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Sup wit dat

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Posts posted by Sup wit dat

  1. I just re-watched the Dollar house and the Case Street house.  I really loved back then how she saved and re-used the original wainscoting, sinks, tiles, and wood and even recolored paint.  It was also sweet to see her mom and dad in the show.  She was respectful to the guys (funny how there’s never any women workers, lol) and the house was always the focus of the show.  Now she’s the focus of the show.  It’s so different!  I understand the subway tiles because those are the closest she can get to historically accurate, but now it seems mostly just ripping stuff out and replacing it with new then throwing in a few antique furniture pieces and calling it a day.

    The thing that made her show so unique was saving the wrecks and showing that if something could be salvaged she’d save it and make it look amazing.  Now it feels more like a flip show.  So sad!  Bring back the old show plz!

    • Love 5
  2. Wow this season is awful!  She’s not restoring, she’s flipping houses just like all the other shows.  So ok, whatever.  But now she whistles for her workers like they’re dogs and eats their lunches?  I used to love Nicole but now she’s not even likeable.  WTF happened to her?

    • Love 5
  3. In the end of this week's show Leah and Mike were talking about legal action against the church and she said it's not something you enter into lightly.  I totally understand what she's saying.

    I don't think Scientology has ever, or extremely rarely, lost a court case.  They either win or they settle out of court and make the petitioner sign a gag order.  Furthermore, fighting an organization as wealthy as Co$ is no small undertaking.  Legal fees alone would put anyone into bankruptcy because Co$ has a huge legal team and endless funds.  In addition to the financial ruin of taking on this behemoth cult, throughout the case the petitioner is harassed, demoralized, stalked and threatened by their minions.  

    In short, you're pretty much ruining your life to take them on.  I can see why ex-members say they just want to get on with their life.  It also explains why Leah and Mike aren't just diving in without preparation.  This is a huge undertaking.  

    On a more positive note, I think social awareness will shut them down faster and Leah and Mike are doing lots of damage to them by doing this show.

    • Love 17
  4. 8 hours ago, Diane M said:

    Probably the reason.  I don't miss them.

    Same!  (I always fast forwarded through their segments.) 

    I didn't get why Glenn used the ice block for his in-ground refrigerator.  He did all that work to get a 100+lb block of ice then filled the gaps with water so it would freeze.  But instead of the ice block why didn't he just pack snow in there with water?  It would also freeze solid so why all the extra work for the ice block?  (Maybe I'm overthinking this...)

    • Love 2
  5. On 8/1/2017 at 5:45 PM, peaceknit said:

    Wow, Andy looks thinner and so much older than when he was with his wife. But - he appears happier and more stable. I think he's just one of those people who really prefers to be alone and thrives on it. 

    He's never looked really healthy to me but, yeah, he seems especially thin this year.  And the solitude does seem to agree with him.  He hasn't even cursed this season, haha.  The big question, though:  did he give the iceboat 5 stars on Amazon, lol.

    I wonder if Jessie has a sponsor since his pups were wearing some nice coats that say "Cotter Racing Team."  If so, good for him because from what I've read mushing is ridiculously expensive.

    I don't know if they got a new camera crew or drones but the scenery in this week's episode was stunning.  I seem to remember there being a lot of facial closeups but this week there were wide vistas that included the twilight sky and surrounding scenery.  Just beautiful.  And that shot of Denali during Jessie's segment blew me away.  Damn that's a huge mountain.  (The shot of Denali is at the end of his segment where he didn't find any ptarmigan.)

    • Love 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:


    Chantel wasnt listening to the leave/cleave part of her marriage vows. Pedro is her family now and her when her daddy told her to get back in the van, she should have been woman enough to stay by her man.

    Good point but Chantel's gotta follow the money.  No doubt daddy and mommy are supporting her (she's a student) so if she pisses them off she risks getting cut off.  Then she and Pedro won't have their little love nest to come back to.  And obviously Pedro isn't making enough to support her and his family, and I think he'll pick his family over Chantel if he had to choose who his paycheck goes to.

    • Love 4
  7. If you can download the TLC Go app there are seven 8-10-minute shows with updates on several couples.  The series is called "90-day Fiancé-What Now?"  The shows were enjoyable to watch with none of the frankenediting the tv show has.  Below is a summary if you don't want to or can't watch:

    Alan & Kirlyam: married 3 years now and expecting a baby boy at the end of September.  She misses her family in Brazil terribly but other than that they seem happy.

    Josh & Aleksandra:  married 2 years now with a baby girl who many say is not his.  He's applying for medical school and since she doesn't like small town living they'll move once he finds out what school he gets into.  It was a weird segment with the way he talks and even though they acted all happy I cringed through most of it.  Somethin' ain't right 'bout those two.

    Matt & Alla:  married a little over a year now.  Her little boy speaks fluent English and is all kinds of adorable.  During their segment she wore a t-shirt with his picture on the front and "I love Matt" on the back and he had a shirt with her picture and "I love Alla" on the back.  Definitely the stupidest shit I've ever seen, lol!  Alla wants to move to a bigger city so he's reluctantly going along with that.  His best friend Patrick makes an appearance as a stick in the mud and is still a jerk.  Same with Matt's family although they seems to be less skeptical now.

    Melanie & Devar:  they're still married but living apart weekdays until he finishes commercial diving school this July.  So I guess he's done now.  Melanie's pregnant.  Melanie's sister visits and morosely points out all the ways Devar can/will fail.

    Narkyia & Lowo (aka her Nigerian prince):  All I can say is wtf????  Yep, she got the K-1 visa for him.  That was before she discovered his online dating profile that she found by stalking him through her profile.  He looks miserable throughout the segment but professes his undying love and faithfulness so--brace yourself--they get married!!!! For some reason Narkyia is worried afterwards about whether she did the right thing.  Gee, what could go wrong?

    • Love 5
  8. Andy's new pups are all kinds of adorable.  Hey, Andy, luv ya man, but how'd it feel to have your finger smashed and almost cut off?  Maybe kinda like it would feel if you got caught in a trap?  (Don't mean to harp on the trap thing but you know, karma, lol!)  

    That was way cool showing Jessie racing his dogs, and he won!  I always wanted them to film him in a race and see how he controls the sled.  Awesome.  Hope they show more of that this season! 

    I also would've liked more of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.  That place looks both terrifying and amazing.

    • Love 2
  9. The hunting on this show doesn't bother me.  A shot or two and the animal dies.  But the trapping bugs the hell outta me.  The animal getting snapped on the leg then struggling to exhaustion and slowly freezing to death sucks.  Or sometimes they chew the limb off to escape.  I usually compare how the animals die with how I'd prefer to die if I were hunted, and trapping seems like a really tortuous way to die.

    Ok so it earns them $$$ but man, I'd find another way to earn it.

    • Love 2
  10. Omg Alexi's mom is so sweet!  I thought the scene with her and Loren cooking together was cute.  It's good to finally see an in-law actually getting along with the married couple.  I think it's a first!

    Anfisa really means, "I got my green card so time to kick Jorge to the curb and find a real sugar-daddy."  Funny that during the meeting Jorge had with his sister he made it sound like it's his choice if he and Anfisa get back together.  He's so delusional.

    Paola's been so busy partying she didn't care whether this "agent" gave her work or not.  If her pictures weren't up to par she shouldn't hire the same lousy photographer to take more lousy pictures.  Sadly, Paola's age really showed next to her "idol" the fitness model.

    Please please please let cameras be allowed into the courtroom during the Mo/Danielle annulment hearing!  I doubt either of them will be able to control themselves and it'll be a big sideshow.

    • Love 15
  11. Pedro hides things from Chantel, Chantel hides things from Pedro (and her family).  What could go wrong?  Sounds like they deserve each other.

    i wish I had as much money as they have.  TVs, $5k ring, laptop, sending money every month to Pedro's mom, wedding in the DR.  Dang, those kids are rich!

    • Love 14
  12. Having a traumatic head injury caused by a flying refrigerator door just doesn't seem like your everyday kind of injury.  I think Matt may be trying to extend his TV career by getting on one of those ER shows.  All I gotta say is that must've been quite an AWESOME EXTREME explosion for that door to come completely off the hinges and hit him on top of the head.  And Bear missed it...too bad.

    • Love 3
  13. Here's the TMZ article about Matt's injury in case anyone hasn't seen it.  Sorry to say but it sounds like he might've been drunk off his ass to pull a stunt like that.


    I was scrolling through the boards that have the "believers" of this show and they all think Matt tried to commit suicide.  In Browntown.  Because he was under stress.  And alone.  And there were shotgun shells all around the campfire.  I was tempted to make a post that Browntown would make anyone want to kill themselves but I restrained myself.

    The Browns are really playing up their 'faith' more and more this season.  If they're so religious you'd think they'd have a twinge of conscience about lying so much every episode.

    I'm glad they showed less of Ami but they should not film her at all.  They should just show the black screen with white letters explaining what's happening with her. 

    • Love 3
  14. Even though most of these engagements don't work out I still like the romantic proposal and keep my fingers crossed for them.

    But this time when Rachel accepts the proposal from Bryan all I'll be thinking about is his mother and that'll pretty much kill the mood.  Rachel's in for a world of grief from that lady.

    • Love 1
  15. 8 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

    In the interest of full disclosure: I married a German national, but did not do the 90 day thing. We had long distance relationship for a about two years with numerous visits. Finally, he came here and we decided to get married - sort of an ask for forgiveness rather than permission. He then had to adjust his immigration status and the whole thing kind of went like the show.

    Anfisa and Jorge - So the above explains why I call bullshit on their green card interview. That was just staged for the cameras. I mean, they may have had one, but it was not what was filmed. Reason - you need to take a whole shit load of proof with you pictures - weddings albums,airline tickets, copies of your application and and affidavits  of support from friends. They want to see anything that proves a this is a genuine relationship that has more time and energy behind it then just some business deal cooked up for a green card. So, not a major point, but  I did laugh when they were filmed going in empty handed. Also, I hate Anfisa and Jorge. She is cold nasty greedy bitch. But he is not better. He is lying  dirt bag whose lying lies set them up for complete failure by setting her expectations for a life he could not possibly hope to provide. And his stupid sister seems to think precious Jorge can do no wrong and should not be held accountable for his part in this comedy-tragedy of a marriage.


    Wait...what???  If Mo has his green card that means Danielle did the whole interview process with him to prove the marriage was valid and now wants to file for annulment to prove the marriage was a sham?  Yeah, that'll work.

    • Love 5
  16. It seems like Russ is feeling guilty about Pao leaving her country to marry him and she's taking advantage of that guilt in every way possible.  I haven't seen her do or say one thing to indicate she wants to help the marriage work.  Her 'I love my husband' is an empty bullshit line and her  crocodile tears were all for her.  I doubt she ever spent a single minute missing Russ the whole time they were apart, (unless she needed party money).  Juan's a mean little drama bitch.

    Anfisa and Jorge are using a legal firm called 'Alternative Divorce Solutions'?  That doesn't seem very promising.  Lourdes crossed the line with the 'spread your legs when Jorge has money' comment.  If she wants to argue with Anfisa about abusing her brother then ok but that was a cheap shot.  I lol'd at Jorge sitting there letting his sister be the man in his marriage.  He's such a dweeb!

    Danielle should plant some cocaine in Mo's car then call the cops that he's transporting drugs, haha!  Ok, not really, but it's a tempting idea.

    • Love 8
  17. I still love this show.  Now that Alaska's discontinued their financial contributions for film companies I was worried this show would be canceled.  Glad to see it back for another season.

    When Sue was talking about the beauty of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge she said going there is like going to church.  I say something similar, that for me going into a forest is like entering a magnificent cathedral!

    I c-ya Sue!


    • Love 2
  18. BREAKING NEWS, Chicago, IL  The local health department is astounded by the sudden increase in the number of people seeking treatment for STDs.  In a desperate attempt to slow the outbreak, a cease and desist order has been issued for the new reality TV show 'The Spouse House.'

    • Love 9
  19. Jorge says he doesn't understand why Anfisa is flipping out.  Really???!!!  He says this as he's driving back from the lawyer's office when he told her he was just going to the garage.  To a secret lawyer's appointment where he's gonna draw up a document to screw her over more than he already has. So maybe she's flipping out because you're driving her insane with your constant fucking lies.  Srsly, he'd drive anyone crazy!  Glad she kicked him out...for probably the 100th time, haha!

    I still wish they'd catch her on camera screaming like a banshee!

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