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Posts posted by Alyss

  1. Hello there! I've been redirected here ( thanks Mag! ) cause I've been looking for a bunch of fics - many actually - that I lost or never saved during the past 10(?) years, especially after BWR went down. I'm thankful I managed to find again and save a bunch of them thanks to webarchive but not many are available.

    Anyway I was wondering if someone, somehow has "For Better for Worse" by EricaBing saved - I know she's on ff.net too but I tried to contact her and failed aha and AH I loved that fic.

    Aaaalso the whole "Danes family" saga by Olivia Jane - I never got around to save those and I'd really like to re-read them.

    Actually there's more I'm looking for but I'll stick to these now ahah 

    Omg I see so many familiar names on here. Love it!

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