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88 keys

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Posts posted by 88 keys

  1. So Teddi thinks going on a vacation to a beautiful place like Hawaii is what makes you a good friend simply because you went? Think again, deluded one! And don't expect the viewers to buy your crap.

    And, Rinna, with the dig about not having to spend time with her husband is pretty telling...he obviously doesn't want to spend time with her!

    Hell, even her dog wants nothing to do with her.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Higgins said:

    I won't be able to convince you. This will never be acted upon. This is not law. 

    Not sure what you mean by it's not a law. Did someone say it was? I think we all know exactly what it is. It's the United States' way of saying we are committed to the protection of animals and calls for other nations to follow. Can we force them to follow step? Probably not, but we can be an example to other countries. These things don't happen overnight.  It's a beginning, a step in the right direction and should be celebrated not denied.  Regardless of what you say, H. Res. 401 happened, was voted on, and was passed.


    The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S.

    Calls for an end to the dog and cat meat industry and urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade.

    Affirms the commitment of the United States to the protection of animals around the world.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Higgins said:

    There was no bill brought to the floor. This didn't occur. There was no legislation voted upon. 

    In September, the House passed a global resolution, H. Res. 401, urging all nations to prohibit and enforce laws to end the cruel dog and cat meat trade. (House resolutions don’t require Senate approval or presidential signature, so this measure is completed.)

    Sponsor:Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-20] (Introduced 06/22/2017)

    Committees:House - Foreign Affairs

    Latest Action:House - 09/12/2018 The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.  (All Actions)


    This bill has the status Agreed to in House

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:


    Agreed to in House

    Passed House 


    The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S.

    Calls for an end to the dog and cat meat industry and urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade.

    Affirms the commitment of the United States to the protection of animals around the world.

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  4. 3 hours ago, bosawks said:

    I think idiot is part of the Vanderpump job description.

    If you're talking about the Vanderpump Rules contingent--the ones that are also under Bravo contract--you might be partially correct. I doubt, however, that four hundred idiot employees would be able to help Lisa maintain her successful business ventures. There must be a couple of good ones in the group. 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, langford peel said:

    Lisa didn’t explain it properly. She didn’t know it earlier but when she found out that Teddi knew she warned Dorito. That was her fatal mistake. Warning Dorito. A good deed never goes unpunished.

    Lisa’s good deed of hiring Teddi’s Idiot brother got her punished by having her lead a mob to attack her nonstop this season.

    Exactly right. Listening to that same conversation Lisa also says "I've never had a conversation with Teddi" and we obviously know what she means is she didn't have a conversation with Teddi regarding Lucy. I guess we could all jump on that and say "Lisa said she's never talked to Teddi. What a liar!" when what has to be considered is how it relates to the conversation as well as the timeline. For all this "First she says she knew then she says she didn't" there is no reference as to exactly when Lisa found out and when she told Dorit.  It's like grasping at straws and not even having a drink to use them in at that.  

    • Love 22
  6. 4 hours ago, Jel said:

    I rewatched and this is what I noticed: (If I end up saying anything mean because of it, Teddi set me up...)

    Much "who? what? where?" bad acting confusion from Teddi. Several attempts to get the ball rolling. If she had a sudden realization that she was being set up, well, Bravo must have cut that part out because I didn't see it.

    Sessa ( know my Johns now!) says, "This is Dorit's dog"

    Blizzard, mouth agape, looks less confused and more "Ruh oh" that Lisa is getting annoyed that it's being discussed.

    Kyle, is awfully eye rolly at Lisa for someone who knows nothing about this. Sketchy.

    Kyle's main point of contention: NO fair how Dorit dumps a dog and Lisa gives her the benefit of the doubt, but Lisa accuses Kyle of not showing up at her event. 

    Thank you for mentioning this. Kyle was fuming that Lisa was saying she didn't want it brought up--she wanted Lisa to be furious with Dorit.

    Then, acting like a 2 year old, Kyle stormed out of VPD with a "You like her better than me" attitude. Wah, wah, wah!" It's so obvious that Kyle is thrilled there is now a wedge between Lisa and Dorit/Teddi. She wanted this whole dog situation out there, front and center, from the beginning which is why she brought it up again in the Bahamas.

    • Love 22
  7. 4 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

    I always wanted a pygmy goat. But now I really want a Swan to bite people in the ass. 

    I enjoyed reading your entire comment. I had to look up TNR and learned something interesting so thank you. Thank you to both you and your husband as well for working to take care of animals the way you do. 

    The reason I quoted your last sentence is because it took me so by surprise I had do take a double take. So, so funny...I was literally laughing out loud! I think the season could be possibly be redeemed with a scene of Hanky and Panky chasing Kyle away when she went to Lisa's house to call her a liar. A girl can hope, right? 

    Btw, I agree it would awesome. Time to go work on digging a moat! 

    • Love 14
  8. 1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Then why IF Lisa didn’t know about it and he lied to Teddi is he still working for Lisa? Someone gonna lie on you and you just shrug your shoulders and go eh? 

    We don't know that he lied about anything, it certainly hasn't been proven through texts. There's a yes followed by an idk? And what, if anything, was deleted? 

    As well, there's a difference between knowing someone is talking and being the one who tells them to talk. Both Johns have taken responsibility for what they've said, and John Sessa for one has no regrets for his part in holding Dorit accountable. 

    • Love 14
  9. Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

    Kyle knew him just has well from her YEARS of friendship it wasn't something new ... there was a deliberate reason to use Teddi and it wasnt because they were "friends"

    I disagree. It was a totally natural instinct for him to reach out to someone who had been previously been involved with him in fundraising for the benefit of the dogs. And the bottom line...neither of know who he knew "just as well." 

    • Love 16
  10. 1 hour ago, Aunt Kiki said:

    This is where our opinion diverges, I think -  the franchise owner and their executives are tracking the shows and looking at profitability real time.  The data they collect probably is a factor on how they develop future storylines for existing shows and ideas for new shows spinoffs, or one time specials.  So if anyone pitches an idea, yes, they may have to provide an idea package with financials, but ultimately, the company taking the risk crunches the numbers, and uses their metrics to determine profitability and viability.  

    I do respectfully disagree with your opinion that LVP threw cast members under the bus.  They did that all by themselves IMO.  

    I agree. There's a very clear reason as to why it was Teddi who was contacted by John Blizzard rather than Kyle and that's the already established relationship they had from working on fundraising through VPD, not to mention Teddi says she took her daughter there on a weekly basis. The two of them already had a friendly relationship through the business prior to the start of this season and he had her phone#. Notice there was no text saying "How did you get my number?" This wasn't their first communication regarding VPD.

    • Love 19
  11. 3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    she doesn't do it to them all at once that's the beauty of it its very subtle .... when you step back and look at the whole 9 seasons what is the common denominator in MOST of it...what is the recurring gripe?.. Lisa ... somehow Lisa was is involved ....All the girls want is for her to admit that ....ps Yay for standing your ground and debating with me i love it ..... and we don't even dissolve into insults 🙂

    Nor should we. For one thing it's just a tv show, and secondly, we're adults. So, thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it, and I've enjoyed the debate with you as well. 

    Since we've gone back and forth with what we probably won't agree on maybe we can find some common ground. I think we both agree that, so far anyway, Denise and Camille are the voices of reason. There's probably much more we agree on but that seems like a good start! 

    • Love 9
  12. 1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Each of the ladies has had at one point or another an issue with this... EVERY ONE OF THEM.... Lisa, Brandi, Kyle, Elene,Kim, Dorit now teddi and Erika ....so all these ladies are lying and its Lisa who is the wronged party? thats a stretch

    The stretch is saying that LVP has manipulated EVERY ONE OF THEM, lol. Have all of these women had drama in the nine seasons it's been on air? Sure. Has it been manipulated by LVP. Of course not. 

    • Love 20
  13. Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

    And each one of these ladies has hashed it out and admitted to what they did that's the difference...... yes they will fight and yes they do throw each other under buses but at some point they ADMIT their wrong doing in the situation ..... Lisa will never admit to her part in anything so you cant move on with her

    They hashed it out and admitted it because they had to as in let's "roll the tape." All we've seen so far in this case is a conversation between Teddi and John where Teddi is complicit in wanting to out Dorit yet nothing came directly from Lisa. If, and when, it happens that there is proof of Lisa "setting up Teddi" (give me a break, isn't Teddi an adult?), then perhaps Lisa will join the ranks with the others, admit what's on tape, or text, and they can all move on. So far, there's nothing.

    • Love 7
  14. 3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    God forbid that it gets back to the girls all having fun and showing the opulence of the Beverly Hills lifestyle and not 24/7 drama screaming and fighting .... to me that would be a breath of fresh air... so yes i am looking forward to a half a season of no Lisa just to see things calm the fuck down

    Wouldn't that be nice...let's just hope someone doesn't forget to wear panties, no one is late for a drinks date, no one is accusing of coking it up at dinner, and no one is called the c word during a dinner party. Ah yes, these other gals are so chill! lol

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  15. On 2/7/2017 at 0:38 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

    All he's done is complain about money and take passive aggressive jabs any time we've seen him be involved in wedding planning.  I wouldn't want to include him either.

    It would definitely be to his advantage if she would exclude him at the ceremony. That way the money they save on the fees for a divorce attorney could go to pay off the 17 grand they owe for RSVP cards with no place to RSVP.

    Let Stassi stand in as the groom. Katie seems to have stronger feelings for her than she does for Tom anyway and then Stassi can stop whining about Patrick. Two birds, one stone. 

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