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Posts posted by HadleyFields

  1. I think the only storyline they had this year was the Brandi/Denise one, so anything with Denise in it is being dragged out until the timing's right for the season's climax.  

    I think Lisa and Kyle are really jealous of their friend and already know just where this storyline is headed.  I think Denise has been suspicious of where the storyline is going and I don't think she's fully recovered from her surgery yet and she started back a little too early, too.  She's handling it all pretty well, considering.  

    Ohhh! I get it, now... Denise is being made to work hard for her money this season because, as it's been said here, she gets paid very well to be on this show and she's had it pretty easy so far. 

    Also, I think Denise and Aaron dressed like a couple'a bums to her shitty party as a fuck you Kyle!

    • LOL 2
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  2. I Googled, "Who are the people in the Superbowl Sabra commercial," and got this list: Charli D'Amelio from Tim Tok, Boomer Esiason, retired NFL quarterback, T-Pain, Kim Chi and Miz Cracker from Ru Paul's Drag Race. 

    I loved Teresa and Caroline's part. Caroline seems to be around a bit too much lately I have a feeling there's something coming up with all of these former real-housewives that haven't quite left the building yet. 

    Caroline and Teresa looked like they had a ball flipping that table!

    • Love 5
  3. I have never liked Dorit and I still don't like her.  I've never had a real problem with LVP other than finding the Queen Bee act OTT.  Obviously Dorit handled the shelter dog situation badly, but LVP made it a storyline to expose Dorit.  Teddi saw right through the set-up and all of the women believe Lisa orchestrated the leak.  The ROL and TMZ stories are tidy ways to try and close the storyline up and have LVP look like Dorit's BFF and Teddi as the villian, but it seems to have backfired on Lisa with the cast.  I'm surprised that public opinion seems to lean to favoring LVP.  

    • Love 19
  4. Thank you, Dance4Life! I'm sure you're right.  I was surprised at the 97% Italian result, too!  

    Melissa is a shady bitch.  Her comments about how Teresa has never been a good judge of character and how she'll be celebrating 15 years of happily wedded bliss next year were direct hits at Joe Guidice and their marriage. I think she'll be thrilled if Teresa gets divorced. I can just see her salivating at the irony of it.  

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  5. Antonia and Milania have always been so sweet with each other, I love seeing how supportive Melissa and Antonia are of her.  I loved watching Danielle's face light up when Milania was engulfed in the embrace of her friends after her performance.  

    Danielle had such a pissed off look while Teresa was visiting. I thought, "Oh, maybe she received notice that she wasn't going to be a full-time housewife and production wasn't reimbursing them for the, "Dream Wedding from Hell"!  

    I'm sure Jennifer's remark on the dumpy bathroom was a joke.  I chuckled when she said it and I'd like to think Jackie did, too.

  6. This episode was pretty boring despite all of the "drama" that felt so manufactured.  Danielle put such extreme effort to secure a full-time spot and to no avail.  I wonder if she got the $45,000 wedding gown in the divorce settlement?

    My favorite part of the episode was seeing Teresa, Melissa and Margaret without makeup! It's so refreshing, and real! 

    ETA: I watched the repeat of the boring episode and I get the feeling that Bravo's going to say, "Buh-bye Danielle," at the end of this season. I've felt that Teresa has been doing Danielle a big, fat favor out of guilt over the seasons 1 and 2 pile-ups on Danielle by being a friend to her for these last 2 seasons.  

    In the Bravo After Show for this episode, Dolores put into words what I've been thinking about Danielle for a while now: She looks for something/anything to get upset about.  

    Danielle's daughters seem to be so sweet, intelligent and empathetic.  I follow their Instagram's and they exude light from their eyes and every bit of their being. Danielle is really blessed with those two.

    • Love 5
  7. This episode was pretty boring despite all of the "drama" that felt so manufactured.  Danielle put such extreme effort to secure a full-time spot and to no avail.  I wonder if she got the $45,000 wedding gown in the divorce settlement?

    My favorite part of the episode was seeing Teresa, Melissa and Margaret without makeup! It's so refreshing, and real! 

    • Love 7
  8. 9 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    Margaret doesn't have much going on this season but at least she plans things for the group. First the trip to OK and now the facial party. If she and Danielle weren't part of the cast this season, how would these women fill the time filming?

    The season's only half-way through, so I think Margaret will do a lot more in the second half to have earned the coveted center spot, along with Teresa, on the Intro Title Card.  

    Joe Gorga's grosse but I really liked seeing him diffuse the argument between Melissa and Teresa.  Their group hug was cute.

    I love Joe B's sense of humor, "There's Marty running away down the beach"!  

    I've liked Teresa ever since she stood up against her brother, Melissa, Kathy, Richie, Rosie, Caroline, Jacqueline, Lauren, Albie and Chris Manzo, while her marriage and legal issues were publicly exposed, raising four daughters and trying to sell some cookbooks, but I like this Jackie for challenging Teresa on a hypocritical statement.

    • Love 7
  9. I remember Andy Cohen saying there were housewives who were good controversial and those who were bad controversial: Teresa Guidice and Bethenny Frankel are good, Danielle Staub is bad. There's a good segment of Wendy Williams show with Danielle on YouTube where she expresses surprise on not being a full-time housewife.  

    Delores is so boring, I just don't care about Frank or Frankie or her relationship with Frank Sr.  I read they had a hard time casting for this season, if Jen and Jackie are as good as it gets, I fear for the future of this franchise.  I'd love to see Melissa's sister's and Teresa's in-laws cast as regulars!  

    The article by Danielle's daughter was interesting, and saddening. I find the manipulation that goes on with these reality shows fascinating and grosse.  Ego and greed are so dangerous.

    • Love 2
  10. 3 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    Jackie actually thinks that she's going to buddy up to Melissa and the two of them are going to take down Queen Teresa. Someone tell her to watch Jacqueline Laurita's final seasons on the show. Wacky Jac thought she could do the same thing and then Melissa turned around and sided with Tre. She knows where her bread is buttered. It's only a matter of time before there is a huge fight, she is forced to choose between them, and Melissa the turncoat whines, "well, Teresa is FAMILY." Jackie will be out on that limb all alone. Jacqueline, Kathy, Caroline Manzo and Rosie all learned that lesson the hard way.

    I love this. That season is spectacular. Caroline, Jacqueline and Caro's daughter were furious at the reunion while Teresa pretty much kept her cool. 

    I think Melissa and Joe really can't stand Teresa but they're smart enough to cling to the "Money Tre".

    I just feel really sad for Danielle. She's so desperate to have a beautiful suburban life. I loved the brick pillar and rustic ladder/blanket holder in her home. 

    • Love 6
  11. 4 hours ago, ladle said:

    Upon rewatch (which, why am I even doing that?  Clearly I hate myself), it's super fucking creepy how Joe keeps pressuring his sister to drink the tequila.  Some abnormal psych grad student could write a bang-ass dissertation on those two...

    And he's the guy that would never let her live it down if she did!  They've both talked about about how competitive they can be, he's trying to get her to fail. What a creep. I've always felt that it bugged the shit out of him and Melissa that Teresa was cast in the show at the beginning and that they would be so much more entertaining than she. They thought they deserved it and she didn't: The definition of jealousy.  I've never been able to stomach the two of them for this fact alone. Jealousy is one of the ugliest emotions.

    Now Joe's starting to blow up the old "bad son" storyline to try and make Tre look worse and Melissa's piling on top of that, of course.  

    Gia was the most mature one in the dining room!  Haha Melissa! Good job Teresa and Joe!

    • Love 2
  12. On 11/9/2018 at 2:28 PM, kicksave said:

    What happened to Melissa's adorable daughter? She's turned into a teenage monster...she was so sweet and cute...now she's rude and disrespectful. The way she passive aggressively set the table by throwing the utensils and then barking that the table was set was really an eye opener. Where was the old school Italian father doling out discipline to children who disrespect their mother and don't help with putting dinner on the table? For all his "I'm Italian...we're old school" crap his kids are brats and treat Melissa like crap. They never listen to her and act like spoiled rich kids with entitlement attitudes. 

    This is why the storyline of Melissa and Joe being such good disciplinarians in contrast to Teresa's easy going style is ridiculous. I usually watch reality tv while trying to dig  beneath the surface and expose branding opportunities: Is Melissa going to try "writing" a book about how to raise good children?  

    • Love 1
  13. Joe trying to force that tequila on Teresa was very uncomfortable to watch, laughing it off and pushing it away showed incredible restraint on her part, imo. I would love to see her flip him over a table for decades of knobbishness!I

    The b&w footage of Danielle's attempts to create a storyline out of Frank's disbament was interesting on how Tre & Mel wouldn't even acknowledge it.  It seemed to backfire on her, or maybe not, now she has a storyline with Delores!  I'm not a fan of Delores', she had no reason to dislike Danielle last season, and I would love to see Danielle get under her skin! 

    • Love 4
  14. On 10/9/2018 at 1:37 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Wouldn't it be funny if the Conner's finally all became successful and it turns out that Roseanne was holding them back all along?

    I LOVE this idea! It might be a good way for the spin-off to move ahead of the Roseanne drama too. I can totally see this idea being tossed around the writers room!  It's my birthday and I'm so excited for tonight's episode! I'm placing my Birthday Wish on it being awesome! 

    • Love 11
  15. On 8/17/2018 at 12:16 PM, Higgins said:

    Yeah, and if you want to stay home and raise your children, own it. It's a perfectly acceptable choice. 

    I agree. She's a confused woman. It's as if she's trying to fill the role of what others perceive her to be or what they expect her to be. 

    There's certainly nothing wrong with staying home and raising your children, Brandi and Stephanie seem to love it and are having a ball doing it.  Some of my friends have done so, too, and loved/are loving it. They're some of the happiest people I know.  I would've loved that role myself but my husband and I didn't have children.

    Maybe Kameron wants to be the Bethenny Frankel of Sparkle pet products: That would actually be pretty great to see. She doesn't seem to be able to do it without the micromanagement of her husband, but it was her idea and she has to keep pushing her husband to support, and finance, her vision. That's her storyline and I always hope for happiness, success and fulfillment for everyone in their lives.*

    *As long as their laws don't infringe on my rights.

    • Love 6
  16. This franchise is my least favorite, of the one's that I watch, and I wasn't even looking forward to it, but I really enjoyed it and was surprised by how fast it flew by! I loved the Carey and Leanne makeup scene. I think Carey was probably told that if she didn't get along with Leanne this season her future on the show was in jeopardy. I think it reminds me of Bethenny and Carole on NYC, and although it's not quite the same, when Teresa wasn't playing along with the, "Caroline is so wise and fixed all of my problems with me and my brother, " it didn't help Caroline's future in selling books and hosting radio advice programs.

    I'm invested in Leanne's redemption arc, and I'm curious why her position on the cast photo has been nudged over by Brandi: That could mean it's a good thing for Leanne, that she gets her anger under control and doesn't create a lot of drama. 

    I find the placement of all of the women in the picture interesting: Stephanie and Kameron are in the back, so their storylines are probably going to be boring.  Carey is next to Leanne! Don't they usually put friends next to each other? Does that mean Leanne and Carey are buddies now? I'd really like that.

    I am so sick of Kameron's stupid narrative of, "I play the Dumb Blonde role, but I'm actually really smart. I could've had a master's degree but I chose to comply with my wealthy husband's family's antiquated views on being a stay-at-home-mom and housewife. " Not cute, Kam, not impressed either. It's grosse and it's stupid.  If you want to be an entrepreneur, be an entrepreneur.  If you want us to believe that you're smart, show us that you're smart. *yawn* 

    • Love 1
  17. I like this cast. It seems to me, the criteria to holding onto your apple is living in the UES, or having the means to do so. I think this is where Luann is just scraping by. She's always been one of my favorites and I think she's the most beautiful of all of the franchises. I don't watch OC or Atlanta and there are some very beautiful women on those shows, but I don't know their personalities and personality counts. I know Luanne's personality can suck at times but my devotion to her is unconditional. 

    I like Tinsley. I watch this show for women like her. She's an heiress and twirling on the back of a boat! She brings the needed lightness to Frankel's darkness. I love Ramona and Bethenny for their tremendous work ethic, I enjoy the the widows in their poor little rich girl roles and I'm fascinated by Luann and Sonja desperately trying to hold on to a lifestyle that they really can't maintain.

    As for Carole and Bethenny, the break up and tension between them can't be only from what we've seen. Something happened, in the summer in the Hamptons, that we're not privy too. I made a story up in my head that goes something like this: Carole assumed she was staying at Beth's but then Beth said, Eh, I want Brynn, Dennis and I to bond as a family unit. You're going to have to find somewhere else to go. Carole, as a childless woman (as am I,) took this as an afront, and parterned up with Tinsley at Topping Rose.  Then the Adam thing happened. From Carole's point of view, I believe, she felt Bethenny should've told her about calling or wanting to call him. Hearing about it afterward from Adam first, then Bethenny, and her negative take on him then, really riled her up. Perhaps, finally, Beth waited for the cameras to start rolling before she acted out on her feelings -because she is a Reality Gold Star-. Carole thought they were real friends and not just, "Ready for Prime Time Players".  This is how I made sense of how they got here and Carole's dismissiveness (aka self-preservation).

    Even though I prefer C over B, color me impressed that B managed to trend on Twitter even when the other women weren't engaging in her hysterics!

    • Love 3
  18. Liza looked like one of the buildings on the NYC skyline in her platinum gray suit in the last scene, so powerful. Watch out Charles, she could have your job one day. I'm more interested in that storyline than which fella wins her heart anyway.  

    • Love 12
  19. On 7/19/2018 at 6:33 PM, Coffeewinewater said:

    The whole celebs pick Bethany over Carole  to me is odd. Maybe celebs are that diffrent. I remember when Caroline Manzo was still on RHONJ and celebs loved her. I never understood it.


    On 7/19/2018 at 1:41 PM, QuinnM said:

    I think that’s what is making Bethenny crazy.  She thought they were friends.  The condescending way Carole speaks to her now is so scarey.  I really thought we were going to find out Bethenny slept with Adam or something.  But now I think Carole got tired of it and moved on.  I wonder what Carole thinks about WWHL.  Andy, the shit stirrer that hates women, asks every single celebrity guest if they are team Bethenny or team Carole.  Every single celebrity guest says Bethenny.  Poor Kristin Chenowith actually apologized to Tinsley before she declared herself team Bethenny.

    I think celebs who are friends with Andy (that's why they're on wwhl,) side with who he's trying to push on his audience. He wanted the Manzos to make it big. Thank God they didn't and that crud has left the building.  He loves his Bethenny, and he loves a divided audience on a Housewives Feud.  He wishes this was Teresa vs Melissa level, but I don't think that lightning will strike twice. 

    I am always astounded at how everyone doesn't see it as I do in these divisive diva disagreements.

    On 7/19/2018 at 3:07 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

    Thank you for your research but...I might have figured it was a pricey dress, like Beth would wear something from a store I could shop in without taking out a loan:( 

    Seriously fantastic sleuthing!  I did not even realize that I wanted Tinsley's red and white skirt. 

    I think I might have to sell a kidney to dress like a NYC HW.

    I appreciate the shopping sleuths on this forum, too!  I probably can't afford it, but it's so much fun to look! 

    On 7/19/2018 at 6:33 PM, Coffeewinewater said:

    The whole celebs pick Bethany over Carole  to me is odd. Maybe celebs are that diffrent. I remember when Caroline Manzo was still on RHONJ and celebs loved her. I never understood it.

    Sorry double post there.

    23 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

    ...Has Carole looked in the mirror.  She’s so ugly that she’s painful to look at.  She so desperately tries to be cool and it comes across as ridiculous! Just like that stupid earring she was wearing!  

    The best part was when Carole said “oh we went out to dinner for 3 hours the next night” lol. Like that was a long date or something? Also, she never mentioned that they went out again after that and Carole would have definitely said “oh we went out on a 2nd date or had sex or whatever.  She just keeps hanging on to this one 3 hour date they went on.  Can you say pathetic??  Meanwhile, he’s constantly texting Bethenny all this time! So Carole, you look very desperate and I guess  that he didn’t want to date you either!!! Sound familiar???

    Bethenny was 100% spot on...Carole got the consolation prize! Did you see when Carole said to Bethenny “ Enough” because B was exposing Brian as a player!  Carole wanted it to seem he was head over heels for her and Bethenny blew her out of the water! I loved every minute of it! 

    I'm not picking on you specifically, Kaia, your post is similar to so many on the NYC Housewives forum here. 1st Half: What is so satisfying about ripping on a woman's looks. It's usually something she has little control over, like bone structure, which would involve surgery to correct, or ageism, and the alternative to aging is not better. 

    The 2nd Half: Carole had a good time on a date. They talked for 3 hours.  That's a good conversation!  She's moving on from Adam and she's excited. I think getting Bethenny to stop by squarely telling her, "Enough," was a good way of telling her, "You've made your point and you're dangerously close to not being able to put the words back in your mouth."

    Lastly, the rip on their fashion choices: While it's fun to play Joan Rangers, isn't it equally fun to see women with money making bad choices, like the rest of us?  And they wear something inappropriate for the occasion, like we all have?  I'm going on record to say that I think, like pizza, even when it's bad, fashion is good.  Carry on Joan Rangers! #TeamCarole #LittleEdieLivesOn 

    • Love 17
  20. On 7/19/2018 at 11:12 AM, janie2002 said:

    I completely agree, she didn't know he had texted B. She was taken by the attention he gave her. What's the big effing deal. NOPE B had to embarrass her.

    I do think B is exhausting, her friendship is so full of rules. I rather hang out with Tins and have fun and have her buy me gifts lol

    And wear wacky "costumes of the day"! 

    • Love 4
  21. 4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Now she just needs to figure out how to keep it hidden.


    What i don't understand about Sonja and underwear is that she doesn't want the lines to show through, but she thinks that gives her permission to flash anyone who looks her way? I think she's disgusting.

    2 hours ago, Wicked said:

    Am I mistaken, I thought Tinsley was rich enough on her own to afford $30,000 a month for rent. 

    4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:


    Tinsley can afford the new apartment on her own, but she needs a bigger one for her and Scott to live in and that's a big step for their relationship. ❤ 

     I love seeing Carole and Luann getting along so well.  As far as I can remember Luann has always wanted to get along with everyone. Except Alex and Simon in Season 2.

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