eating pizza and saying " this is all we have to eat, because on the days mama is feeling bad, I don't like to bother her"  Poor Mama is saying "this is a brand new Liz" WHERE!  She don't need a WINDOW or PITY, she need an ass whipping.

    • Love 2
  9. Can anyone believe after she hurt her knee, she was told to REST a few weeks?  REST FROM DOING WHAT!!!  And while eating pizza, she said in her voice over " when mama is not feeling well, I don't like to bother her"  For REAL, you have been bothering her all your life.  Take a good look, your sweet mama have not been feeling well for years.  They show mama giving her food, but who is cleaning her BEHIND when Auntie is not around?

    • Love 4
  10. Is it just me, or was Naomi too eager to brag about having sex?  And to just go in a store looking at skinny dresses like she is at her goal. I want the mirror she has at home.  Any woman knows about "what store sales what sizes" if not, GOOGLE!  YES, this is a NICE family, but, there has got to be some low IQs going thru it.

    CELEBRATING a grown ass woman stepping outdoors like a baby taking her first step. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

  11. On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 7:43 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    It seems that Chitoka's struggle to walk to the car was mental or maybe, TLC played it up so they could get some drama over whether she'll actually ever make it to the car. Is Chitoka working on her food intake too? It seemed she just focused on the walking.  I wonder if she considered that if she were even 50 pounds lighter, her walking might be easier on her.  She's pleasant enough, but, something about her tells me that she is a real prima dona. I am curious as to whether she will listen to anyone's instruction about what she eats.  She seems pretty opinionated. 

    When Drew was laying on the operating table.....was that his front or back?  I couldn't tell.

    Is Naomi really complaining that much about the diet? I thought that after surgery you don't have the same cravings at first, you aren't hungry at all and you feel quite sick at the sight of food, but, her boyfriend's comments indicated otherwise. 

    I thought Dr. Proctor looked pretty hot in those scrubs.  I am glad that he stressed that surgery is NOT a quick fix.  Your journey is just beginning.  I'm not sure why that message doesn't seem to get out that much. 

    haha, it was his front.

  12. On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 8:10 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Have they showed who bathes Chitoka, helps her in the bathroom, changes her linens and clothes, etc. ? She hasn't addressed how she can't do those things, but, it doesn't appear that she can do those things. Her legs seem so painful.  I can't really see what they are like, since she keeps them covered most of the time, but, they appear super large from top to bottom.

    Drew is really hardwired for certain food.  Once again it blows my mind how some people LOVE the fast food.  OMG, I mean. it's not even that tasty.  I just don't get it.  Good food, I get it. That's tempting, but, wrapped up stuff from a burger joint?  I wonder if he will ever be able to really settle in to a lifetime plan for eating right.  He just seems to think of doing things temporarily and not permanently.  

    I do worry about Naomi's mom.  Just how long was she in the hospital with complications?  It seems like she was out of commission for quite a while. 

    I'm thinking the same thing.  They only show her looking all nice and neat in bed with her handy REACHER.  Sometimes with food like those boiled eggs.  One thing for sure, if he's taking care of his sick mother, what the heck is he feeding her!

  13. 2 hours ago, zoemom said:

    I'd like to smack that silly grin off her face.  She thinks she's "accomplished" something with that miniscule weight loss?  Sounds like the "journey continues".  I'm also getting tired of that piano music at the beginning or when something/someone is doing something wrong.


  14. On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 8:06 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    There is just something about surgery on patients who are super heavy.  It just makes it too risky.  I think it's about breathing or something.  They just don't tolerate it well.  So, Drew will need to lose down to at least 600 to get the surgery, right? 

    It's not my wish to diss this doctor that is being featured, but, I'm just getting wonky signals from the getgo.  Recall, when he sends the mother to the hospital to check out her painful belly?  Later, we see another doctor who is treating her and talking to daughter.  We are told that he works with her surgeon.  Why wasn't her surgeon on the scene?  Then, when Drew can't get weighed in his office, he is sent to another doctor's office, to get that done and we are told that he works with this doctor and he sits and talks with Drew.  It's said that he works with before and after care of the patients.  But, he's from a separate doctor's office?  It's rather disjointed to me.  I have no issue with a TEAM approach to healthcare, but, with so many different people on a case, how can they all be well informed about the patient?  Dr. Now, on his show, seems to be the only who is top of the patient's care in his office or maybe, that's just what we see for tv.  I just hope that the families on Family By The Ton are all going to get quality care and I was not given that impression by an office who puts an obviously close to 700 pound person on a 550 pound max scale.  SHAME on them. 

    Who can actually sit with their legs unbent and paint their toenails? OMG.  My legs aren't that long, but, I can't imagine it. 


    On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 8:06 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    There is just something about surgery on patients who are super heavy.  It just makes it too risky.  I think it's about breathing or something.  They just don't tolerate it well.  So, Drew will need to lose down to at least 600 to get the surgery, right? 

    It's not my wish to diss this doctor that is being featured, but, I'm just getting wonky signals from the getgo.  Recall, when he sends the mother to the hospital to check out her painful belly?  Later, we see another doctor who is treating her and talking to daughter.  We are told that he works with her surgeon.  Why wasn't her surgeon on the scene?  Then, when Drew can't get weighed in his office, he is sent to another doctor's office, to get that done and we are told that he works with this doctor and he sits and talks with Drew.  It's said that he works with before and after care of the patients.  But, he's from a separate doctor's office?  It's rather disjointed to me.  I have no issue with a TEAM approach to healthcare, but, with so many different people on a case, how can they all be well informed about the patient?  Dr. Now, on his show, seems to be the only who is top of the patient's care in his office or maybe, that's just what we see for tv.  I just hope that the families on Family By The Ton are all going to get quality care and I was not given that impression by an office who puts an obviously close to 700 pound person on a 550 pound max scale.  SHAME on them. 

    Who can actually sit with their legs unbent and paint their toenails? OMG.  My legs aren't that long, but, I can't imagine it. 

    You make some good points!

  15. 3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    I think even a food addict can go on a liquid diet for a few weeks- the short term goal of getting surgery can distract them from their addiction, once the surgery happens and the weight starts to come off I 100% agree that therapy is needed to continue the journey and keep weight off, but if they had to wait for therapy to begin the fear may be that they will put more on?

    With a lot of people in Drew’s situation(I’m not considering Naomi in this, she’s still very mobile, living life, and YOUNG, she could take 2-3years of therapy and diet modifation to lose weight without her life being at risk and still be young enough to get pregnant like she wants), they are so heavy they are one fall or accident away from being totally bed bound, one step away from a stroke etc the weight has to come off NOW to get them out of the danger zone. 

    Thats been my interpretation based on what I’ve seen from these obesity shows. But I agree intense therapy should be happening right along side other treatment. 

    You make some good points, BUT, the question is not CAN a food addict go on a liquid diet, They CAN, it is what will motivate them to make such a drastic change and Stay on one.

    • Love 1
  16. On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 3:15 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I agree.  It's beyond ridiculous. If this doctor isn't already humiliated, he should be.  What kind of Mickey Mouse operation has a dinky little scale like the one they had?   I mean, maybe, you don't perform surgery on people larger than that, but, they may very likely come for consult. It boggles the mind.  I'm not sure what makes me madder.....either it was true or they contrived it.  Either way, it ticks me off.  Man, that really bothered me.  Not sure, why, but, it's just WRONG on so many levels. 

    Well, it's not surprising they have all the little super morbidly obese juniors in training already lined up.  Did you see those plates at the bowling alley? lol  The kids look pretty thin, but, with that crew, they'll have the kids over 100 pounds overweight before they reach middle school.  

    I got frustrated when both patients who are supposed to be on the doctor's plan (called liquid, but, then said they could have chicken and apples), but, they don't plan for their day, so, at dinner are starving.  So, he gets big old burrito and she storms out crying.  Isn't this the time where you are supposed to learn to plan and prepare for your nutrition?  It's frustrating.  One idea that I had when I did a liquid diet and no, I wouldn't recommend it.  You put the envelopes of powder in your purse and when in the restaurant, you order your water and prepare it at the table.  A large glass will work.  It's not that hard to manage. 

    They simply don't know how to plan. They have not been educated to a new way of living or thinking.  That so called Doctor should have classes and psychiatrists for these poor people to meet.  You just don't tell 25 years of bad habits, "Go start your liquid diet today to prove to me you are serious"

    • Love 3
  17. Please help me understand. A Doctor is telling a HARD CORE food addict to go on a liquid diet for weeks.  WTF, they cannot stop just like that.  Send them to a psychiatrist. A normal thinking person is not going to eat themselves up to 700 pounds.  You got to have the right MINDSET to want to change your YEARS of bad and deadly decisions.  If they have the discipline to go on a liquid diet, they don't need to see you! 

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