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Posts posted by SweetDee

  1. Ugh! Fuckin Ashley! Every season she's screaming about going home but she never has and never will leave early. Nelson was spot on, it's all for the cameras. She sucks so much, and I laughed so hard when she said "multiple loses."

    CT is so entertaining and in a fun way. His great personality just emphasizes how awful all these new poeple are. 

    Watching Nelson try and swim against the current is everything! I couldn't help but think "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep simmming swimming swimming. What do we do? We swim!"

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  2. I guess Shane doesn't know they don't automatically send people home for fighting anymore. Remember when Steven from RW Vegas went home for smacking Shane? Good times!

    Anywho, I hate most of the girls this season. Jenna and Cara were the only ones I wanted to win. Now the two best guys are going against each other. Boo! This season is the worst. Laurel seemed like she didn't even want to win that elimination. Maybe she's as sick of hearing Nicole's voice as we are. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, double-elvis said:

    I'm totally with you! I do not understand all the hate Amanda gets on this board. She's honestly no worse than Camilla or Laurel but somehow those girls gets passes for their bitchy behavior. I like Amanda and hope to see her back for another Challenge. 

    Camilla is the worst! I look forward to Laurel beating her in the next elimination. I don't know what she's so damn smug about. She has to know she's the weakest one on her team. You know Cara would have been able to grab the flag in that inner tube Challenge no problem. She's pretty insufferable most seasons but she is especially full of herself this season.

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  4. I had a feeling Amanda was going home because once again, they spent way too much time focusing on her sick dad. I can't feel sorry for her when she put her college degree "on the back burner" to scream at everyone and make an ass out of herself on national television while her dad slowly dies thousands of miles away. Go home, use that degree and take care of your sick dad.

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  5. Riley seems to be getting worse every episode. It's pretty ridiculous she was just seeing serious news headlines for the first time in her life. I mean, really.

    I started watching this show a few months ago with my niece, and I enjoyed it at first, but I'm not liking how more and more stunted Riley is portrayed by the writers. Last season they had that great episode where the bakery owner, played by Cloris Leachman, died. Riley narrated the episode, and she was supposed to have realized the world doesn't revolve around her, but I guess that didn't stick.

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  6. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't feel sorry for the "victim" in this episode. Something tells me this former playboy model really just wanted to be on TV and played up the dramatics for the camera. She and Nev would make a great fame whoring couple.

    I love reading the reviews here about this show. I think it's the only thing that keeps me watching. The people putting out these fake pics are truly damaged people. Sometimes I feel worse for them than the people they are deceiving.

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  7. I really hope Devin starts working out more so he can make it far in future challenges. His attitude towards Cheyenne was really impressive, and I would love to see him become one of the regulars of the show.

    Someone needed to call out Dario for his bitch move he made sending in Cory instead of Johnny.

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  8. I've never commented here before, but this challenge twist was so messed up, I just have to vent. I'm not even mad at Johnny as much as I'm mad at him being given the opportunity to keep all the money in the first place. Sarah earned that money. Johnny hasn't made it to a final, that I can recall, in at least 3 years. He couldn't make it work with Nany or Vince. Yes, Sarah can be annoying, but she puts in the work and gives it her all. She was right when she pointed out Johnny still had the opportunity to stay in the game when she chose him for the last elimination round. If he was as good as he thinks he is, he would have been able to stay.

    The reunions are my favorite part of these shows, but I couldn't even enjoy it because of how horrible that twist was. I did like that Johnny defended his actions, yet you could see it on his face throughout the whole reunion that he knows damn well what an awful person he is. That money will be gone in three years tops, but his shame will go on and on. I loved when Wes said Johnny will be working at a fast food joint soon enough. Dear God, please let this be his swan song. Let this be how he is remembered for the rest of his life.

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