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Posts posted by Albino

  1. 14 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

    We adore our 92 pound chocolate Lab that thinks he's a lap dog. We've never made lists of his friends or let him run the house. If we were in the market for another place to live, though, we'd make sure it had a sturdy fence and room for him to run. ;-)

    Ha - I had an Irish Setter lap dog!

    Lots of room and fences make sense.  Bringing a dog along on house tours strike me as a bit much.  Maybe it was just this particular pooch that sent me over the edge.  I love all dogs but this thing seriously looked like a wet rat.  Always tugging at the leashing, panting and yipping.  

  2. Agggghhhh.  Tonight's new episode - "Fixer Upper For Dog Lovers" - worked every last nerve in my body.  I hate people whose lives revolve around their pets.  In this case, a ratty little miniature schnauzer named Bella.  "She pretty much rules the house!" chuckles the pathetic husband, apparently unaware that this cliche has been used by every pet owner on every HGTV show since 2009.

    Mom keeps a notebook of all of Bella's furry friends, including their age.  Awwwww.  And of course she is carried to every showing to make sure she likes the house too.

    This entire episode looks like it was filmed in Queens or Staten Island.  The houses are all 3 feet apart, with white wrought iron handrails and picture windows.  And ridiculously expensive.  Likely a Russian enclave, since the woman's mom was an old-school Russian and kind of charming actually.   

    • Love 3
  3. 5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    In Viraj's interview, he pretty much said being on J! was meaningless. What a tool. I wish his spot would've gone to someone who actually *cared* about being there.

    That says all I need to know about V-man.  Total sour grapes.  He came in LAST on a "meaningless" show.  Nice job.

    • Love 9
  4. 2 hours ago, burner said:

    Viraj really freaked out that whole game. Just blindly buzzing in and making really bad guesses.

    What especially annoyed me was every time he got one wrong - and some of them were $2000 payoffs - was that arrogant shrug he always gave afterwards.  Like "Got it wrong but who cares?  I'm Viraj!"

    Hated Lilly when the tournament started but I think she loosened up a bit over the days and by today I was able to enjoy her performance.

    • Love 7
  5. 2 hours ago, GussieK said:

    BTW I came several days late to the eyebrows gal. Wowza! I suppose boyfriend could get a job if he lost his gigantic neck tattoos and his drug dealing conviction. 

    People would kill for eyebrows like that these days.  Despite her lying and overall stupidity, that girl was gorgeous.  Fabulous cheekbones, drama brows and perfect, even features.  Of course, the meth will destroy that in no time flat. 

    • Love 2
  6. I had forgotten about the tragic case of the derailed prison wedding.  So sad.  Girl was so excited about marrying her "fiance" on Valentine's Day.  You know...the fiance who was in jail for attempted murder?  Who wouldn't jump at the chance?

    • Love 5
  7. I've now seen so many iterations and rehashes and re-creations of the Cal Harris case that my opinion has gone from "guilty" to "not guilty" over the years.  Of course, the blood is an issue...especially the 3'x6' (according to police) stain in the garage.  The defense is like, well who knows when that occurred...could have been years ago. Honestly in my entire life I've never had a 3'x6' bloodstain anywhere at any time.  

    I do believe the better-late-than-never witness.  He's hauling hay for a living, working hard and likely not following the news that closely.   

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

    She really is amazing - the show is difficult to play enough when you are at 100% but she did so well when not at her best.  

    Speaking from experience, I can assure you that there is a very real thing called "chemo brain".  Fuzzy and disorganized.  Sometimes I can't remember the name of someone I just spoke to!  Not sure she had been getting chemo, but I'm sure she was on some sort of meds which makes her win even more amazing.

    13 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

    The dude in the middle got on my nerves with his series of bad guesses. I barely noticed Tim at all.

    When he said "The Iceman Cometh" instead of "The Postman Always Rings Twice" I almost died.  Seriously.  I know you get nervous and can just blurt out anything but...?

    • Love 12
  9. 14 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    Please, someone beat Tim!  He's driving me nuts, and I can't even explain why.

    I don't dislike him but he has no personality, not even a bad one.  I think if he ends up in Tournament of Champions he's going to get his clock cleaned...he's not all that.  Ten minutes go by without his buzzing in, and his daily winnings are respectable but not mind-blowing.

    • Love 3
  10. Dear Dateline:

    If you really want to make your Friday Night Mysteries true mysteries, you need to find a better way to disguise the fact that the person you're interviewing is, in fact, incarcerated.  Five minutes into the show and I knew the ex-husband was "the guy".  Blurred background, that telltale blue prison shirt, and the same extreme close-up every time.  Kind of takes the whodunit-ness out of the whole thing.

    Agree with posters above...not entirely sure he did done it, but he seems the most likely.  And shame on him if he gobbled up her quesadilla! 

    • Love 15
  11. Each of these rooms seem so overdesigned, overdecorated, overaccessorized.  Jampacked with tchotchkes, trinkets, trumpets, and shiny things.  On the walls, the floors, the tables, the windows and now...the ceilings.  We pretty much only see one or two rooms per episode...can't imagine what the overall effect of the entire home is when you actually walk through.  I get that they're trying to capture the "New Orleans spirit" or whatever but man, it's really suffocating.

    Normally I like the rooms on regular Property Brothers shows, but this is crazy.  

    • Love 3
  12. 2 hours ago, califred said:

    Today I got the crazy guy all pissed Bc the neighbors trimmed his tree.  His atttde was unreal.  

    I agree that Mr. Chinese Elm Karate Chop was a dick, but JJ told him that 'your tree was interfering with their enjoyment of their property' but how would he know this?  There was no testimony from either side that the neighbors informed him of this, and asked him to trim the tree or offered to do it themselves.  Seems like the first thing a neighbor would do.  

    It was nice to see Hilde the gardener again, though!

    • Love 1
  13. I hope they continue to investigate the wife.  She seemed oddly angry/happy after her rival disappeared.  Doubt she was out in the desert doing the dirty work, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if she knew it was going to happen or knew afterwards.

    In addition to the ludicrous "she was abusing Liberty" charges, I was also laughing when he told detectives they only "kissed" and "touched each other thru their clothes".  Yes.  Of course.  Completely believable.

    • Love 4
  14. On 11/27/2016 at 0:34 AM, MsTree said:

    ...aren't they leaving both "front doors" so it won't be as noticeable? 

    Yes they are.  Which leads me to wonder where the new entryway to Drew's place is?  Based on the last episode, I guess it's in the living room because it appears that's where Koda and Drew entered (they walked past that hideous 70's shelf/etagere thing on their way to the kitchen).  But it's never indicated on the architectural rendering they seem to show every 8 minutes and it drives me crazy LOL.

    I would have liked to have seen a bit about the planning of where to put the door, getting it approved, choosing an appropriate door, installation, etc.  Seems kind of like an important decision.  

    Was not a fan of the over-plastering of the brick fireplace.  A few patches here and there, but most - if not all - of it was purely decorative and while the guy did  a great job, there was just too much of it.  More bricks, less plaster please!

    • Love 2
  15. 4 hours ago, jette said:

    I also thought the house was still unbalanced somehow. That porch was pretty indeed, but even with the corbels, stuck out like a sore thumb because of its color.

    I don't understand why they wouldn't paint the wood (I know...horrors!) the same gray as the rest of the trim.  It looked awful.  Then I remembered their own house has the same treatment.

    • Love 2
  16. 20 hours ago, Ilovecomputers said:

    I am very close to not being able to watch JJ anymore because of her behavior. She knows everything, and I mean everything!  She knows the cost to repair automobiles, she is an expert on animal behavior, and because her own small dogs don't hop fences, no dog ever hopped a fence. (I have seen dogs climbing chain link fences.). She talks over people, and she seems to have already decided the cases based on the summaries she reads before hearing any testimony.  I dread cases involving written contracts because I know she'll draw a contract in the air and say everything in the contract is contained within that paper--she does that ad nauseum.

    Two things that are getting tiresome:

    1.  The "you ate the steak" homily.  I mean, I get it and I agree with it but we need a new example.

    2.  Asking the plaintiff or defendant to describe what happened often goes like this -

    JJ Tell me exactly what happened when you arrived at the house...

    Plaintiff:  I got out of my car and walked up to the...

    JJ (slams hand on desk)  Just TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!  You got out of the car and...

    Plaintiff, (looks around nervously)  I walked up to the house and knocked... 

    JJ  WHAT PART OF 'JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU DID' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?  You walked up to the house and...

    Plaintiff, (clearly rattled):  I knocked on the door and the defendant...

    JJ: full-on seizure. 

    Granted, some people do go into long-winded explanations, but I've seen her do it when the plaintiff was simply describing what happened.  I have no idea what she wants to hear and can't imagine what the plaintiff/defendant must be feeling.

    • Love 8
  17. My main issue is with the packaging. The drawing of 2 guys obviously worked well when the working name was "Dos Amigos" but it's like "Huh?" when the brand is "Ta Loco" or whatever it was. Also...I don't understand why they didn't leverage George Lopez's name on the packaging. That little caricature doesn't instantly telegraph George Lopez....it's a guy with a mustache. I could stare at that likeness for hours, and not make the connection. And then if by some supernatural intervention I did realize it was Lopez, I'd spend the next 20 years trying to figure out who the other guy is.

    • Love 8
  18. 15 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    You go, girl, rant away. I'm right there with you.  Too many damned extra ingredients to spoil an already fine food.

    If you keep adding crap, the lovely flavor of the potato is diminished.  I even buy low salt potato chips because I can taste the potato deliciousness more.

    Add to the list (and PW is a huge offender): adding M&Ms, gummi bears, crushed Oreos and other sweet "treats" to brownies, ice cream, cookies and whatever.  Nothing is better than the flavor of a deep, rich, intense brownie - nuts are fine, and I have grudgingly accepted mini chocolate chips.  Cookies studded with unnecessary crap make me cry.  

    I had to shut off a PW episode a few weeks ago where she made a huge cookie (I think?) for Brycie's birthday and lined up about 30 bowls of sweet toppings so the moppets could create their own.  Kids are naturally stupid, so they added virtually everything that was there.  It made my stomach turn.  I loathe her desserts far more than her savory dishes.  

    • Love 7
  19. 1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

    What kind of BULLSHIT judgment was THAT, Judy??  That girl has no children!  Why should she be responsible for her "friend" having a BOOSTER SEAT instead of a car-seat for her baby?  That is so messed up.  *Error Buzzer*

    It is, but driver had crappy evidence.  It was all on one ticket and JJ had neither the information nor the patience to unravel it.  

    A high chair in a car?  Yeah, makes sense. 

    • Love 2
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Nathalia the one who rode in on her cruelty-free high horse in the premiere?  I thought I heard her say 'pleather' when the challenge started, but the judges all said leather.  Not that anything could have saved that mess.  Erin - you are a lucky moron.

    I wonder if the producers regret casting Laurence.  She is a superb designer (although treading dangerously close to Erin's 'let's do it again!' zip code) and happily drama-free.  She is also personality-free.  She has no affect, no wit, no nothing.  I don't dislike that - some people are just a little more closed than others - but it makes for boring TV.  She gets very little air time in the designing/sewing/draping segments, compared to other designers, and I can only assume that either she doesn't say anything or what she says is boring.  Sometimes she almost seems embarrassed to be there.  I like her...I just wonder if the Project Runway people wish she had more to say.  I know I do.  And as much as I roll my eyes at the drama sometimes, imagine if all the designers were like Laurence!

    • Love 16
  21. 18 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

    In the case of the two young people fighting over Nugget -- At first, I thought defendant Michael was flashing a smug grin and ...well, I don't know how to describe the way he kept putting his chin down and looking upwards -- but that looked dickish too. Then, I realized that the smug smile wasn't going away, and that's his permanent expression. I guess I'm shallow, but I wouldn't be able to deal with that face looking back at me.

    I think Michael may have adopted the "chin down" posture to avoid looking at Miss Calisi's wandering eye. No, she wasn't cheating...she had an actual wandering eye that I could not take my non-wandering eyes off.   o_O

    Oddly enough, it disappeared in the hallterview.   

    She deserved to get custody of Nugget...after all, she created an Instagram account for him.  No greater love...

    • Love 12
  22. My onscreen TV guide thing-y said this Gil episode was "new" but I know it was on 20/20 or 48 Hours a few months ago.  I feel like the last few "mysteries" on all these shows have been rehashes of previous episodes. 

    For the love of god people...we need new murders!

    • Love 9
  23. I can't believe I'm saying this, but after 15 seasons of Project Runway I would have happily worn any of the 9 ensembles shown tonight.  Red slightly less so, based on color only, but otherwise everything looked pretty cool.  Team Red seemed to have completely forgotten the "Violet" part of the trend, which might have helped with the red redness of the collection.

    Cornelius is one lucky moron.  I wouldn't have saved him (based on past outfits) but it was worth it to see how pissed Dexter looked, probably because now the 'save' cannot be used for him in an upcoming elimination. 

    Of the three blue outfits, I think Laurence's was the weakest.  But even at her weakest, she's pretty great.  I wonder if she's waiting for a JustFab Just Jackets challenge?  

    • Love 9

    I never get to see the new episodes except on repeat (they're on way too early here in NM) but if it was about sweet shit, I'm grateful. 

    As a total non-food person, I have to admit that Pioneer Woman was the first food blog I ever heard of.  Not sure when or how...someone probably posted a link to her Double Mocha Meatball Jalapeno Layered Enchilada Gummi Bear Casserole or whatever.  So if the marketing plan was to reach simpletons like me, it was a success.  There are two recipes of hers I make frequently (Salisbury Steak and Baked Ziti) neither of which are ground-breaking, interesting or proprietary.  But damn, they're good.  And simple enough for a simpleton.  Everything else is just too sweet or too hot or just....ewwww.

    • Love 5
  25. 5 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    So this chick "borrowed" her mother's car to go see her boyfriend and his mother in Missouri, only she told her mom that she was going to Tennessee to see her boyfriend's grandmother. They wrecked the car while pulling out of the driveway at Boyfriend's Mom's house because she got a call from a random phone number from some boys who wanted to get with her. Her words, not mine. He was drinking. I think. The girl's mom is the one who brought the suit because it was her car, but I don't think JJ is going to give her anything because Mom is a lying ass. She said on the complaint that the boyfriend kidnapped her daughter and went to another state, but the story the daughter tells is that they were getting together to say goodbye, only they wrecked the car just as they were leaving his mom's house because they were fighting about the random phone call.  I'm mostly amused because the boyfriend is, like, eight feet tall while Daughter and Mom look like Munchkins, but the case itself is very convoluted.

    Those two slack-jawed yokels were made for each other.  I sometimes look at couples (particularly the ones on JJ) and wonder what the hell they talk about.  Most of their time is likely spent staring at their iPhones with their dead eyes, drinking, eating nachos and sexing.  If this is the future of our country we are in serious trouble.  Of course, my mom said that when she saw a picture of the Beatles with their long hair and crazy music, so what do I know?

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