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Posts posted by thingamajig

  1. At some point Jamie has to console Claire, telling her not to be afraid because "There's two of us now."  That is one of the best lines in all eight books.  They cannot leave it out.

    Yes, I think that may be my favorite line from the books.


    On another note, I'm sad they didn't keep the bit about Claire and Frank also getting married in that church.  I was expecting some interspersed flashbacks like they did in the castle.

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  2. I'm just now getting to watch and I had to come running to this thread after the first couple of minutes to make sure they hadn't boogered the whole thing up.  The structure of the episode is really confusing right now, possibly more so to a book reader.  After skimming through the comments I feel less anxious about watching now.

  3. One more thing: is it just me, or is anyone else getting a little tired of Lord John? I just don't find him that interesting, and he seems to have so many scenes...

    Same here.  I just downloaded The Scottish Prisoner from the library a couple days ago..as soon as I got to the first chapter that was about Lord John and his brother I literally almost fell asleep trying to get through it.  I think I'm going to end up skimming everything that doesn't have Jamie in it.  Also, while reading Book 8 I was totally lost on a lot of Lord John's backstory because either it came from his own books or I just hadn't cared enough to retain it from previous Outlander books.

  4. I just reread (for the 1566th time...I kid) 

    "Is that you, Geordie?"...


    ..."It isn't Geordie.... "It's me, Claire."


    Oh man, I do really want to see this scene one day.  

    Heh, I just dug my book out a few days ago just to read that scene.

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  5. I feel like the show should be able to portray Mr. Willoughby and the racist attitudes towards him, without being racist itself.  Especially with more opportunities for non-verbal storytelling than the book has.

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  6. So is that the actual dress or is that like the under-structure of the dress, because that seems like A LOT of boob to be showing in 18th century Scotland. I mean that last picture...wow.

    Yeah, that looks really sheer and incomplete for an actual dress.  The boobage actually looks about right but the sheer sleeves are weird to me for some reason.

  7. Well Jamie knows the marriage is a marriage of convenience, but he doesn't know that Claire doesn't plan to stick around once she can get to the stones so as far as he's concerned the marriage is real, despite the reasons for it.  So Claire either tells him she's planning to escape, or she goes along with acting like it's the real deal, which includes consummating the marriage. And since "sex with Jamie" is behind Door Number 2, of course she picks that one. ;)

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  8. My speculation is that the last third of the book will be condensed into three episodes -- one at the prison, one at the house where his initial treatment is and on the boat to France, and one at the abby in France. It's a lot of pages in the book, but I don't think they're going to spend THAT much time on the torture, PTSD, and healing of Jamie. They'll condense it.

    I hope so.  And they really do need to condense a lot of what will come in the second half of the season.  The wedding comes about a third of the way through the book (maybe a little less than that even) and is happening at almost the halfway point of the season.  I'm guessing a lot of what happens at Lallybroch will be cut and/or condensed too.

  9. Why is there a price on Jamie's head? Who did he murder? He was flogged for stealing a laf of bread, correct? Did I miss this explanation of his backstory somehow? or has it not been explained yet? Thanks!

    He was imprisoned for obstruction or whatever for what happened at Lallybroch.  Then he was flogged for trying to escape (failed escape attempt).  Then he was flogged the second time ostensibly for stealing bread (but really because Randall is a twisted bastard).  Then after the second flogging some friends helped him escape, and in the process of that escape a soldier was killed, though Jamie didn't actually do it.  So he's a fugitive since he's technically supposed to still be in prison, I supposed, plus wanted for murder.

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  10. I was wondering if flogging using a cat o'nine tails meant that you only had to get struck 11.1 times in order to count 100 lashes. ...Guess not. Brits not math sticklers, in addition to everything else, is what I'm thinking.


    I had the same thought! I can't remember how it's described in the book but I think I assumed it was a plain whip that he got lashed 100 times with (which is still completely horrible, of course).

  11. I love the music and the various accents.  I still have to watch with closed-captioning.  However, I think I found an anachronism when Ned and Claire said "Okay."  While 'okay' is documented as far back as the early 1800's, and of course Claire would know the word, would Ned, as an educated man, really say it back to her?  That just pulled me out of the story momentarily, wondering why he'd use the term without questioning the meaning.

    I caught that too.  Whether it's technically correct or not, it felt very anachronistic.  And "as far back as the early 1800s" would still be 60-ish years after this is taking place.

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  12. Terry has said that Claire actually has a relatively limited wardrobe but they mix and match the items to create a different look for each day. That being said, the knitted shawl she wears on the last day (when the fight breaks out and the redcoats show up) was unfamiliar to me so I think it was its first appearance.  And I think I would have noticed it before because it is awesome.

    I noticed that one too (I'm a knitter) and it was definitely new. She had one bulky cowl that was done on large needles that she wore a few times but this was even bigger.  Oh and as far as what really made my husband take notice of the wardrobe, it was her (gorgeous) fur-lined coat that he wanted to know where it had come from since it fits her perfectly and obviously she didn't bring it from the future with her.


    The costume porn is ridiculously good, but completely unbelievable.

    Seriously, even my husband, who never notices clothes and was only watching last night to humor me, mentioned Claire's clothes and wondered why she had such a nice coat.  I love the costumes but it does get ridiculous.

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