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  1. Agreed, but I’m glad at least she seemed to have waterproof mascara on as I don’t recall long black streaks running down her face.
  2. I’m sure Kyle would be willing to put doubt out there about infidelity. She would never want to be seen as the wrong party in their separation.
  3. I’m well aged out of scouting by 50 years (or so), but I could still fit into my uniform in my 50’s. Sadly that box was lost when I moved, otherwise I’d be using it for a Halloween costume.
  4. I believe the phrase used was “time apart”. The thing about PK’s sponsor is that he is there for PKs best interests. Not Dorits. I’m sure, for her, it would have been difficult to defend herself two against one. Frankly I don’t know how he has put up with her all these years. The amounts of money she spends on designer wear must set his budget up a few notches. Then listening to her go on and on…and on…ad nauseam. She seems to be a lot of work. I think he just got tired of all it takes to be her husband. I’m sure he loves his children, but I can’t recall seeing him play with either of his children or doing things with them that don’t include her. An example would be taking Jagger to a ball game or his daughter to ballet class. I’m not inferring that he’s a bad parent. He’s just been so absent due to his work travels and daily routines especially when he was a heavy drinker.
  5. Yes, my 21 year old cat is similar. It began when she had thyroid issues and felt she needed to eat all the time. She screamed for food. Her thyroid situation was fixed (radiation), but her voice never left her. She has even found that her voice carries the furthest if she screams between the toilet and the pony wall in the master bedroom. I have found no other solution than to get up and feed her. I do keep fresh water for her in the bathroom and some dry kibble by her feeding station. I empathize with your lack of sleep because I’ve had a lot of cranky days due to lost sleep. Good luck.
  6. 2/5 with one * I don’t know what to cook, but I’ll happily do the shopping if someone else has an idea. I pretty much lived in my kitchen cooking this past week and need some time off from the stove.
  7. I’ve started a rewatch of ER. I’m in the first season and am just beginning episode 20. Nowadays it seems as though if they can get 8-12 episodes of a show that’s it for the season. It can’t be because the other shows are more complicated as there’s a lot going on and packed into every 1 hour of ER. I wish shows would do more episodes and take less that 1-2 years before a new one starts.
  8. That’s weird. That wasn’t my quote. It was yours. First, I don’t spell her name that way and I don’t believe I’ve ever mentioned her hair. I also haven’t seen her when she is cohosting with Carson K. Must be an Oopsie.
  9. Dang. I thought it would be a rerun so I skipped it. Thx for the observations 😊
  10. It’s interesting to me that they used that photograph of Brynn with the article. She has one of those “come hither” poses as well as the facial expressions that don’t seem to go with the seriousness of what she was trying to say.
  11. Let’s see if this episode is worth the hype.
  12. Oddly my hummingbirds don’t migrate and it’s below freezing. Their feeder froze overnight. I have extra feeders ready to go so they always have access to semi-warm food. Changed it out at 7AM. Gave the squirrels an extra ration of peanuts and am keeping the bird feeder full. I even bought some mealy worms to supplement them hoping that the extra food and protein will help them get through this cold snap/ snow event more easily.
  13. I can see the twinkle in Ariana Grandes’s eye when she reads that sign (after her donut incident).
  14. Oh Glenn. You warn them that the consequences will be that they lose their tip if they break the rules and then you go back on your word and give them $500 each. Yes, it’s under what they could have made, but it was still giving in. I don’t think they will respect whatever law he tries to lay down from here on out.
  15. https://nypost.com/2025/01/17/entertainment/wendy-williams-family-starts-gofundme-amid-guardianship/ That Blind item speaks to how even though there are Go Fund Me sites being set up for WW and her family, there is doubt that the money will even be used to benefit her.
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