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Posts posted by novemberjenny

  1. This episode left me downright shocked at the behavior of Chelsea and Cayton (that name, ugh.) I didn’t like either of them before but their collective temper tantrums/meltdowns were revolting. You had a bad experience. You didn’t do well and you’re an adult, suck it up and move on and try better next time. Are either of them going to dissolve into tears and throw themselves on the ground every time they have a difficult customer or a bad online review?

    For all the big game they both talk, you’d think they would have thicker skin from years in the restaurant industry. If I were Guy or any of his business partners I would tell them to take a hike. What completely childish behavior. Antonia even told Cayton before that it’s not ok to throw things around when you’re upset, during the timed food preparation challenge. 

    Cayton is 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 central. He’s got that used car salesman oiliness and he’s so smug that I could slap those gigantic teeth right out of his head. He thinks he’s so much better and smarter than everyone else. He goes from 0 to 60 when he doesn’t get his way. I wouldn’t let him run a bath, let alone a multi-million dollar business with my name on it. 

    Chelsea: bratty and annoying. She seems to think asking 50 million questions and being a suck up will make Guy and co. have stars in their eyes. Someone, somewhere once told Chelsea she was smart and she’s ran with that ever since. I’ve worked with many girls like her (yes, girls, not women - people like her are in a state of arrested development. Mentally Chelsea acts 15-17) and they always crash and burn when they encounter even the tiniest of failures. 

    Phil seems only vaguely aware that he’s in a competition. While Eboni was running around in the kitchen doing a million things he was wandering around the restaurant mumbling hello to people. Um, what? He didn’t even look like Guy! His presentation was funny but quirky only gets you so far. He seemed lost in the restaurant kitchen. I understand that he has anxiety but you really can’t just freeze up when you’re 50 tickets deep into the dinner rush. Overall, I thought they did pretty well though. 

    I’m not a huge fan of Eboni nor do I think she will win, but I do appreciate her resilience. She had her meltdown then she bounced back and recommitted herself. 

    Also something I find so interesting is this show really shows you TV personality Guy vs restaurant Guy. You know Guy didn’t get where he is today with goofy and dorky “Mayor of Flavortown” persona you see on GGG and DDD. The real Guy Fieri is a ruthless businessman who takes no shit. 


    One thing that annoys the hell out of me, not ONE of these people has proper food safety coverings or apparel. None of the men have on beard nets, none of them (usually) has on hairnets or hats, Eboni has on a million bracelets and necklaces, and none of them has on proper footwear. And fucking Phil with the sunglasses on! 

    ETA: I was watching Brave yesterday and I realized that Cayton’s meltdown reminded me of the tantrum that the son with the blue warpaint had when he missed his archery shot, and Merida goes, “oh that’s attractive!” 😂

    • Love 3
  2. 3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

    Instant hate over here. Her Instagram is ridiculous. She has filters on every picture, and most if them make her face look orange and masklike. She's got ~45K followers, and I can't figure out why or how. Her talking heads with her hoodie draped off her shoulder just so had my eyes rolled to the heavens. So fucking fake. She and Gabi are kindred spirits. Fake, fake, fake.

    Sorry for the double post I forget how to edit my post with a quote 🤦🏻‍♀️  So of course I had to go on her Instagram and see this for myself, and wow. Her selfies are so edited to hell and back that she literally looks like Kylie Jenner and Michael Jackson had an orange baby. And oof, the lip fillers. 🥴

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  3. 7 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    KAILEE PEPPERS -I am (maybe) ashamed to say I immediately took a dislike to her because of her plastic Kardashian facem make up.  And the fact that she has a stripper name.  I feel (maybe) terrible about that.

    Don’t feel bad. I immediately hated her D+ Corsicana Kylie Jenner look, too. Literally everything about her look is just so UGH to me.

    I hate the crop tops (tf is the point of a turtleneck sweater crop top?) I HATE her 2 inch long square nails (my mother calls nails like that “ass diggers”)  the dyed and overprocessed waist-length black hair (waist length hair doesn’t look good on ANYONE, ever.) the inch thick pancake makeup that isn’t matched to her skin tone and don’t even get me started on those damn lashes! 

    I’m a nice person I swear 🤣

    • LOL 9
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  4. On 1/14/2022 at 4:22 PM, TrixieTrue said:

    did wonder why Andy didn't step in as the temporary coach. He already had an established rapport with the team. Even Kapena, and I know his reasons for not being on the team were discussed, could have been given another chance. He also had established relationships with people.    

    This is addressed on the Reddit threat for this show if you’re interested. I’m not sure if we’re allowed to talk about it but since this is the only forum for the show, I’ll just take my chances lol. I’m wildly paraphrasing but apparently there is a  cheerleading Page Six-type of Twitter and one of their blind items was that a Navarro coach was sleeping with teammates. La’Darius confirmed on his twitter and people came to their own conclusions that it was Andy.

    I suspect this is why Navarro got stuck with Kailee Peppers as a “coach” during fall semester when there were much better options such as Andy or Kapena. I have a feeling that the whole underage drinking mess/Andy being dismissed all happened right when Monica was on DWTS. Kailee was literally their only option. 

    There was also a not-so-blind item that Dahlston is dating someone who just recently turned 18. It’s a student that he choreographed in an all-star team when he was still underage. There’s a 14 year age gap between them. Not that there’s anything wrong with an age gap but the relationship was clearly going on while the student was still underage. 

    4 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    Word. If there's proof that Monica personally witnessed Jerry abusing a minor, or had been informed of it and still did nothing, by all means, roast her, but since there doesn't seem to be anything like that, then maybe we should put down the pitchfork.

    My issue (personally at least) isn’t with Monica or anyone’s perceived lack of action in preventing Jerry from abusing children. You’re absolutely correct in saying that Jerry’s actions are solely Jerry’s fault. My issue with Monica and Navarro in general is the fact that they keep making excuses for Jerry over and over again. Monica is a leader and an authority figure and she needs to set an example. All they’ve been doing is boo-hooing about how it made them feel and how upset they are and how they thought they knew Jerry. “But he was so nice!” They can’t stop thinking of themselves long enough to spare an ounce of sympathy for his victims. I mean it’s normal to have conflicted feelings about someone that you found out is an abuser but ugh. Gabi saying she can’t stop being friends with him. Girl you can ABSOLUTELY stop being friends with someone who sent an explicit video of himself to a minor. That’s not a gray area. 

    Edit to say: while Jerry’s actions are his own fault, I have seen a lot of people say that All Star gyms and gymnastics gyms in general really foster a perfect environment for abuse to happen. There’s little supervision and little oversight. Abuse incidents often never get reported and when they do, they’re not taken seriously. Abusers are allowed to move gyms and move on with little consequence. There’s a fantastic doc on Netflix called “Athlete A” about the USA Gymnastics abuse scandal and they really address this in-depth.  


    2 hours ago, MCMLXXVII said:

    I also hate the flat super black color Gabi and Kailee were rocking- ladies you are not Kardashians

    Gabi especially, because she has a really awful complexion and the coal black just enhances her acne. I think Monica’s hair is awful. It’s straightener fried and dry as fuck. Her hair would look so much better and healthier if she cut off like 6 inches and gave it a good deep conditioning treatment. 

    I think Navarro and TVCC are like any rival dynasties, they trade off power years (or decades in Navarro’s case.) TVCC is on the uptick, especially with their recent win and with a younger, hungry coach. I think Navarro really let the fame monster eat them alive. Monica especially let the endless parade of interviews and media obligations get to her. 

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  5. I really enjoyed this season. I was one of the few who didn’t like Monica the first season around so I enjoyed watching her squirm a bit this season. Not that anyone deserves to be bullied online but it was nice to see her knocked down a peg or two. I think Monica has an enormously over-inflated ego and she plays favorites, which makes her the worst kind of coach. The way she’s buddy-buddy with some and indifferent with others is extremely off-putting. For example when the one girl asked to speak with her privately (can’t remember her name, she’s kinda pudgy with black hair) Monica was so cold and snappish with her that it took me aback. Then with other girls/guys she’s giggling and hugging them. 

    A million years ago, I was on my high school dance team and we participated in a few NDA competitions. This is when cheer and dance competitions were a lot smaller and there were fewer categories of competitors. We were more thrown together. Nothing really has changed (except the uniforms have gotten a lot sluttier 😝) we had the chants, the weird rituals and we even had a spirit stick and some stupid acronym as well. It was a lot less political back then, too. All star gyms weren’t really a big thing yet. It brought back some good memories of friends and great times. 

    I thought they handled the Jerry episode very well. It was hard to watch (and kind of triggering) as a sexual abuse survivor myself but I thought it was done very gracefully. My heart really broke for the victims and for his teammates, as well. I think it truly broke Gabi and La’Darius. I was extremely disappointed in Monica though. The way she was waffling around and making excuses for Jerry is the EXACT reason why victims so seldom come forward. My abuser was also a very charismatic and well-liked individual. I actually even dated them at one point in our history. “Speaking up” and “coming forward” was unfortunately not really a thing back then. You kept that kind of thing quiet. I never told anyone besides my best friend, years after it happened. You have no idea the courage it takes to come forward. I hope they can learn to heal from what happened to them, and that they realize that nothing was their fault. 

    I have to wonder, how many different programs can these people be a part of? It was nice to see people like Lexi and Morgan moving on and away from their Navarro bubble, but Gabi is enrolled in yet another college, Weber State. She is going on 24 years old. She can’t keep cheerleading for the rest of her life…I really hope she has a plan B. Actually I hope a lot of these people have a plan B. It seems like people like Jada and Gabi don’t want to move on from college cheer so they just keep matriculating to different schools. 

    I was very glad to not see the creepy Navarro alum with the twirled ended mustache this season. He was a firefighter I think? I can’t believe no one mentioned him. I found it so weird, especially in light of the Jerry story, that a grown man with a full time job was hanging around cheer practices full of half-dressed teenagers. I actually said “what the fuck?” When the one guy (season 1) fell on his head at nationals and the alum guy picked him up and carried him away. So gross.

    *old person voice* back in my day! But really back in the day for competitions and performances, it was hair pulled back tight in a pony or a bun, no nails or nail polish, no visible tattoos, etc. we did wear a ton of makeup though. Frosted tan/peach eyeshadow for competitions was a huge thing for some reason, so that’s the look everyone had. That and dark red lipstick. We wore shitloads of blush too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It gives me anxiety when these girls are doing these extremely dangerous stunts with hair in their face! 

    On a shallow note, I really hate the current aesthetic of young girls nowadays. The scraggly unbrushed hair, crop tops, chunky boots, and the weird long ass square nails. Their nails look like when we used to make fake nails with scotch tape in elementary school. I also hate the pounds of clumpy spider legs mascara 🤮 And WHY do all of them have such fugly tattoos everywhere?? Ugh, YOUTHS. 

    • Love 17
  6. 12 hours ago, nomodrama said:

    absolutely hate that Nate spoke to Ted like that. 1. Because it was complete bullshit and directed at entirely the wrong person. 2. Ted is already dealing with mental health issues and doesn't need someone else's insecurities thrown at him like that. Again, this is something that I feel would have been handled much differently in real life. If I was Beard or Roy I would have given Nate a verbal ass whooping. I don't care that this show thrives on second chances, Nate is pretty much dead to me at this point. 

    Not to mention, the dig about Ted being away from his son, that was a low, low blow. He didn’t have to go there. That was awful. What Nate truly needs is a good kick up the ass. Ugh. But, good on Nick Mohammed for making me hate Nate so much! 😂

    • Love 19
  7. On 9/12/2021 at 1:37 PM, essexjan said:

    Most European cats are indoor/outdoor cats, particularly in towns. My guess is that it lives in the neighbourhood and wandered in when the crew was setting up the filming in the apartment to check out what was going on.

    My dad went to Turkey a few years ago on a business trip and cats are EVERYWHERE. He stayed in a very upscale hotel in Istanbul and he said cats were just everywhere, they jumped on tables and walked in and out of the lobby, roamed streets, etc. It was very normal to their counterparts in Turkey but the Americans all found it odd because most cats are indoor pets and domesticated here. 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    A hostel in Turkey will run him around $6-18 per night depending on whether it's a dorm room or private. That's not terrible but when you add it on to her apartment and those expenses it could add up.

    I don’t understand why they can’t stay in the SAME hostel? Surely they have ones that are separated by males/females and like mentioned, private rooms, etc. why on earth would he put her in an entirely separate building? Like you literally can’t control your sexual impulses to the point where you need your fiancée in another building? This guy is beyond 🤦🏻‍♀️

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  9. Jenny - “I’m feeling some inner vibrations”  ma’am that’s just indigestion of your elderly digestive system 😂

    So Leandro basically all but confirmed that they were still married when Ari got knocked up. (Probably still are.) I 100% agree that Ari is looking for her “out” in Ethiopia. Whatever small offense that Bini committed she’ll jump all over it and run back to the US. 

    Kenny is homesick? What a shocking and in-depth revelation! I’m sure it was hard to leave his kids but at the same time they’re adults 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Ellie - don’t care

    Corey/Evelin - What a total fucking bitch she is. Yes the dress was a prom dress but it’s actually a very nice dress and would have worked just fine for a beach wedding. Get it dry cleaned and add some tulle or lace or some shit. Evelin, you don’t have the option of going to Kleinfeld and picking out a $10,000 dress. You’re getting married in a third world country on Corey’s scant dime. Even if you didn’t like the dress at all, just be polite and say, “ok I’ll try it on but I also want to go to the dress shop and see their options.” I seriously can’t stand to watch their segments because she so savagely delights in mocking and humiliating Corey in front of her bitchy sisters. 

    [sidenote: I saw a preview of The Family Chantal and hoooo boy did she have A. LOT. of plastic surgery on her face…like she is like Jennifer Grey unrecognizable] 


    Jenny: so I have to do anything to become a devotee of this religion

    Priest: you have to come to the temple, where, you know, we practice said religion 



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  10. On 9/7/2021 at 8:58 PM, Tuneful said:

    The ex's GF probably went to TJ Maxx or Ross and grabbed a couple of $7.99 bras. Airy handled them like they were dog turds. 

    Knowing now that Leandro studies at IU, I’ll bet the girlfriend went and bought them at the Edinburgh outlet mall, which is maybe a half hour from Bloomington. I was watching the episode again on TLC (only because I was too lazy to get up and get the remote to change the channel 😂) and I’m pretty sure they were Vanity Fair brand bras. There is an outlet store at that mall and they’re a very nice brand. Although Ari I’m sure demands something ridiculously overpriced and name-brand like Soma or La Perla. 

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  11. On 9/7/2021 at 2:15 PM, Xebug67 said:

    Her repeatedly saying that has bugged me, because it either means she's lying about her age (which I don't think is the case) OR she's STILL MARRIED (which I DO think is the case).

    I absolutely GUARANTEE that Ari fully intended to mess around with Bini for a few weeks/months and dump him and never speak to him again before returning to her comfortable, pampered life funded by mommy and Dr. daddy. Leandro probably even agreed to an extent, like have your fun, then come back home and be my wife and grow up. The baby was the thing she never anticipated. The dark side of me even wonders if she found out too late in the pregnancy to have a uh, rhymes with ‘smasmorshion.’ She doesn’t seem like the mothering type. Even now that she has an actual baby lol. She seems all too happy and grateful to hand him off to nanny Mimi. 

    • Love 9
  12. On 9/7/2021 at 1:27 PM, Xebug67 said:

    don't know what it is about Kenny, but I just have never been able to warm up to him.  There's nothing awful, mean or glaringly unlikable about him.  It's just something about how my gut reacts to him, giving me negative vibes when he's never done anything to deserve negative criticism or a bad reaction.

    I’ve never really liked Kenny. I’ve thought from his first episode that he came off as aloof, elitist, and rather cold TBH. Perhaps it’s just a veneer he puts up or maybe it’s just a stark contrast to the warm and soft spoken Armando. Also for someone who raised 3(?) children, he seems oddly uncomfortable and stiff around Armando’s daughter. 

    IDK, the “bridezilla”’comment rubbed me the wrong way too. He seems so condescending towards Armando sometimes. 

    • Love 13
  13. 51 minutes ago, suzywallis said:

    Does anyone know anything about Ariela's ex's story?  He had a mask with an IU, Indiana University, tag on it.  The students and teachers all have these.  Someone mentioned him doing his post-doctoral work?

    He’s a graduate student at IUB! 


    she says in her TH that she didn’t want to move to “Ehhhndeeeahhhnaaaa” with Leandro. I’ve lived in this state for my whole life and I’ve never heard anyone pronounce it that way, ever 🤣 even east coast girls I went to college with (I went to IU, by the way! 😂

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  14. 4 hours ago, Breedom said:

    I know. Ridiculous. Somehow this stupidity was the reason why they divorced. Who throws in the towel because of these reasons? There was no mention of falling out of love, just one wanted to travel (RIGHT NOW) and the other wanted to further his studies for a better future.

    I think I remember reading either on here or somewhere else that Ari had a baby in her teens and gave it up for adoption. Am I crazy or does anyone else remember that? 

    I don’t think it’s the strangest thing in the world to be friends with your ex. I was close with the family of my ex-boyfriend for many years until we lost touch and I still email another ex-boyfriend occasionally to see how he’s doing. What I do find strange, however, is the fact that she considers him to be her “best friend,” as well as the dubious reason she divorced him in the first place. I just feel like there’s an underlying reason they’re not together anymore if she LooOOooooOOOves him so much. Plus, there’s the fact that SHE finds it odd that everyone else around her DOESN’T see the situation how she sees it. I fucking died at her face when Bini’s sister(?) tattled on her about staying with the ex back in New Jersey. 

    SWaV (ha!) seems…slow. His girl isn’t that attractive. I can’t put my finger on him yet. 

    Seattle pizza lady…Ellie? She seems truly unstable. I agree with whomever said that the relationship is likely way more of a fantasy in her head vs. the reality of what it actually is. I know a lot of drama is manufactured for TV’s sake on this show but I feel like she’s the low-key cray cray type to just throw her whole life away for a man she barely knows. This one I really do believe she’s selling her whole business and house and everything else. Women like her seem fun and spontaneous but in reality they’re teetering on the edge and impulsive. Opening the pizza place was probably her millionth career change. She also probably feels she is running out of time to find a partner so she’s just going all in on her Stella Got Her Groove Back vacation fling. (Which maybe, fate? The real Stella’s man cheated on her and divorced her after she brought him to the US) 

    Don’t care about Corey and Evelin. She’s a bitchy shrew and he’s a dickless worm. She enjoys keeping him at arm’s length and dangling marriage in front of him like a big, fat carrot on a string. He could save himself a lot of money by just moving home and hiring a therapist. 

    Jenny and Sumit *throws hands up* whatever. Again, someone upthread said she seems to be mentally about 13-16 years old. That makes a lot of sense. She has a very simplistic view of relationships (ie, he’s my PRINCE he should bring me FLOWERS and tell me how much he LOVES ME everyday and we will GET MARRIED and live HAPPILY EVER AFTER.) She can’t mentally cope with everything that happens in between and that’s why she has tantrums and meltdowns like a child. That’s also why she won’t quit Sumit. She is so convinced of their supposed Romeo and Juliet romance that she will literally stay with him at any cost. If Sumit murdered her she would come back as an overly attached ghost. While still making excuses for him. 

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  15. Libby’s sisters are such dumbfuck bottom-feeding hags that it actually astounds me that they’re not doing some sort of performance art. Their stiff, over-Botoxed cheeks, the vocal fry, the middle parts - they clearly fancy themselves to be the Kardashians of south Florida. I grew up in a community of people exactly like the family Potthast - grifters, faux riche, desperate for anyone to think they’re upper crust. 

    When Andrei is the voice of reason in most of the discussions, you know you’re a piece of shit. Honestly, I am flabbergasted that Jovi can just sit there and grin like a fucking idiot when he’s watching a video of himself tucking a $1 in the g-string of a stripper - with his WIFE sitting next to him. Now if you’re into that, whatever, that’s your thing. But Yara was clearly WILDLY uncomfortable with the entire situation. Sadly, I don’t see their marriage lasting. Yara won’t budge on moving back to the Ukraine and Jovi won’t give up the strippers. The heart that will be broken the worst in that situation is Gwen. 🥺 

    Is Samoan culture really like that? Asking honestly. I used to be good friends with a guy from a large, traditional Mexican family and he was a stay at home dad while he was going to school and his wife worked full time. His family essentially disowned him until he finished school and went to work for the family construction company because “women take care of the kids.”  

    I don’t care about Kalani and Asuelo. I mean he fascinated me in the sense that I don’t know if he plays dumb or he is truly simple-minded, as in like he has some sort of learning disability or something. He’s like Samoan Forrest Gump, minus the historical acts. Kalani looked gigantic, like a velvet armchair in that dress. 

    Julia kept her yap shut most of the time, thankfully. 

    So did I mishear, or did they say that Natalie visited Jovi and Yara and went on a double date with them? Then why was Yara arguing with Natalie on stage? I’m confused. 

    Mike fought until the end, huh? Mmmkay. At least we didn’t have to see mother Mike again. She looks like the mayor from Halloweentown. 

    Tiffany better get those hummingbird tattoos removed before her weight loss surgery. Those poor birds are gonna be drooping down to her yaya after she loses weight. Opt for the skin removal surgery tho, hunny, you don’t want a back butt like Angela. (My husband wandered in the kitchen when my mom and I were watching and said, “her back fat looks like an asscrack” 😂

    ho hum, guess I’ll be back for TOW. Damn you TLC. By the way, I’ve watched the preview for the new season about a hundred times and I still can’t figure out what Jenny is screaming at Sumit. I also hate myself for wanting to know what happened between Areola and Baby. 

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  16. On 6/16/2021 at 6:23 PM, Gam2 said:

    Just to be shallow while I watched a couple of episodes today-the blond really needs to find a new color and cut! I realize that Seattle is rainy all of the time so it would behoove her to find a cut (and color) that was easy to manage but also looked good. Now it’s stringy and thin and every different length. 

    My mom and I hate-watch this show and I say to her EVERY TIME how I wish she would do something to that dead, damaged, over-processed hair! I find these two SO annoying. They’re not nearly as adorable as they think they are. I’m sure they imagine themselves to be the manic pixie dream girl version of interior decorators but they’re just annoying 40+
    women who drive a VW bus 🙄

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  17. Not sure if it was a repeat, but we just watched the episode where they redid a cottage for their (her?) nanny. I have trouble watching this show because I hate the way they both talk...it’s like they have marbles in their mouth. But I finally figured out their voices remind me of - The Californians sketch on SNL from the mid-2000s 😂 

    • LOL 1
  18. On 1/7/2020 at 8:38 PM, dubbel zout said:

    Do most mailbox places have an onsite paper shredder?

    In my experience they do. I went to a huge college, and there was a FedEx/Kinko’s/post office type of place in most of the dorm buildings. They contained mailboxes and PO Boxes and there was a huge paper shredder there just like the one in the last ep. They also had copiers and a computer center to print things, too. 

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  19. On 1/1/2020 at 10:15 PM, EarlGreyTea said:

    Victoria Pedretti was a revelation, and for me, made this season much stronger than the first. Even before her brand of crazy was revealed, she made Love seem like much more of a real person than Beck ever was, and not as insanely self-destructive. Much of that, of course, is owing to the strength of Pedretti as an actress over Lail. Her eyes are just so expressive and you could buy her as a real person. Beck was such a cypher. I now want to re-watch the entire season, knowing what we know about Love now.

    I agree with you that Love is a much stronger character than Beck but I will also counter with I think Beck was much less rounded because so much of our (the audience) perspective in that season was through the fantasy of Joe’s eyes. Yes S2 was still his perspective but much sharper and a with a stronger dose of reality. We saw Beck how Joe saw her: a DiD whose actual qualities mattered less to him than her perceived fantasy qualities (read: manic pixie dream girl, poet edition.) Joe never REALLY got to know the real Beck and that’s why she was so one-dimensional to us as audience members. His relationship with Love was much more intimate and thusly her character is more well-rounded to the viewer (again, through Joe’s eyes.) I think that’s why a lot less of S2 is filmed in tilt shift, as well. 

    I’m excited to see what S3 brings. I think we’ll definitely see some ghosts (Peach, Delilah, Forty, etc.) I’m on the island with whomever said they hated Peach 😂 she was insanely annoying to me and I was actively rooting for her death towards the end when it became obvious Joe was going to kill her 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I do also hope we get a little more backstory on the origin of the cage (Beyond what Joe has already told us) and how Mooney came into Joe’s life in the first place. 



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  20. There has to be some kind of game TLC producers play to find the stupidest, most desperate for television time fundie yokels. These people can’t be for real. 

    the “rebel” daughter with her ten lbs of clumpy mascara and blue jean booty shorts is tooooo much...But not nearly as ridiculous as the goody two shoes Pollyanna sister who does all the cooking.  That one has drank whatever koolaid the mom is on...run girl, run! You’re going to be the Jana Dugger of the family if you don’t find yourself a husband with a quickness. 

    I had to give up on it when the oldest son and his wife were trying to open the bottle of RED wine on their WHITE sofa. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Also did anyone else notice he took it out of the freezer? Good lord. 

    I’m not sure if I found a new show to hate-watch or if TLC has stooped to a new low with this one. 

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  21. Idk, there’s got to be more to it than just a straight slasher flick. We all know Ryan Murphy lol 😂 I’m thinking Brooke is not who she says she is...there’s more to that story. Like the fact that she’s living alone in an essentially bare apartment and the whole focus on the wedding ring. There’s got to be more to the Richard Ramirez angle, too. I’m reeeeally hoping it’s not “we’re actually filming a movie” thing. Been there, done that 🙄 I hope they don’t think we’re that dumb 

    • Love 7
  22. On 10/25/2018 at 9:52 AM, angelusgirl said:

    Tales from the Crypt was the movie and it is based on the same comics the American HBO series was. "...And All Through the House", her segment, was remade for the series, though the story was slightly different.

    Oops my bad! 

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