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Posts posted by anadyr21

  1. I’m going to hell. I fanwanked that the Manchester woman was once a spoiled, thinner, precious snowflake, who over time, had put on weight and/or had anxiety issues and didn’t want to leave the house or see people. After seeing an old pic of them mid-episode, that’s exactly what it looked like. Then, in their after purchase talking head, it looked like she put on more weight.

    I don’t normally harp on someone gaining weight, but she was such a witch about everything. I suspect she’ll be back in Chicago, with the dogs, before his stint is over.

    I have no sympathy for the husband. He, literally, fed the monster. They could have compromised. But, he caved in on a daily 2 hour commute, because, as she said, the damn dog was her first priority. The dog.

    • Love 4
  2. Ok, so looking at the website, I love the MTA-NYC Subway line. But, I'm not paying $35 for a T-shirt. Before they went out of business, Steve and Barrys had cute T-shirts for like $7 or $8. Yeah, I'm cheap.

    When the girl on the show mentioned that she would pay like $70 for a hoodie, I almost lost my mind. Then Patrick was like, "This isn't Forever 21." Nope, not paying that much for a hoodie, even though I liked the concept.

    Patrick was a big baby and I think he wanted to be "hip" and seen in his LA store. Psychologically, I can understand. Financially, it was a no. I just wish everyone would stop babying him. I do think he's creative.

    • Love 3
  3. On 9/8/2016 at 5:09 PM, stanleyk said:

    This show is amazing. It's both funnier and much darker than I was expecting.

    I did, though, find some of the scenes almost too painful to watch, and not because I was laughing too hard: the scene where the deputies beat up the crazy toilet-water guy and the scene with Lisa. I'm not sure this show would do anything as traditional as a "character arc," but I did wonder if we'll see Earn become less passive. His discomfort at witnessing the beat-down of this helpless, screaming person and at the homophobia were a call-back to me to the scene with the white guy in the first episode, where his reaction to the white guy using the n-word was a downward glance and faintly ironic "....cool." Like he wants to say something but can't quite bring himself to do it. (Not that he could say much when a bunch of cops are beating up another inmate, but in terms of another instance of his sense of his helplessness and passivity.)

    In a Twin Peaks-ish touch, I like how there are "broken" or "out of order" signs all over the place in the background.

    I agree with this whole post. Everything dealing with that prison was painful, but brilliantly played. Especially if you've ever been arrested. I'm surprised they didn't touch on the drama with making bond.

    I loved the beginning scene with Ern and his girl. The most important thing she got out of his whole dream retelling was, "What did she look like?" I'm pretty sure I saw some Jergens on the nightstand. And yay to her headwrap. I was like YEESSSSS that whole scene.

    I think Ern being a passive character works for this narrative. He's like the audience surrogate who recognizes the WTF of the circumstances, but has little to no power to change it. All you can do is watch in disbelief at what's going on. Yet, as his father said, when he wants to/says he will do something, he will. Maybe we will see him become more active as he finds his place in this world.

    It also seems that Ern is much more articulate than everyone else, as to be expected, given the character. It actually took me a few minutes to get readjusted to heavy regional slang and accents. The 11 years story at the jail was gold. And I had never heard of lemon pepper wet. 

    Truth be told, this was all a little too real, and while it was certainly funny, I sometimes found it very hard to laugh. 

    • Love 3
  4. Something I hate: In the black community, when we have chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and "thyroid," WE DO NOT TAKE CARE OF OUR BODIES!!!! I've seen diabetics lose limbs, talking about, "why is this happening? I'm going to give it to God." It's happening because you refused to fix your diet, b*tch. How did you not know that thyroid disease could mess up your voice!?! Especially when you have some visible characteristics of someone with thyroid for a minute and your voice is $!

    I can't with Malika and her boy. They kept going on and on about the other ladies being old and tacky. Malika ain't exactly no young chicken either. There are 20 year olds who would be calling her the old b*tch at the club. And at least the other ladies have acting credits. Even if we didn't know their names, we at least recognized their faces outside of reality tv.

    I expect a certain amount of messy on a show. Paula and Forrest provided just the right amount. Malika, especially when she's with her boy, brings a different level of nastiness that I don't enjoy watching. I dislike them on a visceral level. This might be my last season.

    • Love 2
  5. I like the show and the characters, and I love Teresa and Camilla. I don't know if it's me completely missing it, me having trouble with some of the accents, the editing, or what, but I keep feeling like I'm missing details. For example, on that drug run/test, James brought 2 girls in addition to Teresa. But in a later scene, the girls disappeared/weren't in the scene, as if they never came. What happened to them? And, what exactly was their purpose in the run, considering that originally, James didn't know it was a test?

    I get that Teresa is scrappy, street smart, and has good instincts, but I feel like she knows more than she should, considering she was a low level money exchanger and then the girlfriend of a mid level dealer (or was Guero high level?). During the money check, I can understand noticing the guy was nervous, but how did she jump from there to the money being fake? Why not think some of the drug packets were less potent/fake? They couldn't test all of them, just as James couldn't check all the money.

    I just don't always see how things go from point A to point B.

    • Love 1
  6. I already hate Malika. I only recognized her after she mentioned having a twin. If Sky High was the highlight of your career, you can't trip about the other ladies "hanging out" all day. And I don't know what you call her type of accent/speech, but it drives me absolutely bonkers. I hope she wasn't brought in like that crazy Stacy chick from R&B Divas to stir up ish. That would make this completely unwatchable. 

    • Love 1
  7. Didn't realize there was a season 2 until today's marathon before season 3!

    Where did Forrest come up with $400 for this ring? My husband makes good $ and I'da thrown a fit he broke off this kinda $ for a ring. If he's not gonna work, he can be a househusband. Ain't no shame in that. 

    I went to Golden's pillow website and only saw the 1 pillow and 1 candle for $170 and $60, respectively. It said other items were coming soon... guess we're still waiting.

    However, Golden and Paula appear to at least be steady working actresses, even if it's low budget, low visibility projects. So, I don't understand how Paula and Forrest look like they're barely surviving. As long as they're not breaking off stupid $ for rings and other depreciating assets, they should at least be comfortable.

    I really like Countess with the short, Halle Berry wig.

  8. Also, Rosa Mandy and Alicia Fox are off Total Divas next season. Lana Renee Young and a returning to wrestling Maryse will join the cast. Naomi is also returning.

    Above post edited:


    So, that's why Maryse and the Miz have been filling up screentime on Raw. She's awful.


    I realize wrestlers date/marry each other, so it's not surprising that this will apply to some of the ladies on Total Divas. However, Lana, Renee Young, and Maryse all have significant others that are very "over" in the WWE. Was this casting on purpose, to play into that? I don't mind seeing some relationship drama, but I don't want that to take up the bulk of the show. 

  9. I have a hard time taking "Fearless Nikki" seriously, when she's so damn needy. The whole fear of death, anxiety bs, is just that... bs. It's being needy. You want to empower women, but you can't stay in a hotel room alone, you know, while you're traveling to make these empowerment speeches?


    I'm a bit confused on this Rosa timeline. She's 5 months pregnant, but has been with her boyfriend for 6 months? We already had this storyline with Eva Marie and Jonathan having different religions. I sure as heck hope that they were playing for the cameras and had already decided how to handle this, cuz I'm really sick of these "girls" demanding that their religion be respected with complete disregard for what their significant other wants. And if your family/mother has that much say in what happens in your grown ass relationship, well, that says a lot about you and your maturity. I. Just. Can't. With. Rosa.


    I know these girls are young, but damn, with the exception of Paige, you all aren't that young. Grow up!

  10. Edited:

    One of the biggest facepalm moments was when Fucking Lori demanded to know how they got their intel...and they told her.  GEEZ.  If she wants to play Resistance Gal (love that phrase) then she needs to understand the concept of "need to know."  That's Resistance 101.  She didn't need to know about the bee mini drones or how they're used, or anything else other than her part of the next mission.



    The daughter reading a book she know she is not supposed to talk about, and doing it in the living room in front of her parents, shows me the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It got me to thinking how Katie - who doesn't trust the government - pretty much dismissed the government provided tutor as nothing much more than a convenient babysitter for her resistance meetings. She's such an absent parent that it doesn't even occur to her to ask what the girl is learning, or look at her work.

    I so wanted Bram just to walk out the door, like some bratty teenagers do, and leave Katie with no one to watch the girl.

    As for Maddie, she could have made that move without robbing her former customers, since her boss already had enough unaccounted for art in her office. So while I can respect the cojones, it sure as heck didn't make me think she's doing anything but stepping up the collaborator ladder.




    I like the infusion of youth and technology this new cell brings, and the three actors they chose are perfect. The computer geeks will hopefully negate some of the Colonists' database advantages. Makes me excited for Season 2. The members of the old cell told us that Quayle was a good leader, but I never saw it onscreen. I look forward to seeing what Broussard can do in more of a leadership role. Starting with how to cash in on their hostage, dead or alive.


    I see the show is getting an extra 3 episodes next season. Good! I think with more time to tell the story,there wouldn't be such a disconnect between storylines. Like every time they cut to the Green zone art scene, I lost interest and just wanted to get back to the "real story". And the 2 sisters never stayed in contact throughout the season, which I thought could have helped connect things better. They've both had some major life changes since the first episode. Can't wait for that conversation. Or to see if they both stay silent about their new roles. Either way, the dots are connecting right here at the end.

    To touch on the bolded points:


    I've been wondering where La Resistance has been getting their intel. I figured Broussard provided some. However, the drone/"bug" was pure Dues Ex Machina. Like, the writers really couldn't come up with a more reasonable explanation for knowing important information, and there was absolutely no way a viewer could guess or extrapolate this from previous information in earlier episodes.


    I'm not jumping for joy about young, tech savvy characters, mainly, because I think it nigh impossible for them to be anything more than an annoyance in dealing with alien tech. Without Broussard, they really didn't have a plan that could be implemented. Yeah, they've got the tech, explosives, and location. You still needed someone to actually get you there. Frankly, why are these 2 cells just now collaborating after 1 year?


    The Fucking Kids. I thought it was rather telling that Bram yelled at Fucking Lori to be a parent and watch her own kid. No wonder the youngest is being so easily indoctrinated. And, while I've never "popped" my kid, the way that little girl pulled at that book and threw a tantrum, well, she'da got "popped." HARD. Not an, "Excuse Me!" with Fucking Lori's typical wide-eyed look.


    And, speaking of kids. In the first 2 episodes, Maddie and her son were always hanging around and the kid needed insulin. Sooo, whose been watching this kid while mommy is having 3-ways, cleaning kitchens, and procuring art? It appeared that Maddie was injecting her son with insulin, not him injecting himself. Sooo, is someone else injecting him, babysitting him, indoctrinating him. etc? Is he not being "tutored" with his cousin? When Will was talking about running away, was there no thought to Maddie and her son? Do they not live in the guest house anymore? Maddie has had so little interaction with the main characters that it could be easy to forget who her sister is.

    • Love 4
  11. I knew there were similarities to "V," but this episode really takes the cake. We have large "water" tanks that are being handled. Only in this case, it appears to actually be something radioactive. We have a(nother) mole who was able to tell La Resistance when and where a high ranking official would be so they could target him/her. We have "scientists" (or schoolteachers) actually trying to use science to figure things out. We have a missing kid, who is the driving force of the lead character.


    I'm all for killing off characters to show that the stakes are high or as a natural conclusion to a character's story arc. But, I feel like this show kills characters for no real reason. I still maintain that the character of Phyllis had a lot to offer. I'm not upset about Quayle's death, but I don't understand the point of his character, if he's going to be unceremoniously murdered, unless it's purely a plot device to serve other characters. If he was only out for himself, why go through the trouble of leading La Resistance? I don't have a problem with the conclusion of the female resistance member and her kids. Yet, the writers are killing all of the interesting characters. At this point, who the heck am I supposed to root for? Are Fucking Lori and Sawyer really the good guys on this show? I ask in all seriousness. That whole cell is dead, partly because of them! Are we sure Fucking Lori really isn't a double agent? I think I'd rather the second season be told from the eyes of Les Collaborateurs.


    Right now, I feel like I'm watching a poorly written drama, disguised as a sci-fi show. 

  12. I didn't think I could hate a main character on a show more than I do Mike Ross on Suits. But that was a gradual thing that happened over several seasons, and there was so much else to love about the show. Then along comes Will, who was already annoying me by episode 2, and now here we are at episode 6, and I simply cannot stand him. I hate how he's thrown himself wholeheartedly into this new job, when just being marginally competent would have gotten him by. He's chasing after the Resistance fighters with all the zealotry and dedication of a true believer, and feels righteous indignation when they attempt to hurt him or his family. He even gets angry about them trying to take on/out his bosses, who are aiding and abetting the enemy. He's been assimilated and doesn't even seem to see it, or care. Like it's such a mystery why he might be a target now. Like he's forgotten what the rebels are fighting for, and why he should be trying to help them. He accepts and even welcomes having his family and business being spied on.  He gets mad at his son for showing signs of interest in the rebellion, which is what he should have been doing all along, instead of hiding like a coward, and then joining the enemy. Instead he's compilibroadcastng a Resistance arrest record that should have him promoted to captain any day now, destroyed at least one family, gotten people  tortured and killed, and helpfully identified where the rebellion headquarters likely are. .Ugh. This guy. I don't know if I can stand to watch him  week after week take out more and more rebels every single episode, while demonstrating not one iota of remorse and zero self-awareness.


    The only reason I'm watching at this point is for Broussard. That guy is a Boss. That actor rocks every scene he's in. Why he's not in charge of the Resistance, I don't know. He's cold as ice when he needs to be but not without compassion. It makes no sense to me how poorly trained some of the resistance fighters seem to be when he's in charge of them. I know it's a plot device, but do we have to make them so incompetent? They're the storm troopers of the Colony. Can't get to Snyder despite their superior numbers and surprise attack. Can't hit the broad side of a barn. Storm the bar 1-2 at a time and stand exposed in the sunlight so they can easily be picked off, etc. I hate when shows try to make the "good guys" look better by making their enemies stupid and ineffectual. 

    I think Sawyer being so “dedicated” to his job shows how and why someone can easily become a collaborator. “I want my son back.” “I need medicine for my sick child.” In the grand scheme of things, a resistance member wouldn’t give 2 sh*ts about why. Does this make Sawyer and Fucking Lori any better than someone who’s doing it just for the money and power? I’m not saying it does or doesn’t. It just poses an interesting question to me.


    I also think Snyder told some truths and some lies, but, ultimately, he’s a liar who lies. I’m pretty sure he previously said he had never seen the Visitors. Was he lying then or lying now? I’m not sure if this was a writer’s mistake or showing a deliberate lie. Also, he specifically told Sawyer and Fucking Lori that he kept his promises, during their conversation about Charlie. Yet, he clearly broke his promise about Not-Geronimo, directly in front of Sawyer!


    I think he told the truth, as he knows it, about medium-picture things, like the number of colonies, some of the structural hierarchy, and that there were worse people gunning for his position. I don’t believe anything about how/when he was contacted for the position or his assurance that HE could get/negotiate for Charlie. I do think his red-tape/massive paperwork comment was true, but I don’t think he has the clout to get the request approved through Helena. His previous job as Provost with a PhD in Econ is plausible. But, it’s so specific that I don’t understand why he’d lie about it, and if he is lying, why that lie, and why put that much thought into it?


    Why do the Visitors want specific “types” in specific job positions. The lady on the phone, what did she mean about Snyder’s job performance? It seems that there’s a very specific agenda for the higher-ups involving Snyder, and that it doesn’t matter if he does well or fails. He’s gonna be a patsy for a larger issue.


    That was an interesting decision to use that particular type of music (or was that the curfew alarm), when the Resistance Leader said Fucking Lori was a double agent. Traditionally, that music is used to make it clear to the audience that it’s a twist. Is it really a twist, did he genuinely misinterpret Fucking Lori’s actions, or is he full of ish, and has another agenda?


    Resistance Leader also told Broussard to remember the chain of command. Broussard is clearly trained in some type of law enforcement/military. Is Resistance Leader too, and is he, literally, Broussard’s superior officer, or is he using a bs form of command structure to organize La Resistance?


    I think this show will play better when marathoned on Netflix. One of the issues with this show is that there are so many world-building questions that viewers may have, that it becomes distracting while watching the show. On the plus side, some of these questions do get answered (and way faster than Lost). Yet, I feel like it’s taking too long. This won’t be an issue if the show is marathoned. The writers are leaving things vague, but is this on purpose, or is it a real writing issue?


    Please don’t kill Broussard. He’s my eye-candy!

    • Love 1
  13. I think I'm just hate-watching at this point.


    The one thing I liked was seeing the different types of workouts the ladies use. I wish we could see more of that. I'd love to know if some Divas work out more to their physical strengths, and focus more on flexibility or cardio, rather than weights (especially high weight, low rep).


    As much as I dislike Eva Marie and find the idea of her having a "videographer" to be frustrating, she's also correct in that social media is very important, especially when Plan B is what you really care about, not WWE. Cuz, you know, it would be absolutely ridiculous to spend your free time working out and improving your craft, rather than showing off your ability to wear a bikini.


    I'm all for exploring alternative treatments and I do think some of them are very effective. But, ozone? Really? I'm sure Nikki has tried other things, but why show this? And I really am asking. What's the angle? I realize her issue required actual surgery, but there are other, minimally invasive procedures that they could have shown, that aren't complete quack science.

  14. As others have pointed out, still lots of questions unanswered. I'm curious how it was apparently pretty easy to get so many people to collaborate with the "aliens" and torture and kill their fellow citizens.

    Who came up with the bird symbol and the red, black and white banners, etc.?

    Why is all that stuff sitting in those warehouses apparently unguarded?



    I don't think it was ever established what he did prior, but I'm guessing he was either someone's assistant or a middle management nobody who happened to be in the right place at the right time.


    I think there are 3 scenarios regarding Charlie: 1. he is dead 2. Snyder doesn't know where he is and couldn't help him even if he did. 3. Snyder knows exactly where he is and could get him with one phone call, but won't because he will no longer have Will under his thumb.

    I don't think it's been explicitly stated what Snyder did before The Occupation. However, based on his method of politicking, as well as the way that he presided over Not-Geronimo's trial, I suspect he has some type of background in law and/or politics. But, still, mid-management.


    Also, given the design of the propaganda posters, I wonder if each bloc has their own, unique posters. I think we've seen some with Snyder's face on them. If this is the case, did Snyder come up with the poster design on his own, with it being more effective because he already has experience in "campaigning?" Did he give orders to some else to come up with the posters? Or did the Visitors mandate the design and he had no say so in the matter?


    I like these Charlie scenarios. I'm leaning towards #2. Snyder has no real power outside of his own bloc. 

  15. Oh, this show.


    Snyder is a complete idiot and not thinking long term. I get ruling by fear and dangling carrots. But, as Sawyer said, you can't change the goalposts, and unsaid, without seriously pissing off and losing the "trust" of your underlings. Especially when it appears that you're really mid-management in the grand scheme of things and you break your promises in front of other Red Hats. That does not build morale.


    Not-Geronimo agreed to to be a patsy so quickly, that I thought he knew Snyder was full of ish, knew the trial would be televised, and planned to say or do something huge on television. Otherwise, taking the deal seemed moronic. Then, when he found out that the deal was BS, I couldn't understand why he seemed so shocked. However, when they decided to hang him, I realized Not-Geronimo really was screwed any way he went. This was probably the best option, seeing as he had a very quick, clean death. Had he refused to play the patsy, it could have been a heck of a lot worse. 


    La Resistance is a mess. I don't understand why Fucking Lori (I love this name, by the way) is participating in raids. Given her high level of intel, she should be a protected asset. As in, a very limited number of people should even know she's part of the group, namely, Broussard and Cranky Leader, only. What would happen if she got busted or killed on a raid? What would happen one of the group got captured and ratted her out? She's, arguably, your best source of intel.


    As usual, characters other than the leads are more interesting. I want to know more about Snyder's counterpart and the other people in that building (courthouse?). How/Why did these people end up in high level positions? Also, even though Phyllis had more access to the Visitors than most, I was under the impression that she hadn't actually seen them either. How do you conquer a city (or state, or country, or world) without anyone having any idea what you look like? I get that the masses wouldn't know, but no one in government or Homeland has even given a throwaway line, like they were covered in armor. Are they humanoid and hiding among us? Do you need special glasses to see them?


    These are just my bigger issues. I haven't even gotten to the teenage scavenger hunt. This whole episode seemed like a series of everyone passing the Idiot Ball to each other.


    To end on a positive note, I think the overall pacing of the show is decent. The writing is another story. (Guess I couldn't end on a positive note).

    • Love 4
  16. As others have stated, that 30 for 30 ESPN documentary combining the OJ chase, the NBA Finals, and that golf thing in 1994, is a really great way to see just how "busy" that day was. I really appreciated seeing how the network had to consider what to do, between broadcasting the chase and the Finals, and coming up with a possible eulogy package, in case things went sideways.


    I watched the chase too, and it was completely mesmerizing. There had never been anything like that, so it may be hard for younger people to understand just how insane this was.


    My now-husband was actually at the NBA Finals game with his father. They both said they would have been absolutely livid if they had been watching the game on tv and it got cut to the chase.


    Some posts were edited:

    I'm trying to think of someone as famous and beloved as OJ was then today.  I'm blanking.  

    I asked my husband this same question. The best he could come up with was Steph Curry. Though, if Steph ever pulled an "OJ," I can't help but wonder whether or not their differences in physical appearance (as in, less typically "black" features) would have any bearing.


    The other thing about pre-murder OJ besides being a major, major football star and celebrity spokesperson, is that, to white America, OJ was one of the "good ones."  (This is why he could be a spokesperson for a huge nationwide company like Hertz.)  


    So when the murders happened, white America, as usual, got to have it both ways:  "None of them can be trusted," and "I just knew there was something about him," and "That's what happens when you marry a black man."  


    These first two episodes seem to also be wanting to have it both ways, but it's also because, at the heart of this, OJ himself had it both ways: He was a celebrity who could codeswitch and pass with ease until he needed to be a black victim of white police corruption.


    I'm so glad America has moved past all these issues.

    I think this is a very important post towards understanding why there was such a difference in opinion based on race. And as sarcastically stated at the end, not a darn thing has changed.


    I see others have already responded, but I want to add (as an 80s kid) the Naked Gun movies did marvels for his name and stature. I knew him as a football player, but he retired when I was really young. When those Naked Gun movies came out, I became much more interested in OJ. Although they had adult themes, the Naked Gun movies were immensely popular. He also did some commercials; I remember him running through airports for Hertz. 


    My biggest issue with OJ, which was pointed out during this episode, was that he didn't seem all that interested in racial issues until it became convenient for his defense. For the record, I'm so tired of hearing how all black people thought he was innocent. I'm black, and I don't know a single other black person among my friends and family who think he didn't do it. 


    However, we were, and continue to be, tired of police getting away with treating us like sub-humans. I have been pulled over for DWB more times than I can even count, as evidenced by the fact that I never get a ticket. I have the audacity to be black and successful in Arizona, so it's a part of life for me. Someone even suggested to me that maybe I shouldn't drive such nice cars if it bothers me that much! Anyway, I didn't celebrate the OJ verdict at all. But I understood those who did, however misguided their affections for OJ may have been.


    I'm glad this show is on, and I'm glad it's doing well in the ratings. We see much hasn't changed over the years with regard to police and black folks. We also see that the most important color is green. Can you imagine your average Joe (black or white) being treated that way while having an arrest warrant for murder? Look at the Aflluenza kid. The shit is still happening now!

    This is also an important post. Not everyone cheered because OJ got away with murder, per say. Some cheered as a, "Now, do you see how it feels?" When someone is guilty as sin and still got off. Especially considering this wasn't too long after Rodney King, which was ON TAPE. And yet, nothing has changed. Not 20 years later, or 50 years later, as Cochrane mentioned with his first case.

    • Love 7
  17. It's about darn time. The WWE is about making money. If their doctor's didn't want to clear Bryan, then they had some serious reservations. Based on his comments about his concussions during his retirement speech, the WWE was probably right.


    Judging from Raw going 20-30 minutes over, Twitter comments, and the WWE Universe, he's still universally loved. He has a book out, he still does charity work (I'm not a shill, but donate to Wigs for Kids!), and he could still make a ton off endorsements. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE didn't have a job behind the scenes for him, if he wanted, assuming he and Brie aren't about to start their family right now. If Corey Graves can be sidelined for concussions and be made an announcer, why couldn't Daniel Bryan?


    But I definitely understand. He's been a wrestler for his entire adult life. That's his identity. I wouldn't mind Total Divas delving more into what happens to him after wrestling and how does the wrestling spouse deal with it. This would be different from TJ/Nattie, as we're now dealing with a former champ and someone more well known mainstream. Best of luck to him.

  18. I think the problem is that SWC is not a particularly strong actress. I think she's ok as an actress. However, yes, she's had some very poorly written roles.


    I actually liked her in Prison Break, so I didn't have a problem with her casting in The Walking Dead. However, "Lori" was a poorly written role in the comic, so there was little way to save the character on television, without some major character changes. Again, because she wasn't a strong actress, the frustration with the character merged with frustration with the actress, which became much more noticeable when darn near everyone else was out-acting her. You can tell when an actor/actress tries to rise above the dialogue. It may have been an acting choice, but I don't think she's capable. Heck, Skylar from Breaking Bad wasn't a particularly likable character, but at no point did I ever question her acting ability. Girl was fierce!


    Unfortunately, SWC's role in this show, is pretty much the same role from both Prison Break and TWD, just with a different script and cast. I see no changes in characterization whatsoever, not an attempt to change any mannerisms, speech patterns, heck, hairstyle or clothing. She is, literally, the same character from TWD, even down to questionable parenting and questionable uses of sex as a distraction.


    Honestly, Josh Holloway has a similar problem. I liked him a lot on Lost. Then, I noticed that his scenes in Mission Impossible were just him playing Sawyer. He's doing the same thing here, though, he seems a little less angry-at-the-world. Otherwise, yep, same hair, mannerisms, snarky attitude, affinity for annoying, manipulative brunettes with stringy hair.... The one thing that he does have is charisma, which SWC is sorely lacking. 


    I think someone who has never seen either of their work before, would find them to be at least passable as actors. YMMV. 

    • Love 2
  19. Admittedly, the previous episode and this one were better than the first 2. However, my frustration has increased.


    Plus side: I have a better understanding of why Maddie's hair (make-up and clothing) is bouncy and fabulous. I'm glad this was addressed. I still greatly dislike her. And I really like Broussard. Please don’t mess that up.


    And everything else: I think murdering Phyllis was a complete waste of an actress, character, and potential plotlines. You've taken the most interesting character, given her backstory, and introduced motivations that suggest that she's looking at the big picture, and then promptly dispose of her in the same episode? Oh, the possibilities she could have had making Lori her b*tch. I'm actually hoping this was a big ruse, and that she's not really dead, but needed a way (and reason) to fake it. I really hope we see her again, alive. I don’t have an issue with what ultimately happened and how. I just wish it had happened at least 1 or 2 episodes later.


    Also, when she was talking to Lori about it being difficult as a young, attractive woman, while being away from her husband, I fully expected those pictures to be of Lori and Broussard having an affair. I'm still waiting for that.


    You know, Sawyer’s so “good” at his job, I’m starting to think he was set up from jump, as in, Episode 1, when he was trying to sneak off and find his son, that was a set up to get him into Homeland. Between him and Lori, in the space of what, 1 week in show time, they’ve done more for the Visitors, Guests, whatever, than most of Homeland put together. I mean, really, Sawyer was the only one to figure out which one of the “looters” from the last episode was La Resistance, which led to a frack-ton of later, major consequences? Sawyer's teenage son and others were able to figure out when the radio broadcasts were, which were hiding in plain sight and no one at Homeland had figured this out? Or are they being purposely obtuse?


    I really wanna know what the older resistance dude meant in the last episode when he said they had something that could turn the tide of the war. Because from all their fragmented, poorly thought out plans, I can’t imagine that anything they’ve got would be more than a simple nuisance to the Visitors, especially since you managed to lost half your arsenal. Just, stupid.


    It's almost funny to me that Adrian Pasdar popped up this episode. I find this show to be frustrating in the same way Heroes was. A great concept, although done better in previous iterations, with a charismatic cast and great tag line (not so much for Colony with that tag line). Neither are particularly good shows, but there's just enough to keep you curious. I like Colony better, since there seems to be an attempt to ground it in reality, but I'm still on the fence. And I want to like this show!

    • Love 1
  20. No one is watching this dreck. Not surprising when the "extras" are more interesting.


    I love R-Truth, but does he always have to be the butt of the joke? He's scared of ladders. He's scared of spiders. He's scared of cats too?


    Kofi's son was adorable. Can we put Kofi, Big E, and Xavier Woods this show instead?


    I know Cesaro is injured too, but can we have him on the show? The bromance between him and TJ would be fun. Swiss Superman indeed!


    Why did the party have to have a theme? And why a cat theme? Girl, you are really gonna turn into the old, crazy cat lady. There's nothing wrong with an older woman, no children, and many cats, but Nattie brings the cray-cray!


    I've always found Paige to be exhausting and annoying, and attributed it to her youth. I now realize, I flat out don't like her. This is beginning to extend to Alicia Fox, and darn it Foxy, I want to like you!


    Rosa brings absolutely nothing to this show. She never has. I'd take any Diva, including Eva Marie, over her. At least Eva Marie does something WWE related, no matter how badly she does it.


    This was our introduction to Mandy (outside of Tough Enough, which I didn't watch), so I'm gonna cut her some slack. I don't think I like her. I'm gonna need her to do something besides fake-smile and wear tight dresses.


    The Bellas need a new storyline. It's all marriage, kids, and endorsements. But, good for them for them for thinking of Plan B when this is all over. I'm with Nikki on wanting to be a female Rock or Cena. I just don't think she has the charisma to pull it off. 


    Why am I still watching this?

  21. I watched X-Files during it's first run, but mostly tuned out after the end of the Syndicate, because the writing got really bad. Aside from the first movie, during the original run, I refused to touch the others. My husband and I re-watched the series and were reminded of how good some of those first few seasons were, until CC wrote himself into a corner. This is what I was worried about in this limited series.


    This was bad writing all around. I get exposition, but this was talky. I felt that they were talking in circles and saying very little, almost like they purposely used rapid-fire dialogue to mask the fact that the dialogue made little sense. The dialogue was hokey and I can imagine Joel McHale doing a Soup clip of his dialogue. Mulder and Scully spoke as if they had never experienced all of the craziness of the X-Files. For a multiple abductee, Sveta didn't appear to take any precautions to avoid being alone and easily abducted, though, I really liked the actress for some reason. 


    My husband is determined to see this through. I'll half watch the rest, but my hopes are completely dashed.

    • Love 4
  22. Katie's sister. It was her son who needed the insulin in the last episode.


    According to Wikipedia, it is short for RAPtors, which the Redhats use as a logo. It's possible the Invaders are an avian based species.


    He thought she was CIA.


    I thought it was funny that the bar was still apparently stocked after 8 months. 

    Wait, was that the same chick who hooked up with guy and got the box of food!?! The same chick whose son is running out of insulin and is so desperate that she has her sister pulling illegal guns and stealing from the hospital!?! You just found a hook up who was willing to give you food and you didn't think to ask for insulin or medical help!?! But, your hair is fabulous!?! This is an occupation and you're too respectable to use sex as a means of survival, literally, for your son's survival!?! Tell me I'm mixing up my characters!


    The boss might have been former CIA. I may have gotten it mixed up.

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  23. For an occupied territory, I don't get any real sense of fear or urgency. It's been 8 months. Certain medications and foods are scarce. Yet, no one looks like they're starving or in desperate need of anything. In the first episode, wifey's sister's hair was way too bouncy and fabulous. Everyone looks clean and reasonably dressed. From this episode, the food box had a lack of chicken, but I didn't hear anything that suggested there wasn't enough food. I know an occupied territory can look more like Vichy France than Warsaw, but this occupation seems like more of an inconvenience. Wifey still moves around the city and the closed bar rather freely, but aside from wearing a hat, doesn't seem to understand the meaning of a clandestine meeting.


    I find the secondary characters to be much more interesting than the main characters. I want to hear hubby's boss' story. He guessed that she was former FBI. How did she end up in her position? Same for the Proxy. Is everyone from Homeland former military/law enforcement? 


    The only scene I actually liked was the "showers." At least it looks like the factory question will be answered, so, yay to not drawing that out. I'm still on the fence with this show, and I don't actively hate anyone, so I'll stick around for another episode.

    • Love 4
  24. I realize this is an E! show and will be scripted out the ying-yang. I also realize that the demographic for this show skews young, like under their mid-20s. And, of course, the Divas range from their early 20s to early/mid 30s. But, OMG, do these ladies act young!!! 


    Nikki is too old for these games. If you're not interested in Dolph, why do you need to tell John? If he's secure in the relationship, he wont GAF. Maybe she was trying to make him jealous, but why? Hasn't John made it pretty clear that either of you can walk whenever? I gave my husband this scenario and he said he wouldn't trip if I didn't mention some dude/ex hitting on me, cuz he knows I'd handle it like a Boss!!! Can we put Sasha Banks on the show instead?


    Daniel Bryan is in a tough situation. He's right; few people will care about what he has to say without the WWE machine behind him. Yet, he needs a Plan B if he can't get cleared. I'm sure TNA would love to have him. I don't think he wants to go indy again, especially if he wants a family. Brie has the right idea, but he can't seem to let go of the dream.


    If Nattie had a more appealing personality and TJ were more willing, they could have a much more interesting storyline about dealing with a major injury, surgery, rehab, and will he/won't he return to wrestling, all while your spouse is still in the biz. 


    I have to FF Paige stuff, Rosa is irrelevant, and I don't care about the new Tough Enough chic coming in. This is gonna be a tough season to get through.

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