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Posts posted by TheMasterReborn

  1. I'm confused about Mick and the Waverider.  Is this our Mick from Earth-1 or is this a different Mick?  I missed what he said regarding the Waverider voice being Snart's and why.

    I'm curious if we will see the original Earth-1 Snart at the Vanishing Point.  There were several fan theories that when Snart died, he might have become part of the Oculus.  It'd be nice if they could find a way to bring back Earth-1 Snart. 

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  2. Not sure if Tom C. is having trouble keeping he voices straight, but I thought a couple times Thawne slipped into both Sherloque and Harry's voices.  I don't remember the original Wells/Thawne voice being so raspy. A couple times he definitely seem to speak in a subtle French like accent too.  

    Does anyone think Thawne & Sherloque are connected?

  3. Someone made a video on YouTube in which they made the suggestion of Nora actually being Thawne from the future, before he became evil.   Though I'm sure she will still turn out to be Barry & Iris' daughter from the future a lot of things do add up that Nora could be Thawne in disguise.  Maybe Thawne used that device he used on the original Wells.  Anyways, the idea isn't likely, but I did find it interest.  Might explain her distance to Iris.  Also Barry using Thawne's phasing speech & Nora looking at the picture of Thawne/Wells with Barry. 

    From Wikipedia

    ***Eobard Thawne found a time capsule in the 25th century containing a costume of the Flash (Barry Allen) and with a Tachyon device amplified the suit's speed energy, giving himself speedster abilities. Eobard was once a scientist obsessed with the Flash, even undergoing cosmetic surgery to resemble his hero. Obtaining the Cosmic Treadmill from an antique shop, Eobard gained all of the Flash's powers after replicating the electrochemical accident that created Flash. Seeking to use the Cosmic Treadmill to travel back in time and meet his idol, Eobard arrived at the Flash Museum several years after Barry's death, discovering that he was destined to become "Professor Zoom" (aka the "Reverse-Flash") and die at his idol's hands. As a result, the unstable Eobard convinced himself that he was Barry and subsequently attacked Central City for "forgetting him". ***

  4. 9 hours ago, Trini said:

    I did like the Harry/Jesse scenes and their subplot, but them arguing about (does she have a name??) the wife/mother should have been set up earlier. So it's easier for Harry to create a mindreading device than to talk to his own daughter - LOL, sure. Anyway, they used the line from Earth-1's Wells' wife, so I guess Harry's wife was a version of Tess?

    Mystery Girl is intriguing, but they really need to show how she's connected to a plot in her next appearance.

    I always had the feeling they were originally setting up Tina McGee to be Harry's E-2 wife based on Harry's reactions whenever he heard her name or saw her in S2.  There was even a deleted scene with Harry & Jesse in their room at Star Labs looking at a drawing of a woman with Harry that looked a lot like Tina McGee. Not to mention Tina and Jesse could pass as mother & daughter.  I'm not sure what happen, if that was the case, since at the end of S2 they did a fan shout out for the original Barry Allen/Henry, John Welsey Shipp, and Tina McGee for about 5 minutes before they killed him.

    Amanda Pays, Tina McGee, has not returned to the show since the end of S2.  I'm not sure if she didn't want to continue on or if the potential plot line of, maybe, Harry and Tine hooking up turned her off.  I know Amanda Pays had pretty much given up acting to raise her 4 boys, whom should all be adults now, before returning on the Flash .  She is also very devoted to her husband, Corbin Bersen, and they have been busy promoting a book they wrote on home improvements.  Hopefully we will see Tina McGee return again at some point, but with each passing season, I'm starting to doubt it. 

    I'm wondering if the Mystery Girl could be the Speedster girl Jay Garrick is training.

    On a side note, has anyone had a "vibe" about Harry not being quite right this season?  I especially noted near the beginning of the episode, before the bomb, where everyone was discussing DeVoe, Cisco said "just like Thawne," and Harry repeated "just like Thawne," quietly to himself.  No one else on the team seem to pay any attention to his comment.  A couple people on the boards have noted that Harry's been doing that thing with his glasses again too. It could also explain the Mystery Girl's reaction when she met Harry at Jitter's, especially if she is Barry's daughter/granddaughter. Although, someone pointed out Harry was having trouble remaining with Barry in the Speed Force thing he created and Cisco should have been able to pick up if he was different. So I guess it's doubtful.  Then again, they have never explained how Harry's wife died and we know that Thawne was able to feel Wells emotions for Tess on E-1 when he took over his body, so who knows.

    One more thing, it seems like they are trying to hook up Harry and Caitlin, I hope that's not the case.  I'd rather see both of them with people closer to their ages.

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  5. 1 hour ago, ladylaw99 said:

    This episode was ok. I'm sad Leo is leaving. I am not feeling the Sara and Ava connection.

    I was happy to see Constantine again, Dark not so much.

    I am happy the show is back.


    1 hour ago, bettername2come said:

    Look show, don't try to convince me of Ava/Sara right after giving me a really sexy Constantine/Sara hookup and reminding me of what could have been with her and Snart. I mean, I have enough Sara Lance ships without the least convincing one showing up.

    Nate is so Grandpa, isn't he? Hence, "you need him too."

    So the episode takes place in Central City in 2017 and no one's going to mention Barry's arrest, or ask Team Flash for help? I would've liked to see Cisco react to the demons and Constantine, man, it could've been hilarious.

    This shows how desperate Mick is for live football - he'll go Canadian if he has to.

    What are the original five again?

    I'm not feeling the Sara/Ava thing at all.  I'm still feeling letdown by the build up and then demise of Snart & Sara, they had the perfect chemistry. The producers even teased the Captain Canary fans that their relationship would be rekindled in Season 2 and then nothing.  Sara hasn't even seem fazed or emotional when she saw either version of Snart after his death. That said, Constantine & Sara wasn't a bad sloppy seconds, they are both damaged enough to make it work, even part-time.  It was cool to see Sara, Constantine & Snart (Leo) working together. A threesome would have been better! ;-)

    Mick was great as always!

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  6. The 2009 TV show Trauma was basically a modern version of Emergency, even using a couple of  story lines and making in-jokes about the  show.  It ran on NBC, but only lasted one season.  Kevin Tighe made an appearance, not as Roy, in episode 13 called "13". Randolph Mantooth was planning to appear in the same episode, but he had scheduling conflicts.  It was not as good as Emergency, but I was still disappointed when it was cancelled.  I've often felt, if the show lasted, we would have gotten a reunion with Randy & Kevin.


  7. 18 minutes ago, Latverian Diplomat said:

    Among other things, the Spear has the potential to be the mother of all reset buttons. They could even undo the murder of Rex Tyler, though I doubt they will.

    I've been wondering if this season hasn't been setting up for a reset since the end of Season 1.  Mick was the one who told Rex Tyler to warn the team not to go back in the first place, we haven't seen Mick do that yet, that may be where the next two episodes are leading.  The question would then be, would the past season be wiped, would the team remember the events one way or both ways?  If the team never went back what would become of the JLS? Neither Nate or Amaya would join the Legends and Rex would not die.  Would the Legion of Doom still exist?

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