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Posts posted by Samb0w

  1. Is Murphy going to give Ontari the ALIE pill? Anyone? What if she gets ahold of the faux commander. She can literally use the entire grounder race to hunt all of the remaining 100...

  2. That's a really good observation, AudienceofOne. Didn't even notice that until you brought it up, and I'm wondering if the director noticed it since Murphy's scene is filmed in such contradiction to what's actually happening.

    Saying this is your personal opinion is a bit like me saying "it's my personal opinion that the word dance means to lie down on a surface commonly called a bed and to shut one's eyes and fall into a state that is the opposite of awake. I apologize for offending anyone with my personal opinion." You're just making up a random definition of a word and calling that an opinion, and you're choosing to do this with a word and action where being flippant is incredibly insensitive.

    Based on Murphy's history, we have a pretty good idea of how he will play things. Hint: it's the way that keeps him alive.

    The very definition, for the record; of consent:

    : to agree to do or allow something : to give permission for something to happen or be done

    It's fine, Sanb0w. This is just a TV show. However, I think it's important to point out that the arguments you used for why it wasn't rape - he was attracted to her, he was there at all, he said yes eventually - are the same arguments used against raped women all the time. And that's why it's going to be a sensitive issue. Rapists in the real world use tactics like this to stop a rape complaint being successful. And if you ask young men in the street if coercion, violence and physical strength are acceptable "seduction" techniques a disturbing amount say yes.

    You may look at this scene and continue to believe it wasn't rape. And that's completely fine. But you might want to pay attention to what other people are trying to tell you about the nature of consent. Murphy ends that scene by stating outright that the only reason he's agreeing is to keep himself alive. It doesn't matter how the actor delivered the line. That is what he said. And, as someone pointed out to me, he had the exact same mocking tone while he was being tortured. But nobody is suggesting he consented to that.

    I agree thank you for clarifying maybe I misread the actors tone, also forgetting the torture scene. But still considering his overall sarcastic character throughout seasons. I placed my opinion.

    I also in no way intend to EVER come across downplaying rape in any form or situation. It's an epidemic that needs to be dealt with harshly. Please forgive me all who've taken offense to previous comments.

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  3. We will see how Murphy plays that game as the season goes on. The game of flame keeper whilst keeping the plan of finding Luna a secret. Again. My personal perception of that particular scene is just that. My own. I apologize for offending anyone with my personal opinion.

  4. Ontari didn't FORCE Murphy to have sex with her... We saw him peekin in e09 he wanted to do "the things he does to survive" bro kept looking as she was undressing... I'd assume she likes that BDSM crap... She killed the other nightbloods in their sleep like the freak she is... He wanted it. He enjoyed it. He consented. Hence "the things he does"
    Plus Clarke is so selfish with her plot line hahaha jasper STFU, lincolns dead, get in or we're dead

  5. Can someone please address why Roan is taking orders from Ontari?! Wtf like why don't we just think for a second on why Luna is just now A nightblood? What the hell happened she doesn't ever look like she could be skilled enough in combat to even be commander. Did I miss something...

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