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Posts posted by rinkydinks

  1. I thought those heights seemed odd too, especially since it seemed that Lori was significantly taller than Toma, but I was just noting the odd calculation based on what was listed in that chart. I'd guess that Sonya is around 5' 3".

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  2. Well, this is over. I was not too impressed by the weight loss of the majority of the contestants. The average weight loss is quite mediocre, which is surprising, taking into account that contestants are related to sport. They must have a great will, but I didn't see that in their results - Damien's, Scott's, Woody's, Lori's particulary. Season 9 had 17 weeks too, but those results are just not compatible with this ones (apart from the finalists, Jordan, JJ and Matt).



    Here goes the general end chart:p0pFgSb89e8.jpg


    I didn't put into tables the intermediate weight of the contestants at home, so in my table Woody gained 4 lbs, Damien gained 3 lbs, and Scott gained 6 lbs since leaving the camp. And Matt has the largest weight lost at home since leaving the ranch (-84 lbs).

    Sonya has the lowest weight and ending BMI. The heaviest contestant at the finale is Vanessa. Toma has the highest percentage of weight loss, and Zina has the lowest (not surprising). Zina also has the biggest ending BMI.

    Only Sonya and Blake have ideal BMI. Jordan, Rondalee, Toma, Lori, JJ, Scott, Gina, Matt, Andrea and Rob are simply overweight. Mike, Jackie and Emmy are 1st class obese. Woody, Vanessa, Chandra, Damien and Zina are 2nd class obese.



    Weight loss chart:Ve2u5lsNINo.jpg


    Rob lost the biggest amount of weight both at the camp and in total. Zina lost the smallest amount of weight.

    The hugest number of weight loss at the camp is 38 lbs by Mike in week 1. Toma, the winner, is the only person to gain weight during the camp period (notorious week 11). The same week Scott lost nothing.



    Elimination history:pIWO0U3Z9-Y.jpg

    Your numbers are off regarding the BMI, at least for Toma, BMI for someone that is 6' 2" and 165 is 21.2, well within what is considered healthy.

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