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Posts posted by VegetasMom

  1. 10 hours ago, GiandujaPie said:

     And I'll be even more reluctant to try a new show as they all seem to get cancelled after 2-3 seasons, if they're lucky. 


    I'm wary now before starting new shows.  I've been burned too many times.  And they're apparently leaving NCIS Hawaii on a big cliffhanger!  They should at least have the decency to finish a plot line.  I'll stick with original recipe NCIS but for everything else, I'm out.  

    • Like 2
  2. I'm not happy.  This was a pleasant watch, with characters I liked and beautiful scenery.  I saw the first Sydney and wasn't compelled to go back.  I'm not interested in a Gibbs origin story, or Tony and Ziva.  I don't watch much TV as it is, so I guess this just leaves me more time with my books.  

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  3. I wish they would lighten up on Sheridan's sulky brat routine.  Otherwise, I was so disappointed when the episode came to an end.  I got really spoiled being able to binge the last season.  Love the show - I hope it keeps going..  

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  4. 4 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

    Also, in the scene where the sister was trying to buy coke, why did the guy let her try some, but then not sell her any? I thought it was a test to make sure she was legit before he sold any to her, but it seemed like he was fooled by her act of doing the line as well. Was the idea that she'd come back to buy at some other time? Or was he on to her?

    He told her he only sells weight, not the smaller amount she was looking for. So she went to leave and he offered her a freebie.  

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  5. Yes, Jubal, you're acting like a lunatic in the JOC, let's give you a hot weapon and send you out on the street instead.  That makes much more sense than sending you off to go tend to your kid.  

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  6. I wish Whisler would just decide she's done with Lucy and quit with the longing looks.  It's like Lucy is determined to make her suffer, so Whisler should refuse to.  She's already apologized and reached out and Lucy keeps rejecting her.  So, move on, be professional and treat her like any other coworker.  

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  7. Unless things have changed A LOT, military kids know way better than to get up to trouble like that.  The military parent is answerable to their chain of command for their dependents' behavior.  Think how bad it is when you're in trouble with your parent, then think about how mad the parent will be when THEY get chewed out for it themselves.  The kids were way too blasé about it.  

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  8. I was also waiting for something to happen at the reception.  Also, I hope they don't do the obvious with Nyla's baby.  Just let them be a happy couple.  And is Bailey a firefighter who comes out with the engine, or an EMT on an ambulance? 


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  9. I don't know...I was entertained.  Maybe it's just filling the hole that was left by 5-0.  As for the tech guy, I immediately recognized him as the edgy lyricist from the Drew Barrymore/Hugh Grant movie Music & Lyrics.  Not sure if I recognize him from anywhere else.  One thing that I'm sure has been discussed already is that NCIS and 5-0 are in the same universe.  So I guess Katrina Law can't ever show up in the Hawaii show?  Or are they just going to pretend she was never in 5-0.  Or...twins separated by adoption?  :D  

  10. I hate bratty kid storylines.  And that kid is too old for that nonsense.  He needs to be told in no uncertain terms to stay out of his dad's work business, and he shouldn't need to be.  They're acting like he's 8 years old or something with the way Walker coddled him when he got back.  He almost got his dad killed, but let's worry about his sulky attitude instead.   Can we have no more of this please?  

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  11. On 2/17/2020 at 5:15 PM, anna0852 said:

    Anyone else snerking about the two women talking about watching LOTR in high school, roughly 2 minutes before Liv shows up on screen?

    I was waiting for the accident victim to look up in a daze and think she was seeing Arwen talking to her.  

    • LOL 4
  12. 11 hours ago, femmefan1946 said:

    Every time Alan Tudyk acts, he is an entirely different person. Wash, and the squire in A Knight's Tale, Alpha, the stoned boyfriend in Death at the Funeral, Hei Hei, Tucker, and now Elroy.

    Also the German (gay, I think?) dude in 28 Days with Sandra Bullock.  

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  13. I wish Kara would have reminded Lena about how everyone was going nuts trying to find out who Supergirl was, and that people were getting hurt and jailed, and that her own sister's memory had to be wiped in order to keep her safe.  And then she should have told Lena to get over it.  Seriously, talk about overreacting.  

    • Love 6
  14. 5 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    By all rights this show should have been an awful hot mess.  However what we got was an incredibly deep and meaningful action cop show with actual heart.  And I don't even like cop shows.  The finale was well done and I enjoyed the little moments of the Murtaughs getting ready for the sons graduation and watching Roger walk in all bloody and without shoes but just in time to see his son get his diploma was great.  And the last few minutes when he told his wife that he was following Riggs to Mexico.  This show works for me.  

    I agree.  When I first heard there would be a Lethal Weapon tv show, I was not down. At all.  I ended up watching it at someone else's house and was surprised at how much I really REALLY liked it.  It took a while to get used to the new Riggs, (and that damned hair!) but now I am hooked.  

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