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Blonde Gator

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Posts posted by Blonde Gator

  1. 2 minutes ago, carrps said:

    Or you could just take people's word for it that they don't like a particular activity. Nothing personal, but it bugs me when people push their "sheer joy" on people for whom it's "sheer agony." I've been taken fishing a number of times by different people who all promised I'd love it this time. Nope. Nopity nope.

    Still friends, though? :-)

    Of course!  To each his own.

    But, how would anyone know if they loved it or hated it, if haven't actually gone fishing?    You don't care for it, so fine.  For those of us who love it, a bad day fishing is better than a good day doing most anything else. 

    I am such a fish snob (because I can't bear the thought of fish that's been out of the water for more than six hours or so) that I rarely order it in a restaurant, unless I can actually see it first.  And besides, the kind of fishing I mostly do (offshore)...you do a lot more fishing, than catching, which basically means trolling around, and gabbing with your friends and family, catching the sights and soaking up rays.  One could fairly describe it as hours of not much, punctuated by periods of pure mayhem and adrenaline pumping insanity.   When it's a huge dolphin (Mahi for the tourists) or a wahoo (a better eating fish does not swim in the oceans)....or the best, a billfish, it's beyond thrilling.  Can't think of much I'd rather do.

    In this challenge, JoeStache & Adrienne had never fished before...I think I heard JoeS say he'd never even fileted a fish, which I found odd.  Not sure about Flamm, tho.

    I'm kind of on the fence about the finale, but upon final reflection, I'm in Camp Flamm.  He has a sailfish tatt on his arm. 

    BTW....Tom Coliccio is an avid angler...he has a YouTube channel of his outings with his chef friends....for those here who are not angling averse.  It's not bad at all, if you like that sort of stuff.

  2. 1 minute ago, LeighLeigh said:

    This is fascinating! Love this. Hopefully Fatima can come back in a future season of All -Stars.

    I really liked her on Chopped. I was not surprised that she came back in a Champions episode. 

    She will be cooking in April with Bruce and Tyler. Hope she is strong enough.

    I'm really impressed how her cast-mates and the TC production staff have supported her through this ordeal. 

    Wouldn't it be great if they brought her back next year as a QF judge?  I would LOVE to see that.

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, candall said:

    I like the part where they edited Tom droning on while Adrienne tried to keep that smile on her face.


    Agree that was not the most flattering style for Padma, either hair or dress. Please, there's a big difference between "low cut & revealing" versus mashing your breasts in from the sides to create unnaturally enhanced cleavage that smacks people in the face.


    I watched the last two episodes back-to-back, so I was too disappointed about Carrie to decide among the Final Three.  What a shame--Carrie would have really shone with trout fishing, cowboy cauldrons and being inventive with a veggie-only hard left turn.  I'm not sure any of the others would have come close.

    Oh my, episode 357 of Padma's boobs.   (I am certainly NOT crabbing at you, please know that).

    I have come to the conclusion that we need a separate forum topic next season...."Padma's Outfits", which of course, is code for "Padma's Boobs".   I am laughing so hard right now....but I still think the point remains, we could perhaps keep our comments more on topic in the Episode threads if we had a place to opine on the outfit choices her stylist makes....some are so awesome, and some are so awful. 

    Now, back to our regularly scheduled Episode topic.....I meant to mention the Tom "droning" segment, as you said.  It was so amusing.  Sometimes this show just gets it right.

    Those "cowboy kettles" looked REALLY hard to cook on.  There was really no way to mitigate the amount of heat, other than moving things around the grill top, and it looked like that oak was burning HOT HOT HOT".  I was kind of surprised there wasn't some sort of "step" kind of device to use to raise the pots to lower the heat, even on the edges that fire looked really almost too hot to work on.

    • Love 9
  4. 7 hours ago, Jextella said:

    You said everything I was thinking!  I ended tonight's show thinking that Joe Flamm is a smart chef.

    While her personality is a little flat for my tastes, I like Adrienne, and I appreciate her OCD in the kitchen a great deal.  Watching her think through a dish and then prepare it makes me think of algebraic equations.   Combining numbers/ingredients in a fairly elaborate way to get to the final result.

    I really appreciate Joe S's cookery, but he does seem to be missing the finesse that Joe F has and the knack for flavor and culinary technical skill that Adrienne has.    Seems to me part of it is rolled up in him still grappling with the death of his mother.  He's only seemed super motivated a few times throughout the series.

    As to Joe S and Carrie...Joe's said many complimentary things about Carrie and even proclaimed at one point that she was the one to beat.  The comment about the toast in the old West episode wasn't a good look, but I also think there is context.  Frustration about judges awarding a win for toast - not that Carrie made toast again, for example.  I don't think any of them would purposefully begrudge Carrie for making fancy toast given the ingredients she had.

    Anyway, I don't see Joe as anything but a really nice guy who is still pulling himself up.  

    I've really enjoyed this season.  The camaraderie has been wonderfully fun to watch.   And despite everyone fussing about the food, I've enjoyed that part of it too!  Chris, Carrie, Joe F, Joe S, and Adrienne have all put out food that I'd clamor for.   I get that much didn't rise to fine-dining standards, but that was ok by me.  The food has been diverse and interesting which is far more fun that fine-dining.

    About Adrienne.....after seeing her w/her mom, I suspect there's nothing "flat" about Adrienne....she was raised in an old fashioned Southern household, and she has been taught to be reserved around people she doesn't know well....and I'd think that would include cameras as well!  Some would say "breast your cards".  She keeps her emotions to herself pretty much until she feels comfortable around people.  We saw glimpses here and there.  For example, I think she let her hair down a bit more when the three finalists made it to the suite in Aspen....what did Flamm say to her, "open the bubbly, Sparkling?" or something like that.  That's where she kind of opened up and you could see the "real" Adrienne without her game face on.

    Totally agree about Joe S being a good guy, & the toast thing, well...obviously he's not as good at it as Carrie, perhaps in this episode he got the edit to make it look like he was making fun of himself???

    Top Chef continually tells these chefs "cook your food"...and there's such a diversity of chefs that it only makes sense that some have homier styles.  But I think where the parameters of a challenge say "elevate your food" (as in the "High" challenge).....Chris wasn't able to think outside of his box of comfort food, so got eliminated.  To me, the thinkers (again, Flamm & Adrienne) had the hardest challenge...super home-style spaghetti & pasta, and the long-cooked pot of Gumbo.  They both truly elevated their dishes.  Adrienne won, because her dish was not only extremely elevated, it seemed like a new dish altogether, even after the now somewhat passe "deconstructed" dishes.  I like the mix of "fine dining", ethnic, and home-style chefs we typically get on a season....but they MUST be able to stray out of their lanes and diversify when the rules call for it. 

    • Love 10
  5. 29 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    I don't like trout, nor do I like fishing, so the QF wasn't my thing, and I thought the "cook on a cauldron, vegetarian, for 200 people" mandate was maybe a bit much for the EC to determine the final two, but then I came around on it.

    I was nervous for Adrienne when she had one of those days where, no matter how good you are, things just don't go as you intend them to, and could tell it was between her and Mustache Joe for elimination -- she seemed to me the better performer than him this round, but I've thought that at least twice before yet he's been crowned the winner, thus the nerves.  I'm very happy for her.

    And good for the show including the fact that when many chefs walk up to a male/female duo, not knowing either one, they think the man is the lead and the woman the assistant, because that happens all.the.damn.time in pretty much all professions and needs to be talked about.

    I'm pleased with the final two; I'm almost positive Adrienne has never cooked, said, or done anything that makes me not want her to be crowned Top Chef in the grand scheme of things, and I'm fairly certain Joe hasn't, either.  I'm rooting for Adrienne, and pretty damn hard, but I won't be angry if Joe winds up putting out the best final dish.  The promo certainly feels like a "Joe thinks he's toast (no pun intended - and, seriously, shut the fuck up about fancy toast, Mustache Joe), but, when you watch, surprise, he winds up winning" edit, but I hope that's misdirection.

    Gosh, I wish I could take you fishing and show you the sheer joy of catching and then cooking fresh fish yourself.  There's nothing better in the world, truly! 

    Obviously, that was a stocked (and tiny) trout pond, I just wonder if the cheftestants had any instruction at all.  It never occurred to me until I read your comment that "fishing" is not a universal "thing".  It's not as easy at it looks.....although if the fish are in the mood, it's not hard! 

    I wonder, is it even possible for a show like TC to do "neutral edits"?  I'm getting rather tired and bored with their constant misdirection with editing.  This show is one of my all time favorites, but even though I am totally pleased with this season's non-bitchy and collegial bunch of chefs....I think it needs some freshening up.  Keep the old classic challenges (mis en place race, Restaurant Wars), but we need some new ones, too.  And maybe even a different judging format.  Dunno...perhaps some online content for Judges' Table, etc?

    Oh yeah, last thought that I left out of my prior post.  Didn't dig Padma's "Cher" look at all....I thought she looked more like Morticia Addams this week....all she needed was a black dress and Cousin It!

    20 minutes ago, rafibomb said:

    I was really surprised that Adrienne, whose expertise is in fish cookery, didn't know that you can't serve mountain trout raw. My understanding was that you shouldn't eat any freshwater fish raw.

    With the state of our oceans, I'm not so sure saltwater fish is that safe, either.  However, having grown up and still living in Florida....I'm willing to chance it and eat super fresh raw seafood at every opportunity.  Since I generally dislike fresh water fish....far too boney  (except walleye trout)....I had NO idea about that.....many thanks for the heads up. 

    • Love 4
  6. 42 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

    Can Koracick please stay? I'd happily trade him for at least three current characters. One of the moments I loved in tonight's episode was him and Kimmie sparring over musical theater. 

    The other moment was Alex singing with Kimmie.  Swoon! 

    I didn't care much for Ben moping around the hospital. At this point, I only really tolerate him because he's married to Miranda. I don't care about his third major career change so, needless to say, he's not a huge draw for me for the spin off. The new leading lady, Andy, seems pretty cool though. 

    Maybe now Arizona will start being a supportive friend to April. Up until these later seasons, she didn't used to be as self-centered and shallow as she has become. 

    Hellmouth, Dahlia, and Casey Parker are great examples of how to use the interns. They're charming and cooky in the right ways. I find the ones the show has tried to force front and center, Glasses and the Dancer, to be very annoying. 

    Greg Germann was the best part of the episode, as was Alex singing with Kimmie.  Fantastic.

    The rest was pretty much meh.  Also liked the new firefighter (Andy?) getting on the phone and going off in Spanish, picking up the slack for Meredith's project.  I'd gladly swap Andy for five current Grey's characters.  She's interesting.  Not sure I'll watch the firefighting show, though. 

    • Love 8
  7. 2 minutes ago, Wings said:

    The preview for next week might have given it away.   The way Padma said, you are Top Chef, seemed like she was speaking to a man.  It was soft and a little sexy-ish.  I hope I am wrong.  I like Flam but Arianne is my girl. 

    I'm beginning to suspect the disingenuous edits.  They seemed to really rag on Flamm in the preview, so I agree with you on next week's results.  Although I didn't get any of that from Padma's tone....although I generally ignore her emoting, LOL.

    BTW....I sent Cook's D this yesterday, and wonder if you've seen it.  Next season, as you know, is in KY....I ran across a great article yesterday, and it gives me even more reason to want to try to find a way to actually see part of the season, whether in an early season "festival" type challenge, or for a RW episode, etc.  I have to think they'll film part of the season at this place....the history is amazing, and it should be open shortly.  My friend in Lexington (not far away) has already offered me a guest room, and wants to tag along if we can make this all come together. 



    Kentucky Season should be fantastic!!

    • Love 3
  8. 11 minutes ago, xtwheeler said:


    "Appropriateness" is very much in flux these days. In my opinion, Padma's dress wouldn't be out of place out to dinner in New York, LA, SF, Vegas, etc. I suppose in a state like Colorado and a town like Telluride that may be different, but they're also rich and famous people hosting a TV show. My grandpa, for one, would have been thrilled!

    My problem is blaming one's own gawking on the subject of the gawking. If you are so vehement about Padma taking responsibility for "appropriateness" of her dress, please take responsibility for directing your own eyeballs. 

    YMMV, as always, and I appreciate the spirited but polite discourse. 

    For me, it's more of a matter of respect.

    The point is, she wasn't on a red carpet, nor in NYC, nor with celebrity pals.  Inappropriate is inappropriate.  Just as sneakers were inappropriate for dinner at the Governor's mansion, a barely there dress for a family style challenge also reaches that level.    I'm neither fascinated nor appalled by Padma's boobs.  I generally find Padma's wardrobe choices interesting, but disapprove of her choice in this challenge.   I'd have been embarrassed if she'd been  my guest.

    • Love 7
  9. 22 minutes ago, xtwheeler said:

    To me, this seems more like a "you" issue than a "her" issue. (not "you" specifically, necessarily.) One's inability to keep one's eyes under control is one's own issue, not the owner of whatever item or body part, so long as not actually obscene, that is drawing one's attention. If someone in a dining room had an attention-getting coif, I wouldn't expect them to be escorted out if other diners couldn't keep from staring at it. Perhaps the food or dining companions should be more engaging, or our teachers' lessons of "keep your eyes on your own papers" should have taken better hold. A beautiful woman is not responsible for your inability to direct your attention away from her. Padma is a beautiful woman, whose career has often been based on being beautiful and little else (as a model). If she wants to display being beautiful, I have no problem with that.

    Padma flaunting her assets in an inappropriate setting is just bad manners.    It's one thing on a finale like in the Bahamas at a beach luncheon.  But this was not that.

    • Love 7
  10. 26 minutes ago, Figster said:

    Good point, Chris' niceness seemed to cause many overlook all his failures in cooking this season, and they continually reference his one or two success.

    Chris seemed to have real difficulties when he was challenged to think outside of his comfort zone.  He did very well on "dishes that represent you".  But when he got outside of his comfort zone, ie. the German Radler challenge, or the one he went home on, he just lost all passion for whatever he decided on cooking.  I tend to agree with you, he could have gone home much sooner than he did, but I think he got great credit for NOT throwing anyone under the bus.  Where the two bottom dishes were equal (ly bad), Chris didn't go because he's a good person.

    • Love 2
  11. 13 hours ago, carrps said:

    Me, too. I thought it was a very pretty restaurant. But, for the life of me, I couldn't remember the owner who was a former TC cheftestant.

    And, I've never seen Rocky Mountain oysters on a menu, and I've been to crap ton of restaurants.

    Eliza Gavin, season 10.  I wouldn't have recognized her with her hair up like that. 

    She got PKYAG'd in the 5th episode, never on top, never on the bottom.  They listed her as being from Telluride in Season 10, so she's been there a while.  Her restaurant is 221 South Oak.  Pick there didn't look like she did in Ep. 10, either.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Darian said:

    Had Food Network on in the background when I heard a voice so distinctive it pulled me out of deep concentration. Chris Scott was on an episode of Beat Bobby Flay that aired 12/1/2016 (titled "You've Got to Be Kidding Me" because Carla Hall was on with two young actors). 

    Who won?  I don't remember that.

  13. 1 minute ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

    On Pack Your Knives podcast Chris said it's lemon, lemon rind, garlic, salt, thyme and a "shit ton" of sage, marinade for a day. 

    Thanks, great info!  Sage is to chicken as basil is to tomatoes, IMO.

  14. 3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

    I honestly cannot remember any standout dish this year. Except Carrie’s cake in a cup, and Bruce’s pasta made with a mandoline.

    I thought Adrienne's deconstructed gumbo looked pretty fandamntastic.

    Speaking of gumbo and things from LA....Isaac Toups is still my favorite ever.  I am dyin' to get out to Louisiana and eat at his restaurant.  Maybe for 3 days in a row....although last time I did that (in Mexico with Mole Negro)....I foundered, like a bloody horse!

    2 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

    I’ve never used lemonade to marinate or cook chicken. I use equal parts white vinegar and melted butter, 1 TB salt and pepper, each, per 1 cup of the liquid.

    The lemonade marinade likely replicates the acid in the buttermilk or, as you say, the vinegar.  Lemon/chicken is always delish. 

    Lately I've been making Tyler Florence's fried chicken....where you infuse the oil with fresh herbs (living in Florida, whacking herbs is a necessity), with lots of seasoning in the flour.  It's pretty rockin' delicious. 

    • Love 1
  15. 45 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

    You do. And then if you follow them, their Insta-stories often appear at the top of the feed.  

    I started following Chris when he went to the Super Bowl and he seems to be such a sweetie. I’m hoping to go to Butterfunk next month.

    OMG.  Order the chicken livers and crawfish hushpuppies for me.  I'd die and go to heaven. 

    • Love 1
  16. 3 hours ago, chiaros said:

    Like here?  :-D 




    And...here's a Padma vs Adrienne's Mum comparison in the cleavage department.  ;-)





    Well, I would be interested in what posters here say when a male cheftestant or guest or whoever turns up next on TC wearing skin-tight jeans or trousers (or even spandex) with a PROMINENT crotch bulge.  :-D

    I thought the dining room was quite lovely in this Ep.  Loved the big painting that was behind a couple of the diners, with the huge pop of orange.

    • Love 1
  17. 14 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    OMG, I thought exactly the same thing, except that it was skimpier than a bathing suit top.  I thought it was more like a skimpy underwear cami that comes with a thong from Victoria's Secret.  I'm no prude either but it was seriously inappropriate for the time and place.  I get it that she didn't look well and was beaded with sweat the whole time but still.

    I almost didn't recognize Michael Voltaggio.  He gave me creepy MacCaulay Culkin addict vibes.  I'd take Bryan over him any day of the week even if he is a douche, which he probably isn't knowing the way these shows misrepresent people.

    Sorry to see Carrie go, she had grown on me but in the end I prefer Adrienne or Joe Flamm in the finale anyway.  If Joe Sasto doesn't go home next I'll be surprised.  He's really not a bad guy but not my preference.  At this point if Adrienne won I'd be very happy.  I prefer her over Flamm but if he won I wouldn't hate it either.

    ETA:  So sorry for everyone's loss that posted of it on the thread.  I may not love Sasto but I felt for him losing his mom so young.  My dad lost his mom at 22 and I lost mine at 42, which is a little older but still too young to lose a parent.  I could imagine if I were cooking in this episode I'd have been a mess too thinking about my mother, who was a wonderful cook.

    This.  I lost my mom 2 years ago at almost 93, and it still hurts.  However, I'm cooking her favorite lasagna right now, nothing but smiles here, I just wish she were still around bugging me about "when is it going to  be ready?"....but I really feel for Joe S. and the memories her lasagna stirred up.  I wanted to hug him.  His pics as a kid were positively adorable, those sparkling little eyes full of mischief.  He was a cutie!  And I think underneath the bluster and Hipster nonsense there's still quite a bit of that sweet little boy.

    Can't wait for next week to get confirmation on the Final Two.  This is the first season I looked at spoilers, not sure I want to do that again.  But I'm all good with the final three.

    • Love 7
  18. 41 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

    I feel for Joe Mustache. My dad had a cold that wouldn't go away. He was diagnosed this year on January 10 with late stage lung cancer. He died on 2/1. It's a brutal, painful way to die. I get his emotion. This one was a tough one for me to watch. 

    How awful....I am so sorry for your loss.  There just aren't any adequate words. 

    Of course it was awful to watch this episode.  It will get better in time.  I'm only able to watch "Steel Magnolias" now, all these years later, I lost my younger sister in 1997....but time will definitely help.  Hang in there. Hammies. 

    • Love 14
  19. 8 minutes ago, stacyasp said:

    I feel for joe moustache and his dad, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away 19 days later....tough

    I'm sorry for your loss.  This must have been a very tough episode for you to watch. 

    • Love 15
  20. 27 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

    I thought I was the only one that felt that Season 6 had the all time great group of chefs! From day one they were under the gun doing some pretty amazing things culminating in that French challenge of Bocuse d'Or! It was terribly impressive even though Kevin seemed to be the "pork king" throughout! I love pork, but it seemed like an unnecessary crutch because he won a challenge making something vegetarian for Natalie Portman! I find it hilarious with this show and others where a vegetarian goes to a steak house with friends, but they're expected to jump through hoops to make them happy! Why go to a steak house? Senseless! ;-)

    LOL!  I remember every single one of those challenges.  Yep.  That season was the best ever. 

    • Love 3
  21. 9 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

    Did Bryan do his laugh last night? I was waiting all night for that.

    Alas, no.  I mentioned that fantastic laugh earlier.  I'm a huge Bryan (spelled it right, finally) fan.   How about a Bryan Volt season as judge on TC?  I'd love it.  (Although Graham was actually very good on last night's episode....maybe he's finally comfortable in his judge's seat).

    Was he on the Masters season when they went sky-diving?  I think so...when they had the secret sous battles for advantages. 

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