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Posts posted by refugee

  1. Kristan is a skeptic and that's what the Church demands in it's investigations.  This show has a lot of potential if it stays more serious and less fantasy.1

    • Love 1
  2. Since the beginning Lodge 49 set the hook for me. Now with the conclusion of Preacher L49 has become my favorite show. With the addition of Paul Giamatti(sp) ...holy cow! What a marvelous character he's created.

    I'm so thankful we have a DVR which gives us the pleasure of viewing this show again to clean more nuggets of gold.

    What a great show, memorable characters, entertaining writing. Thank God this isn't on FOX.

    • Love 6
  3. For me Preacher was the first series in recent memory whoes finale tied up all loose ends...

    ...now I'll miss it I suppose. No complaints.

    For a show full of religious abominations I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to those that appreciate something quirky.

    • Love 3
  4. This was a great season finale.

    I have really enjoyed everyone's comments, they fill a need for ...comradeship. It's such a marvelous experience being here, with other Expanse fans enjoying all the thoughtful responses that stay on topic. Thank you all. 

    • Love 7
  5. On 3/25/2017 at 2:23 AM, johntfs said:

    Jules-Pierre Mao (and what an awesomely multicultural name that is) has Errenwright, the Undersecretary of the UN (AKA basically the second in command of Earth) in his pocket.  Is it really that hard to believe he'd also have one or more high-ranking Martians in his pocket, as well? Figure as a "man of the system" Mao would be eagerly collecting powerful figures from all over the system.  Including the Belt.

    Agree...that makes the most sense at this point in the story.

  6. Wonderful news palmaire...

    ...is it possible that we're witnessing a renaissance in TV? Seems after years of nonsense there's many good shows out there.  I'm so grateful for my DVR too. Life is good. 

  7. I see Drummer as a soul of conflicted loyalties...she wants justice, not necessary the revenge that most every belter demands for this or that injustice we'av seen.  As is the case of most every sentient being since the beginning of time...

    ... she wants to live in a just world/system.

    She threw in with Johnson because he seemed to be an honorable man and deeply regretful of the massacre he was duped into ordering. But he misplayed his coveting of the strategic information of his proto-moluculed controlled scientist.

    The belters, for all their deficiencies,  had more skin in the game and should have been included. In their worldview they have been abused and lacked basic human rights for so long they can see no other existence. Their motivated only by revenge and refuse to see just how fragile their existence is. Their only an episode away from being irradiated away completely by a gamma ray burst from either mars of earth, so they better get their act together.

    I think there's a definite and intentional reason why they're portrayed as such a contemptible people but ...I dunno.

    Now Anderson dawes, not knowing the dangers/calamities that lay ahead has stirred the hornets nest for all of humanity. While it's entirely probable he may have been the 1st to call for the mad scientists execution had he been invited to Johnsons inner circle.

    Drummer shot those 2 terrorists only to protect her position as the one who leaked the 'secret weapon' to Dawes.

    Johnson still has a lot to contribute, Drummer still sits on the fence. The crew of the Roci are just regular Joes caught up in events way over their heads.

    As far as the love interest go...meh.

    • Love 3
  8. Good evening everyone,

    I was re-watching  this episode and just before Eros hit Venus it appeared that another craft came in from the 2 oclock area of Eros, stopped momentary then continued on to exit at the 8 oclock relative bearing of Eros. 

    I rewinded many times to confirm this.

    And since most of us saw the asteroid hit Jupiter a few years back we have a good idea what to expect from an impact like this.

    So unless I'm going crazy either the unknown craft was visited by the proto-molecule protectors or evil business man Mao's advanced technology...

    ...or is it just me?

    • Love 1
  9. Hi Expanse fans,  the coffee machine discovery was precious for me and still find it cool. In our world we take coffee for granted ...just one of the many small sacrifices made to live off world. I'm an exile from the recently closed imdb board, hence my name. I like plausible sci-fi and don't care for reality shows at all...


    ...although the Bachelor may be the one exception. Good fashion, exciting sets and locations. Still I mostly watch it because the wife does.


    EDIT to add imo the EXPANSE has the gravitas to become  legendary, like Babylon 5 with a 5 or 6 season run.

    • Love 2
  10. ...'What is more beautiful, my love? Love lost or love found? '...

    That was the most prescient and wonderful ending of TV show that I can ever remember.

    This show is so well written...segueing back and forth in different languages, stunning Vatican City visuals...all the sins that men can commit etc.

    I've come to love this show so much that I'm not hoping for a season 2. 

    ...as an aside I never heard of the 'young pope' but was offered free HBO for Presidents weekend so I dvr'd all 10 episodes expecting the usual secular hit piece.

     What a stunningly great show.

    • Love 3
  11. What an awesome period piece this has blossomed into. I just love the grittiness of it.

    Delaney took down all his enemies, even one of my early favorites, Dumbarton. I wonder if a second season could ever top this? Except for the wounded things are pretty much wrapped up, right?

    • Love 1
  12. It seems like the Mars commanding officers want to cover up any talk about the 7th man THAT DOESN'T REQUIRE A SPACE SUIT...

    ...so are they behind the 7th man or are they also dupes of  Jules-Pierre Mao?

    Great series...tip of the hat to the SYFI channel.

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