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  1. Trump demands apology from 'nasty' Washington Bishop after plea for him to have 'mercy' https://www.thejournal.ie/washington-bishop-urges-trump-to-have-mercy-6600600-Jan2025/ what an absolute snowflake.
  2. Post filming special effects. The on camera stuff takes a normal length of time, but all the effects to be added is what causes the delay between filming and release.
  3. We saw how that worked with Helly last season. Innie kept trying to quit but Outie overruled her. Obviously the circumstances were a little different, but I can see the same thing happening for any of the others - although they might be a bit less mean about it.
  4. Live Aid?
  5. Your husband might also qualify for an Irish passport on the same grounds.
  6. Translation, you don't have anything. You're just looking forward to 'owning the libs' Ah well, at least the leopards won't be going hungry.
  7. The problem with a weapon is getting access to it when you need it. How easy is it to get a gun from a bag, or even from a holster if it's under a buttoned up coat, when you're in a hurry. The best thing about self-defence classes is that it makes you think about how you can react if attacked. I read in a survival book that when you get on an aeroplane, you should run through a plan of what you'll do after an emergency landing "undo seat belt, stand up, move to the exit" etc, because if you've run through it in your mind before the event, then you're more likely to be able to follow the plan after the event. Same thing applies to self defence. An attacker already knows what they're going to do, but if you've already thought of a response to it beforehand, it'll be easier to implement it.
  8. Part of Nadia's costume issues could have been that they were trying to hide Natasia's pregnancy during filming.
  9. Just to nitpick here, Teddy arrived before May was fostered. IIRC, the reason for keeping May as a character was so that the actor playing Angela would have somebody her own age on the set for company.
  10. I see what you did there! hah!
  11. I on the other hand hope the Louis decides to move on and do his healing somewhere else. I get that we're supposed to feel sympathy for the guy because he's beating himself up about what happened. But Alice's mother, Jimmy's wife, is dead because Louis decided he didn't want the inconvenience of getting his car the next morning. That's it. He had an alternative to not getting behind the wheel of a car that night and he didn't take it. And then of course there's the events at the station. Yes Louis, you feel like your life is fucked up, but that doesn't give you the right to fuck up other people's lives. The train driver, all the passengers, and of course Alice who would have blamed herself for not responding to his last text on time. No, hopefully Louis' arc is done and dusted and that's the last we'll see of him.
  12. Interview with the Vampire did it for its second season and just announced at the beginning that the role would be played by a new cast member.
  13. Do you think Will and Ormewood should shave theirs as well or is it only unhygienic for women?
  14. That was in the early seasons of this show. I read the books and it's one of the actual cases in the books as well, so sappy as it may be, it did actually happen for real!
  15. I’m pretty sure it was mentioned before.
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