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Posts posted by mndpacer04

  1. Late to this forum (binge watching on Amazon). Just have to say - Hell yeah! That's how you do it. The Walking Dead has the balls to go where scared (racist) Sleepy Hollow writers were afraid to go. I LOVE Walking Dead and Richonne!!

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  2. Now that Betsy is in the present, I wonder if there will be an Ichabod redux where she sees cars, televisions, smart phones, and Chinese take-out for the first time.

    Dear God I hope not!

    • Love 6
  3. Sigh. Everyone has said what I am feeling. Delicious food porn then...Betsy. I went from Happy to Extremely Annoyed in 45 mins.

    I wasn't surprised about Joe's death because the spoiler pics hinted at it. I was tired of Jenny and Joe's boring epic love anyway. But I did like Joe and his friendship with Crane.

    I guess the other posters are right, Abbie is picking something off Ichibod's jacket next week (at this point my IchAbbie optimism is gone). If Betsy dies or returns to 1776 next week, I will stayed tuned for season 4 (IF there is a season 4). However, if she lives and stays in 2016, I am done. I am not here for Katrina-light redux!

    • Love 2
  4. I'm still WTF at Danabbie. And a bit upset at all of the Ichabbie ship teasing that is clearly never going anywhere. Why do that to the fans if they weren't going to finally go there?It's just cruel and mean. This feels a bit like it felt during Deliverance when Ichabod leaped down to give Katrina mouth to mouth after failing to be able to do that with Abbie. There it got to be this huge romantic moment while it felt like the writers were smacking us in the face with "ICHABBIE ISN'T the couple you idiots! Ichatrina is!" Coupled with Katia Winters' nasty tweet at the time goading fans, it's just ugh.If I knew we had a S3 maybe I wouldn't feel so gutted (so gutted that I just can't even care at this point), but we don't know and probably won't get one. And worse even if we did, it still doesn't mean we'd get Ichabbie anyway, but they'd tease it to death.I swear if Abbie and Danny end up together at the end and they bring Betsy into the present for Ichabod I swear I will hurl chunks and hate these writers evermore. Damn raven.

    Don't give up on IchAbbie just yet...TVLine has Season 3 finale photos and the 1st gallery photo looks very promising ;-)

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  5. I viewed the episode late and couldn't wait to read the responses here! I get the feeling TPTB thought this was going to be the last season, so they took the IchAbbie route (hence all the yummy shippy stuff we saw in earlier episodes). Then, they got wind that the show is being renewed and decided to backtrack/postpone IchAbbie until next season (hence the sudden DAbbie shift). JMHO. Still waiting for the season 4 announcement with fingers-crossed.

    And while I was glad to see Abbie finally get some action, I don't like Danny's personality or trust him at all and Ichibod doesn't either. The serious side-eye and stern looks were very telling. I think it is a combination of jealousy and not liking/trusting Danny.

  6. Wow. So much. Abbie almost letting Ichibod die. Abbie kissing Ichibod's head and holding him. Abbie telling Ichibod the truth. And Abbie asking him for help. Great stuff! I have to rewatch!

    • Love 9
  7. Rewatching Kindred Spirits now. If Ichibod and Abbie had a daughter, she could look like Sophia...That is apparent in the scene where the camera keeps cutting between Ichibod, Abbie and Sophia while they are discussing the kindred. I don't think it is a coincidence that she is biracial with the Mills family connection. Ichibod and Abbie may have sent her back in time (probably to save her life) when she was a baby. If this happened, Sophia would not remember it and Abbie and Ichibod would not be aware of it because it occurs in the future. Now that Jessica Camacho is a series regular, I believe she is going to play a greater role in the second 1/2 of the season.

  8. I am very happy with the direction of the show this season! I only stayed tuned because of the Season 2 finale (Katrina/Goffman exit). Tom Mison and Clifton Campbell have both acknowledged in interviews that Ichibod is "deeply" (Campbell) and "completely" (Mison) "in love" with Abbie! I am very intrigued to see where they go with it this season. The hand-porn, Italian dinner with candlelight and long stares are a great start, but I want more! Yeah - I am hooked again!

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