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Posts posted by Astra

  1. OMG there's no loyalty in jaiiilll, I'm sooo depressed. Says the lady who thought the prisoners ate too good when she went in. Jeff was too lightweight for the program (but I'm not one to judge)

    The men's pod shake-up was probably because Zac was doing so well it was boring. Show feels faker than fake to me though. I'm mostly in to see a Robert beat-down if it happens.

    • Love 14
  2. This episode felt so final I had to look for cancellation notices. Was shocked to see that wasn't the case. I like Crane, but him going solo is going to take better writing than the show has had lately. Even then it's pushing it to keep the show under the same title with half the main characters out. This bloodline witness bit may be a way to shoehorn a new actress Abbie, but doesn't explain how Crane always looked the same. Show? You are drunk, go home.

    And to think we were teased by scenes like Mills and Crane sharing coffee and a donut in a previous ep. Such squandered potential.

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  3. I want to like this show so much so I can get my Walking Dead fix. But I'm echoing a lot of the popular opinions here. Whatever Strand's intent, he seems to be the only smart person. Nick is testing, possibly an antihero, but maybe has some sense (but yes where's that addiction?) But the rest of the family is written like trusting naive fools ready to trip on their shoelaces. How many times can you yell at a show before you start thinking not watching is easier on your blood pressure?

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  4. I live with my parents and we all have degrees of hoarding. Nothing gross though! Just collecting things like computer parts and letting them pile up in a spare bedroom, or mom's huge purse stock. But I have the worst tendency. I tend to mail order and set the envelopes and boxes aside. At one point I shoved it all in the closet rather than deal. Now, not only am I gathering that, but piling up all this dollar, two dollar cheap jewelry, makeup, etc I like but can't possibly use all at once. My floors are clean but I need to keep things in check. At least I've recently had energy for cleaning out trash and donating clothes, but it is slow going.

  5. Cochran actually brought OJ up in front of the jury to basically show them he could barely walk, suffering from both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 

    Sorry if this was already brought up, but I didn't see this mentioned in the glove discussion. There was a popular theory that he was instructed on the day of trying on the gloves to not take his medication, allowing his joints to swell. This would also result in the ill fitting.

  6. I won tickets to this when Jack White was there in '12! I'm so shameless in my admiration of this man! Too bad I chose the pit to stand in though because I'm way short lol. And taller guys got in front of me. But the experience was awesome and I'd never give it up.

    Pretty awesome people attend these shows too. They briefly flashed on one of Jack's tour poster artists, whom I spent a lot of time talking with pre show. Heard rumors of people like Adrian Grenier being there, for example.

    Also very odd to have your own view of the show, and see the filmed finished product. So glad they caught this tour, since JW used the two band gimmick (ladies vs guys) that he discontinued on the following tour.

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  7. Regarding scared vets, my mom had a cat that was declawed yet fooled the vet into thinking he was going to strike. She was the one to remove him from the carrier before any exam could be done. It seems to happen frequently when you have aggressively scared kitties.

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