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Ellie Godfrey

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Posts posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. On 8/9/2021 at 2:53 PM, politichick said:

    The fight at Chuck's house and the fighting between Tiffany and Ronald was some very disturbing TV. And how weird was it that Tiffany was grinning like the Cheshire cat? Ronald is deluding himself if he thinks he can keep the kids by any way other than abduction. And, hello? Daniel is not your son and while he loves you he has made it clear that he doesn't want to live in South Africa.

    Natalie's friend is the fucking weirdest. So is Natalie, cooing at the rat in the midst of a serious discussion about her dissolving marriage. WTF?!?

    I still have hope for Jovi and Yara, but he def has some growing up to do. Love how his mother chooses reason over blood and is not coddling him. 

    Asuelo also was showing some bad signs, trying to act like he's all in charge. Both of them need to get real jobs, stat. Kalani must have some major issues because she doesn't possess an iota of independence. 

    Angela's just now realizing that Michael's child would be her grandchild? What an idiot!


    "Natalie's friend is the fucking weirdest."

    My money says Julia, with her bad wig held down by equally bad headbands, has the hots for Natalie. The cuddling up, the adoring gazes, the straddling. She wants Nat all to herself.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

    But he only came to talk about his personal journey... on a season he wasn’t even on. Oh, and to tell Darcy to stop stalking him. Yeah. He came all the way to NYC to tell a woman on another continent to leave him alone.

    And to point out Darcey's drinking problem...

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