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Posts posted by rose313

  1. I really hope that girl that Cassandra was threatening to post nude photos of was not underage. I think they said she was in highschool...I don't think they would have had her on the show if she wasn't 18, would they? I haven't paid much attention to the ages of previous guests, I guess I always assumed they were adults. Either way, it's not classy for her to keep nude photos of girls in highschool. (Or in general!) Yes, the girl took the photos, yes, she sent them to someone, but Cassandra still shouldn't have them and hang them over her head like that. I hope both of them learn a lesson from this, but judging by Cassandra's recent comments on the Catfish facebook page, she hasn't.

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  2. I really do want to see Penny become successful. I don't think she necessarily "deserves" it, but I want to see how she handles it. I like Emily, she's by far the best Raj has dated. She's cute and I've always wanted to see him with a redhead, I don't know why, I just think it would be adorable. Her personality compliments his well. I'm just glad Lucy's gone.

  3. I feel bad when I see how Leonard's mom treats him. Poor guy. I also felt bad for Stuart, and was pretty angry at Sheldon when he couldn't show Stuart compassion when his store burnt down. I love that he enjoys caring for Howard's mom, and Bernadette asking for a "divorce" cracked me up. I love her cute little attitude.

    • Love 2
  4. This one is definitely my favorite of the Christmas episodes! Funny and poignant and all kinds of wrong in the most quintessentially Office-ish sort of way. 

    Yes! I loved the scene when Dwight, Jim and Michael (and I believe Andy too) were at the restaurant and Dwight couldn't hear the conversation because he was forced to sit too far away. And Michael with the bike that was supposed to be a donation.

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  5. I loved Sheldon's hug scene, and I'm glad they're not rushing his growth too much. I thought it was cute that Leonard almost didn't turn down Penny's re-proposal in the car, he seems to really want to marry her, but knows it wasn't the right time. Although the proposal thing is a bit overdone, it's cute.

    • Love 3
  6. This is awesome.

    *Critters and vermin are found behind the bar.
    **Two drinks if the critter is larger than a squirrel.

    That was my favorite, and this:

    *Taffer changer the bar's name.
    **Two drinks if the new name is worse than the old one.
    ***Three drinks if the owner changes the name back five minutes after the cameras leave.


    Adding my own:

    Drink if someone vomits.

    Two drinks if they show the actual vomit.

  7. The only reason I don't think this was an option, was that Alyson Hannigan stated that there was not a dry eye in the room when they did the final episode script read. But I will entertain that theory, because I'd like to think Cristin was too good to be sucked into this awful rubbish of a finale.

  8. I was surprised and delighted to see Amy being so sarcastic during the please pass the butter scene! Although I adored it, it almost seemed a little out of character for her.

    I'm glad they're continuing to have the Sheldon and Amy relationship move slowly.

    I can't stand Lucy, it's not because she's weird, I just don't like her voice, or her demeanor, and I don't know, I just really don't like her. I really liked the deaf girl he dated, even after we found out she was a gold digger :) I've always imagined Raj with a redhead girl for some reason, so the date he had in this episode was fitting for me. Someone who is confident enough to make up for his lack of confidence, but not so much that it annoys either of them.

  9. How Your Mother Met Me was also one of my favorite episodes. She is so cute and funny. As both the mother character and as an actress, and from reading a few of her interviews, as a real person. When they first cast her, my first thought was "Why did they cast someone who looks like Lily?" I changed my mind as soon as I learned about her, she is wonderful!

    • Love 4
  10. I noticed in the last episode two of the employees that worked there were new...one was there for only 3 days and one for a week and a half. Obviously the bar knows that they are possible choices to be picked, since someone has to install the cameras in there. I wonder if they do something similar to Extreme Home Makeover, where they contact 5 families (bars in this case) and tell them they might be there during a certain time period, and they "surprise" whoever is chosen? If that's the case here too, I wonder if the show was a deciding factor in both hiring new employees, and their choices to work there?

  11. I knew they were going to kill off the Mother, I've known it for awhile. So that part, I wasn't upset about. What ruined it for me, is they could have elaborated more on the mother's life, then her death, and how beautiful she was, and how perfect for Ted she was. Instead, they spent thirty seconds telling us what happened to the mother and one minute explaining that Ted got back together with Robin. Rubbish!

    I am glad Barney and Robin got a divorce (I hated them together) and I loved the Barney's daughter story, that just melted my heart! And the umbrella scene with Ted and Mother. (Tracy...we have a name now!) The ending, though, in general, was complete crap.

    • Love 2
  12. Majesty is, to me, so beautiful looks-wise, but her voice, although pretty, was just not good enough. I see shakiness in almost all of the contestant's voices, but hers especially. I honestly thought she would go far, just because she looks and sounds sweet and cute. I thought she would be the special snowflake. I'm not sad to see her go though, because it really should be, and is, about the voices.

  13. I imagined he would be one of the favorites when the show started, but he's kind of fading into the background now. I'm sure he'll go home soon. I did love his performance of Babylon, but Hey There Delilah was blah.

  14. Ohhh man. This show is consistently getting worse. I actually like the judges this season though, so I'm mainly watching it for Harry, and Keith's impressions of Harry. Oh and Jlo always looks beautiful, and I like how she shakes her head when she gets really into a song.

    Almost all of these singers have pitch problems and shaky voices. I think CJ did the best this week out of all his performances, Jessica is extremely nasally, and I love Jena but I'm hoping she'll actually do a ballad or a soft rock song next time instead of upbeat pop hits, since her voice is mature and kind of reminds me of Four Non Blonde's "What's Up."

  15. Ohhh my goodness. I know this show is super scripted (with the voiceovers and editing and all that fun stuff) but I still find it great. The O'Face bar...am I allowed to talk about the whole episode here or do I need spoiler tags? That one was nuts!

    • Love 2
  16. I quite liked the references, they added to her awkwardness. Even the time she had a picture painted of her and Penny and mentioned that they were originally going to be painted without clothes...that was great. I didn't feel like it was taken TOO far, but definitely more than before when it was virtually nonexistant. I think they should keep the references, and not do away with them entirely, just don't make them distracting or out of character.

    • Love 1
  17. I loved Seasons 1 and 2. When I rewatch, I usually start with 2. I love Office Olympics, The Injury, and Casino Night. I also liked when they read Michael's screenplay in "The Client."

    Season 3- Grief Counseling is hilarious, so is Beach Games. I found it a little cheesier than season 2, but still good. Benihana Christmas and Diwali also stand out.

    Season 4- Fun Run and Dinner Party are in my top 5, possibly top 3, I haven't actually compiled a top list yet. I also liked Survival Man.

    Season 5- I liked Business Ethics, Customer Survey, Moroccan Christmas, Prince Family Paper, Cafe Disco, and Company Picnic. I kind of liked the Michael Scott Paper Company story arc. I'd say Season 5 is my second favorite, despite my two favorite episodes ever being in Season 4.

    Season 6- Gossip (Parkour!) Murder, Banker, (Toby's clips of all the funny things that happened in the past, and his need to blatantly lie about all the hazards that happen in the office is just awesome) But I hate Sabre, and I hate Jo Bennett!

    Season 7- Sex Ed, Viewing Party, The Seminar, Search Committee are good, I hate Deangelo Vickers which is strange because I like Will Ferrell.

    Also, whenever it was that Creed temporarily took over as manager...that was my favorite part of the entire series. (Boboddy, boboddy!) Creed is perfect.

    I'm not going to bother going through 8 and 9, I liked them just fine, but I feel like I'm just going to say "Work Bus" (the episode Brian Cranston directed) and leave it at that.

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