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Posts posted by unlfan03

  1. 23 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    The character has already been introduced this season. I just wasn’t sure if it was something I had missed in previous books.

    I'm really looking forward to my reread of Echo. Now that I know who to look for, I’m hoping I’ll follow the story better.

    I feel like the reveal will not hit as hard since they decided not to do the fixing of the high place then 


    Lt. Richardson or as he was in the 80's Michael Callahan 

    doesn't show up. It will be like the Buck reveal, a bit of a wet squib that book readers will get but the rest of the show watchers won't understand. Though I think that the Buck reveal could have been better as they knew that Graham wasn't available. I'm also sorry they left out 


    Captain Randall-Isaacs

    so far, by maybe next season. 

    • Like 1
  2. But she gets the audience involved so if past history is to go by then she will be through. And then it will be competition between her and White Tiger on who will go home first next time.

     Well at least the right one goes home this time.

  3. 4 hours ago, Rilla-my-Rilla said:

    Off book I'd say. Bonnet think Jemmy is his and all, but I don't think the books have Jocasta signing anything over to Jemmy. I don't remember Forbes working with Bonnet in the books either.

    Jocasta wanted to sign everything over to Jemmy, but I think that Bre and Roger turned it down. I know that Wylie worked with Bonnet as did Forbes. It was all the men that were rejected by the Fraser women banding together.

  4. Just now, meggonzo said:

    You can tell this was filmed in advance.  "The NCAA has nothing on the Masked Singer"  Well I guess that is correct, but not for reasons you think.

    I thought the same, but maybe with it cancelled he was pointing out they were filling in the gap.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ziggy said:

    She wasn't practicing when she was with Uncle Lamb.  When she and Jamie were at the Abbey, she had conversations with one of the priests there who invited her to come to adoration with him.  He also heard her confession, where she spoke of time travel (and he took her seriously).  It had a profound affect on her, and in Voyager she talked about how she has an hour every week where she goes to adoration.

    I think that is the big difference between book Claire and TV Claire, and even book Jamie and TV Jamie. Dianna made it a point to show Jamie as devout as he could be given the general dislike of Catholicism in England and the Colonies, remember in the books it was a cloak and dagger operation to get the kiddos baptized Catholic and Jocasta's marriage was postponed during the gathering because of this antagonism. But Claire was more nominally Catholic, drawing closer to her faith during the 20 years that Bre was growing up because it brought her closer to Jamie. However in the show, they have drawn back from the religious sides of all the characters, which will be interesting given Roger's book story line. 

    I wasn't as happy with this episode as the previous block of episodes. I think that the Knox/Jamie conflict was odd and is going to be an issue in the future, If nothing else the messenger that brought the dispatches about Ardsmuir knew that Knox had company when he delivered the dispatches which happened just before the "fire."

    Adso was so cute, and those poor twins, I too was worried that one of the twins was going to end up having a reaction (that would be one way to side step future issues). Otherwise the episode felt like a lot of exposition, and almost a waste of an episode. Maybe it will be better on re-watch after the season is done and I can see how they end up wrapping it up and I am not so worried about getting to the end of the story I know is coming.  

    • Love 2
  6. Just now, mtlchick said:

    someone is eyeballing this...


    I would assume that means that the Taco goes home tonight then, since I can't imagine if he was the Taco and gave such a wink*nod to the audience then it would risk breaking his NDA or something like that.

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  7. I wasn't sure what to expect with this episode given the events that were coming up. I like that they gave the episode time to breath, they really could have rushed through things but instead sufficiently built the story and let it tell itself fairly well. I was looking forward to meeting our second Beardsley twin, and I'm happy that he is here. I did like the suspense that was built up as Jamie and Claire searched the homestead for people and thought that it was just creepy enough. You really felt like there may be ghosts of the previous Beardsley wives hanging around the property. But a lot of the creep factor went away with the discovery of Beardsley upstairs and it felt like that was where the episode began to drag just a bit. 

    The writers did something I wouldn't have expected by keeping the episode contained in the house, I actually felt a lot of sympathy for Fanny Beardsley. She went from being a of a slovenly back woods wife with broken teeth and crazy ghost stories, to a beaten woman. It was much easier to empathize with her and her plight, and i think part of it was because though she abandon's the baby it is in a house, not out in the middle of a the coldest spring. I could have done without the body horror as they focused on with Mr. Beardsley, he was much less sympathetic of a character and the writers did a good job of keeping him less redeemable, it was still a mercy killing on Jamie's part but one death that was well deserved for his past actions if one believes in capital punishment. 

    Other comments for the episode. I'm glad that they showed that Claire doesn't find the penicillin bacteria right away, and they had her using scraps of other food as well, though where they are going to get a cantaloupe is beyond me (per Wikipedia a moldy cantaloupe produced the best penicillin bacteria in the 1940's that allowed for mass production when combined with corn liquor, which could be on the ridge at this point). And as  someone in the non-books section noted that Fergus used the back of Claire's notes to write up the notice the militia call up. That could be good or bad depending on where the writers decide to go with things, but I have a feeling it will be important either way., if nothing else it will prevent Marsili from learning something important about doctoring. I also thought it was interesting the continued dichotomy of the way Jamie treats Fergus and Roger. It felt like the writers are highlighting that particularly this episode. As well as having the distance between Jamie and Roger to continue to grow and I have a feeling will also play into events further in the season. 

    I am not surprised that we are getting a full episode of the Brownsville incidents, it is important for set up for further episodes and seasons to allow that storyline to grow as well. I think if they had included it in this episode it would have rushed both story lines too much. 


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  8.  I loved the episode as a whole and felt it did a good job getting through the Gathering without doing an actual Gathering but I had the same questions that you did Tina.


    I was a bit confused, however, about the FIRST guy who took the oath.  I recollect seeing him around the place earlier in the ep and I *think* I know who it was.  I'm a reader and I recall that the guy with the tonsil problem (Beardsley, right?) becomes a key character later on in the story and has good reason to pledge his loyalty to Jamie.  But it didn't really work in the episode.  We weren't shown why he would choose to raise his hand and be the first one to pledge fealty to Jamie.  So that was a bit of a misstep in the episode for me.

    So I looked up who was who at imdb and the only one that stuck out at that age range was Isaiah Morton, I don't think it was the same actor who played Beardsley who was much younger. But Isaiah Morton wasn't that major of a character, there were other characters they could have chosen. And he wouldn't have been the first one I would have seen to pledge fealty to Jamie. But then the cast of characters on imdb also included the Bugs and they weren't introduced.

    As much as I thought the Duncan Innes came from left field I was happy to see that our Murtagh wouldn't be put into the problematic issues that occurred with Innes and Jocasta prior the the Revolutionary War in the book. And I like the idea of using the search for Murtagh as a search for Bonnet. 

    The other thing I was happy about was the lack of conversation about the cross that was set on fire. It was also good that they made it a Celtic cross rather than a Roman one. Hopefully without the conversation from the book no one will make a connection to the Klan that Roger did. 



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  9. I thought the episode was pretty good, since we had to see Laoghaire and Frank, it was good to have them used in parallel. They really do have a lot in common and both handled it about the same in this adaption. I'm glad they included Morag and the baby, I feel that it points out that at least someone in the writer's room has read ahead in the books and knows that seemingly minor characters have other plot points in future seasons and weren't just "Easter eggs." I was taken out of the episode completely by with the actress who plays Lizzie. She was so tall and solid looking, not to mention looked to be in her middle 20's. I only read the books after the first season, but the only character I ever truly "cast" in my head as Lizzie and she was always Evanna Lynch (the actress who played Luna Lovegood). She would have been the first actress I would have reached out to if I had been a producer.

    I'm looking forward to next week, it looks like we have some near misses in meetings and some meetings we wish could have been missed.

    • Love 7
  10. I went to school in Middle of no where New Jersey in the late '90s and as part of the mandatory health class (part of the 4 years of health/gym) senior year the students got to carry around bags of flour for a week or so. The "baby think it over" was part of my elective child development class where you could have it over night for extra credit. I was stupid enough to do this and after a horrendous night where the baby didn't stop crying (much like a real newborn), I had a crying jag of my own after the sub wouldn't take the robot from hell even though I had a math exam and I had already gotten permission from my teacher to do so. (No I am still not bitter 20 years later and I might still remind my folks of this experience when they ask if I want kids.) And it was really a creepy doll.

    • Love 2
  11. Dang that was a fast 53 minutes. It was a good 53 minutes, but shorter than I had thought it could be. I was really hoping that Jamie would open his eyes and it would be Murtaugh poking at him to wake him up. Well there is always next season, stupid Droughtlander.

    • Love 3
  12. On 12/5/2017 at 11:19 AM, DittyDotDot said:

    There is a Archie Hays who is in command of the Highland troops that show up at the gathering at the start of the never-ending day, but that wasn't on The Ridge either. He was some kid Jamie knew from the uprising and they spend some time catching up. If I remember right, Hayes was one of the youngest boys on the battlefield at Culloden.



    Actually, Archie Hayes was Gavin Hayes' son (I am assuming that is who the current Hayes is supposed to be so he might do something that gets him hangit early next season). In Voyager Gavin Hayes was mentioned as asking every new prisoner if they had known what had happened to his son Archie. Then during the never-ending day Jamie realizes who Archie Hayes was and says that he and Innes need to meet with Archie to at least tell him about his dad. That is why Jamie spends time with him even though he is on the mountain to find out about regulators. Another one of those coincidences that our dear author loves to have.

  13. Yes the podcasts for Heaven and Earth is a miss. I had to turn it off about half way through since I felt like Matt and Toni spent a lot of the time complaining about readers that are not happy with the changes to the show. I think it shows a lot of defensiveness on their part. I know the two are separate and for the most part I can keep it separate but when I complain about changes it is because the changes are OCC for the character as they have been presented in the show (like Frank all of a sudden becoming the worst after he has been built up to be this good guy.) I do think that the scripts would have benefited from one last read over of someone who was more than just a casual reader. Personally I would like it if they would bring in some of the new voices into the podcasts, I guess it would be hard because they are currently filming season 4. I'm probably going to try picking this episode up another time but it just wasn't a good day to listen to more people comment on "death of the author" type things. I had put off listening to 311 for the same reason, now it sounds like it will be one to catch.

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  14. 21 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

    Black-half-of-Firestorm Dude's comment on what the stars and triangles, especially the pink triangles, meant rankled me a bit.  He should have known this shit back in high school.  Maybe I'm being a overly sensitive gay dude?

    All I know is that this Ray dude better stick around and better not be a one off.  Not enough (male) gay superheroes around, which is ironic, so having him around is nice.

    I found his not knowing about pink triangles to be pretty normal, I thought that he should probably and known about yellow stars though. But I guess that would be an indictment on the American educational system. And I thought that it was probably a necessary and hopefully educational exposition dump. Most people think the Holocast was only about the extermination of Jews and are not taught it was about exterminating any one who was "different".

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