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Posts posted by KDelaney

  1. Hmmm... didn't I see a preview or something that asked Neil what his intentions were going into Decision Day, and that he said something to the effect, I am behind whatever my wife says 100%?  That sounds like ambivalence to me... and that is completely the real Neil in every way, I think.  He has been in the program, logically and honorably fulfilling his commitments, being (I think) authentic to who he is and inviting this Sam to take it or leave it.  He wants to see this work out and I think he is having fun with all of this, but he is going to be able to go on just fine if it does not work out.  He is playing along with good intent, I think, and he decided a long time ago that she is going to have to decide whether this is going to be a marriage or not...  A choice which I suppose was hers from the very beginning.  Being a left-brained, logical, detached, no-drama science-type, Neil doesn't have time or energy or investment in her games... I think he does truly want a wife and a marriage, and this may be as good as any other solution or partner he has come up with to get it.  Thus he is willing to 'play on' and see if this can get any better, but he is also willing to cut his losses and let an unwilling partner go, is my read.  I would hope that the strange video message for next week might show that he's grown a pair and is putting it to Sam (albeit in his strange jokey, but completely serious, banter) to make a choice... her choice... and then be honorable enough to live with it.  I do hope these two make it... if this is not completely a reality TV farce..  I do see some growth in these two, and believe that perhaps these opposites can attract.  Sam needs a moment of self-awareness of how badly she has treated this nerdy, but otherwise good guy.  I think she's capable of that, unlike Ashley... and perhaps unlike Vanessa.  The comments above about Neil having to be careful that he is not completely run over are my deepest concern, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he's smarter than he has let on in this whole thing and he may surprise us in the end.

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