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Posts posted by btho1776

  1. I believe she put her on The Girlfriend Hour & exposed her cancer diagnosis to Marah on live TV....am I remembering it correctly??

    ..watching the series now...asking myself, did that happen in the book & I don’t remember??

  2. I’m hopeful with the matchmaking episode that they are making for compatibility 🤞... not ALL drama. It remains to be seen...

    I’m not sure about Vincent’s pairing... seems like he would have been matched well with Paige.


    12 hours ago, Lacy4u said:

    Whoa! The ordained minister guy just got out of a relationship 3 months before being selected AND he was engaged to that person?! 

    Does this play into the voice over in the preview....”She’s pregnant”....or however it was said...hmmm...juicy drama! I’m in!!

    Lastly, did anyone catch Clara’s nails?? They looked like cat claws to me... just sayin’...

    • Love 5
  3. I would LOVE to see Bennett & Amelia on a couples cam too!! I’m in, no question!! I enjoyed them from the beginning.

    Woody & Amani surprised me. I grew to enjoy them. I think Amani has a great head on her shoulders. I think she needs to take the place of one of the matchmakers on the show or at least give her a spot!

    Miles is a catch. I’d like to be matched with someone like him!! He’s open, genuine, great sense of humor, & handsome! All those qualities make him attractive on top of his good looks!!

    I realize from posters upthred he seemed selfish. I don’t think we ever really got a true picture of how he puts Karen first. She didn’t seem be vocal about it until the end. 

    I enjoyed watching him through the season. I picked up on a lot of the bells & whistles he brings to the table. I really want him to find someone that appreciates him!


    • Love 9
  4. I think Alex’s gunshot to the head  which caused his coma may have partially paralyzed him. He has been through physical therapy which my explain walking with a cane.

    • Love 4
  5. 58 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:

    What was with the counselor choking Bryce? The counselor has completely flipped script. Walking the halls, talking to students, at least he’s finally doing something he’s supposed to. But where are the teachers??

    So far my favorite part of the episode was the counselor.


    I agree with hideousness of the wig!



    1 hour ago, Hope said:

    Also, what was the second note that Tony was burning?


    I believe it was a detailed journal entry of the last day Hannah was alive.

    • Love 2
  6. I laughed so much during the restaurant scene with the nanny. “The quaaludes are kicking in.” Uh...not sure how to convey... love this show one episode in...its only going to get better.


    Question- why did the boy in childhood flashbacks get chosen? Looks nothing like Cumberbatch.

    • Love 3
  7. On 1/28/2016 at 3:06 PM, FurryFury said:

    I’ll be thrilled if Lincoln bites it because Octavia could be far more interesting without him, IMO.

    .....and she was!


    Also watched Eliza in the Christmas movie, I liked it. I thought she did well.

  8. On 10/18/2017 at 9:43 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Kate being pregnant.  OMG, this is one of the old standby storylines that the writers pull out when they are desperate for drama and excitement. It sounds good initially, but, then they have to figure out what to do with the characters and the aftermath.  It rarely works.  I mean....that's all they have to do with her?  

    I wish they would go back to the consultant position for her character. She was great! She was confident. She had it together!

    • Love 7
  9. 4 hours ago, msrachelj said:


    On 8/10/2017 at 7:56 PM, SoSueMe said:

    The actor in the husband role looks like a young Mandy Patinkin.

    shia le bouf (however it is spelled!)


    He's Christopher Abbott. He played Charlie in Girls.

    • Love 2
  10. When smurf pulled out the ground beef for " family dinner" night I thought what is she going to put in that meat?? So all through dinner, especially after her meatloaf comment I was looking for someone to start coughing and fall out of their chair. 

    I also would like to know who is the tall bald guy with the dying father. Is he another son of hers she abandoned instead of raised?

    i second and third the man candy ?. It was delicious!! Mm... good! 

    • Love 2
  11. Wow! I just finished the final episode. Emotions are raw. I am 37 like another poster. This series was as honest as I know to be. It brought back memories of my high school days I locked away for years. I know it has helped me to heal, even now as an adult with a teenage son. I recommended he watch it as well. I think it will open people up to talk more honestly with one another. Great show!!!

    • Love 5
  12. 20 hours ago, KHenry14 said:

    It would be perfect. And that's a network that needs new programming

    I agree. Revamp this show with the same premise. Add to ID...you have a winner. It would fit perfect with the show The Detective's Club, part of the new line up this year.

  13. On 1/2/2017 at 10:17 PM, Straycat80 said:

    If I was  MTV I would have told Adumb to go to hell. It was sickening how they were kissing his ass while he was being a dick to them. He brings nothing to the show as far as I'm concerned. He's acting like he's a great dad and he's not. I guess the deal with him was that they showed him in a good light, playing in the backyard with Aubree, I'm not buying it. 

    I don't buy it either, STRAYCAT80. Aubree asked him at the weightlighting competition, "Daddy, how come you didn't come to the dance?" He said "Cuz I was doing this." (Weightlifting) hmmmm....I think he is so boring that is why he gets commercial break air times and ending credits. He asked the producer "How come you didn't film me going to Aubree's school everyday last week? We had lunch and watched a movie."  Cuz your watching a movie! ! Plus, MTV would have to blur the kids faces all over the place - THEY ARE MINORS!!

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