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Posts posted by QuiGonJ

  1. I watched it again... just a few points.


    Rafe had been warned by Pottinger that he had been allowed to keep the house if he kept the miners in line, and in return got peed on, stolen from and Berlin was nearly killed. At least Rafe isn't in Camp Reverie, but it makes sense that Pottinger kept his word.


    And about being peed on, man this show is SyFy or HBO? People being peed on, fingers sliced off, necks sliced, nudity at the limits of broadcast standards and maybe a little past... wow. Not judging, just noticing.

    • Love 1
  2. Once again, that was impressive.


    Be interesting to see where Rafe ends up, and yeah, I hope the Mayor isn't the one who raped Amanda. But to be fair to the writers, so far they have avoided the obvious way for things to play out, so let's hope they have another angle.


    I just hope the writers have the next two and a half seasons mapped out, because Siffy never lets a show go past season four and a few unless it's reality based.

    • Love 1
  3. I would have to agree that this season is coming into its own. Last season the stories were standard tropes, like get the perp to prison and revenge the white man who still kills strangers for land, but this season the writers have begun to own their characters and the story. Berlin didn't get much screen time, but I am beginning to actually like her, which I didn't expect. If the writers are up here reading this... Good job!

  4. I liked the acting, and thought it was a decent episode. I guess Lucien was in the episode because he could be. I like Lucien. I'll guess he was there so they can bring him in later.


    Sorry bout Hector. I liked him.


    So just what does the Ferg do these days? Seems like he's been written out.


    The Branch story feels like them trying to find something for Bailey Chase to do now that the election is over, much as they struggled for Cassidy Freeman to earn her keep last year. Too bad though, coz he's interesting enough as a deputy.

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  5. I did just rewatch Season 3. I never knew that was the problem. Sad, because I thought he was a great character... "See, despite what you think, the Earth is NOT the center of the universe." I though that could have opened up the show to civilized planets that weren't fighting the G'aould, just living under them, which would have made sense. I agree that Shades of Grey and 100 Days were great stories.

  6. My first question is, how aul' is Berlin supposed to be that she knows about "Star Wars"? Maybe I just forgot about the Defiance time period relative to ours, can somebody help me?  I totally got a kick out of her "BUSTED-ass roller with your hot Chewbacca."(Emphasis on the word "busted" intentional here.)


    If I had to guess, they've added an interesting wrinkle, Rafe McCauley said he missed computers, but Berlin clearly has computers. Perhaps it's something like in the sticks, tech is hard to come by. The E-Rep... they have everything, including Blu-Rays and the backup of the internet.

  7. Recently I re-watched Twin Peaks. They managed to do a bunch of episodes without yet another murder to solve.


    I live in Glendale, California (pop 191,000). Number of murders in 2010: Zero. Number of murders in 2014: Zero.


    Absaroka County must have a murder rate of 50 per year in a population of a few thousand. National media should be out there for it being the murder capital of the northwest.


    Is it the mountain air? Grinding poverty.... what? Have they never heard of just insulting each other or filing for divorces?


    I know, I know... it's a murder mystery show, but still...

    • Love 1
  8. Much better than last week. I was fully expecting the Mayor and Berlin to be Colonel Klink and Schultzie, but this week helped to redeem them. Makes sense that the high level people are corrupt and the low level people are nasty but at least somewhat competent. Izein, seems like once they rip out all the gulanite, they might let the town fall to the levels Amanda warned about last season.


    I was never truly sold on Irisa and Tommy in the first place, because I don't think they've shown Tommy to be strong enough to be with her. So I will watch that storyline, but not really care.


    The Mayor and Amanda... uhm, check me on this, but she's now a sex worker, right? Why the heck didn't he just pay for her pleasure? I'm sure he has the creds, so that story is still just weird to me.

  9. I'd actually throw down a few bucks for this calendar:


    January: RAAAAW chicken!

    February: Lobster risotto, sans lobster

    March: Gray, med-well Wellies

    April: Non-seared scallops

    May: Trash bin full of wasted pasta (with someone reaching in to pull some back out)

    June: Blindfolded contestant tasting peanut butter, guessing horseradish

    July: Jean-Philippe sheepishly bringing a plate back to the pass

    August: Gordo going full-on apeshit all up in some donkey's face (preferably Van's or Robert's)

    September: Montage of various VIP celeb guests with bemused/nonplussed looks on their faces

    October: (Halloween Special) Offal Smoothie! The Official Lunch of Hell's Kitchen

    November: Pitifully mangled lamb chops of varying doneness and mass, meat drooping limply from bone

    December: "Now fuck off out of here."


    It'd be big fun to hang it on my foyer wall and eventually set fire to it.


    Uncle Benzene, best.. post.. ever!


    If only Gordon Ramsay had a sense of humor...

    • Love 1
  10. I want to like the show, but to me that season opener was a bit disjointed. We saw Irisa fall into the "weapon" so how did she get out to go to LA? And why did tracker Nolan go to LA via Chicago? And how long did that journey take? Seemed like 10 minutes in story time to go 2,000 miles or so. I like Walter Peck (William Atherton), and I like that he's a bit quieter here than in Ghostbusters, but meh on the mayor storyline for now.


    Answering something upthread, Doc Ewell did all sorts of mean things in the war. They mentioned it several times last year. The ERep also knows she helped Irisa break out. The Doc is one of my favorite characters in the show, but I understand why they imprisoned her.

  11. The show is also available at no cost on Amazon Prime, if you are a member. Doesn't include Fire Walk With Me, but at least I have had the chance to see the show again. I still think the first season is amazing, but the second season....


    has reminded me of why I was mad at the show when it ended, mainly because by about episode 15, it was clear the writers had no idea where they were going. At points, I was sure we were in Kansas, because nowhere else has that much corn. They seemed to be writing a 1940's soap opera, and just throwing things at the screen.

    What the heck was it with Ben Horne and the Civil War? uhhhhhhhh....

    Where did the high school go? I dunno.

    Why did James run off on his bike? So we could get the blonde femme fatale story.

    Where did Josie's check for $5 million go? If anyone can tell me, I'd really like to know.


    And the only reason for all the spoilered snark is that I liked the show till it went off the rails. When it came out I had Laura's secret diary (the tie-in novel) and the soundtrack and so on.

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